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Monday, May 21, 2012

Pandan Layer Cake 香兰蛋糕

I made this Pandan Layer Cake for Mother's Day celebration on last week. Together with my sisters and brother we pre-booked 8 course dinner at a Chinese restaurant nearby my house..We waited for nearly 1 and 1/2 hours before foods were served, but luckily their foods were good otherwise we will bang their tables, hahaha.. We just learnt a lesson, no more outside foods when Mother's Day celebration in the future..

Pandan Layer Cake

In fact, this was not my 1st time trying this popular Pandan Layer Cake recipe from Angie. I did one when my son Lucas's Birthday. But that pandan layer cake was totally a disaster, i added too many pandan leaf and resulted bitter pandan layer and the chiffon cake that i made was difficult to slice because the texture.
Learnt my lesson, this time i control the amount of pandan leaves and also made a sponge cake from store-bought sponge cake mix. A little bit sweet sponge cake just perfectly match with pandan layer which is less sweet. My family members all enjoyed this cake very much.

Pandan Layer Cake

Have a look for the inside..i am quite please with the result of even layer of cake and pandan layer..

Pandan Layer Cake

Pandan Layer Cake
(Recipe source: pandan jelly recipe adapted from Angie Ng, sponge cake recipe adapted from Felvinc, decoration idea from Wendy)

For the Sponge cake
Pandan Layer Cake 250g sponge cake mix
4 eggs (large)
50g water
80g melted butter + 1tsp vanilla extract

1. Beat sponge cake mix with eggs till well combine.
2. Increase to high speed, slowly add in water and beat for 10mins.
3. Reduce speed to medium and beat for 1min.
4. Reduce speed to low and beat for 3mins.
5. Slowly add in melted butter and vanilla extract. Pour into 8” round cake tin.
6. Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 45mins.
7. Cool the cake on a wire rack. Slice into 3 equal pieces. Also trim off 1cm from the side.

For Pandan jelly layer
600ml coconut milk ( half grated coconut + water)
500ml pandan water ( 10pcs pandan leaves + water)
120g sugar
1/2tsp salt
85g Hoen kwe flour ( Indonesia green pea flour)
10g agar-agar powder ( I use Pearl Mermaid brand)

1. Mix Hoen Kwe flour and jelly powder together, slowly add in pandan water and mix well.
2. Add in coconut milk, sugar and salt, combine well.
3. Cook the mixture with low heat until cook or until the mixture start to have some bubbles and slightly turned thick.
4. Divide pandan jelly into 3 equal portions

To assemble pandan layer cake
1. Wet one 8” round cake tin (removable bottom) with water, do not wipe it dry as to easy remove cake later.
2. Pour in 1st portion of pandan jelly (pour half first ) and place a piece of sponge cake on top (pour the balance). Repeat the rest of jelly and cake.
3. Once completed, store cake in the fridge for several hours or overnight. Inverted the cake (bottom become top) and decorate as desired.


Yummy Bakes said...

Once a upon a time, this was my favourite cake, an old time favorite. Baked like a pro.

Yummy Bakes said...

Once a upon a time, this was my favourite cake, an old time favorite. Baked like a pro.

Unknown said...

Love the cake.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

looks yummy and equally divided the 3 layers, good job sonia

tinyskillet said...

What a beautiful layered cake. Just perfect for a Mother's Day celebration! I couldn't imagine making something so perfect!

Chik Mimi said...

one of my fav cake yummy

Simple Person said...

i love the pandan cake also..
long time i didn't have it ...
sorry that I still have not give you u my MIL recipe on the teochew kuih...
I asked her that day and all the recipe is in her mind ... and she is now busy taking care of her newborn granddaughther ...
once I got it, i send to you ya..

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Very pretty pandan layer cake!I'm really out, I still haven't tried this famous cake b4 but I know that I'm going to love it as I like pandan flavour!

zila norazila said...

hii sonia
look beatiful cake la..yummyy:)

PH said...

Your layering is so neat. Very beautifully done. Do you need to wait for jelly to set first before putting the sponge layer ?

yvonne said...

I simply love pandan layer cake... no icing, no cream, just yummy tasty pandan jelly and sponge cake.

I heard it's quite hard to make, and yours is beautiful~

ann low said...

I love pandan cake and have not made this layer cake for a long time. Your pandan cake looks very pretty decorated and yummy.

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this cake is yummy! the layering is really even, well done Sonia!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this cake is yummy! the layering is really even, well done Sonia!

Sherleen.T said...

long time ago when my family elders were having birthday celebration for my late grandparents, i myself can eat a lot of this pandan layer cake, love the combination of jelly and sponge cake...
i will bookmark this and definitely will bake one some day, this round for my mom...:)

Siew Hwei said...

Pretty Cake with neat layer and nice decoration..:)
i made this cake for my mom as well for the mother's day & Birthday celebration.. :)

Li Shuan said...

This cake looks very nice. The layer also very even. Your family must have enjoyed it very much

Yannie said...

This is one of my favourite cake. It is never easy to bake this such a nice cake.

Yannie said...

This is one of my favourite cake. It is never easy to bake this such a nice cake.

Mel said...

I was about to make this cake too but been delay..... Just wasn't sure whether I can make it perfect. I wish I can have a piece now.

Baking Diary said...

I remembered buying a packet of the hoen kwe flour to make this cake, but till today, I have yet to do so lol! Very lazy when it comes to making difficult cakes. Looking at yours now, I am inspired again, but don't know when going to lift my fingers to make this cake:P Meantime just eat your cake with my eyes:D

My Little Space said...

I want to try this recipe as well. Gosh, just too many things in my mind that I almost forgotten it. haha.... Thanks again. Yours look perfect.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


sean said...


Karen said...

Pandan layer cake is my mom's favourite :) The layer look so even.. yummy cake :)

DG said...

Your pandan layer is so nicely done! Made me tempted to try this :)

DG said...

Your pandan layer is so nicely done! Made me tempted to try this :)

daphne said...

how perfect the cake looks! Mothers day- hopefully next year someone will cook for u instead of lining up outside!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Gorgeous pandan layer cake Sonia~! I love pandan cake, but unfortunately, not so for my kids. Hopefully I will get a chance to bake this someday. ;)

Small Kucing said...

I love pandan layer cake but buy outside always too sweet :(

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Sonia, for the sponge cake step 5:
"Slowly add in melted butter and vanila extract". Do you "fold in" melted butter or just using hand/electronic mixer to mix the butter and batter?
I used the sponge cake mix before but it was failed. There was a "hard layer" was found in the bottom.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...


Your cake look perfect! The surface is so smooth, like hard boiled egg leh. haha

The jelly powder here are you referring to instant jelly powder?

FiSh said...

your layering looks good there :) so awesome!

Latest: Largest Pizza in Town

Little Inbox said...

Love this pandan flavored layer cake.
I used to invite my parents over for Mother's or Father's day. Just want to avoid the crowd. Usually arrange another dinning out later.

Anonymous said...

I’m so glad you shared this recipe with us, I love pandan.

Cheah said...

The cake looks neat and I'm sure it must have tasted very, very good!

Julie said...

Superb cake n yummy color,lovely!!

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Sissi said...

I have seen so many pandan cakes, but never layered. This one looks particularly beautiful and elaborate.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Beautiful! This is one of my favorite cakes.

Ana Regalado said...

Beautifully layered and really looks fantastic ! I'm sure it tastes scrumptious as it looks ! ;D

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Wish i can have a bite of it, hehe...

Mel said...

Sonia, I intend to use your recipe to bake this Pandan Layer Cake. One question, if the cake is 8" and the ring is 8" how do I have the Pandan jelly filled to the sides? It must be slightly loosen on the 8" ring, right? I have one 8" ring pan which can loosen and tighten the ring.

Reeni said...

What a gorgeous cake! You did a great job! I never tasted pandan before but I want to now!

elaine chan said...

What a beautiful and dainty cake. i seconded your comments on the eating out for Mother's day- always crowded and long delay.

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, your pandan cake look lovely and nice layering. Very neat.

I just baked one recently but I use chiffon method type of sponge cake.

P/S Referring your kuih bahulu mould and puteri ayu mould, if it's new you need to season with oil for few days, then wash and rinse dry before you start using for easy removal.

Unknown said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Phong Hong,no, dont need to wait for jelly to set, do jelly and cake all at one go, dont worry, the cake will not sink as the jelly is quite thick.

Cass, I was using stand mixer, and slowly add in melted butter via low speed. Once i take out the mixer bowl, i still use a spatula to lightly mix it as to ensure butter is fully incorporate into batter. I suspected you were under beat the batter. You need to beat until very thick, look white and stable. Follow the speed that i mentioned, you should get a success sponge cake.

Angel, actually is agar-agar powder, i have amended my recipe, check it out.

Mel, sorry, i was in the rush of preparing this recipe yesterday, now i have added more detail steps in the recipe, check it out. Ya, you need to trim off a bit of the sponge cake..Original recipe requires a 9" cake tin,. but i use 8" because i want a taller cake.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Amelia, Thanks for sharing the tips.

Swee San @ the Sweet Spot said...

ah.. i wanna make this one day too.. and the yam one as well lol..

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Sonia, I used agar-agar powder in my recipe too but I find it set very fast. The recipe I have (Agnes chang) use instant jelly powder but since I dont have it I replace with agar-agar powder.

For the top, u just pour the jelly ? Did u spread it? The last time I made my top is not as smooth as urs.

Anonymous said...

such a pretty cake..yummy..thanks for sharing the recipe


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Angel, you need to work immediately after jelly paste is done..actually i was upside down the cake, the bottom become top, then you can have smooth top. Therefore, you need to use a removable cake tin.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I see. I will give a try again.Thanks :)

ogyep yummy mellow said...

I love to have this Pandan Layer Cake direct from fridge.. so yummy.. like d green, very soft green..

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

What a pretty pandan cake Sonia! The green color is either from green tea or pandan leaves. I got to try pandan recipes soon!

lena said...

one of my favourites!! somehow i feel less guilty eating a pandan cake like this!!

Mike said...

Sonia, said divide 3 equal portions of pandan. Then pour 1st portion only 1/2 then sponge cake then 1/2 again then sponge cake? the other 2 portion pour the whole thing then sponge cake? what about the side? in your picture i see the pandan as well. And what did you use to hold the coco nut piece together on the side? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mike, if you check my recipe, you need to trim off 1cm of the cake, so the pandan jelly can be fill up for the side. You don't need anything to hold the desiccated coconut on the side, just slowly pat or tap the desiccated coconut on the side of the cake, and the desiccated coconut will stick on the cake.
Hope this explain.

Annie said...

Hi Sonia, love your cake! Just wondering if I can substitute the pandan leaves with pandan essence to make the pandan water? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Annie, yes you can substitute with pandan essence, but Don't add too much, afraid the strong artificial taste. You might add few drops of green food coloring if the colour look not strong .

ailenglin said...

HI. Any idea where can I get the Hoen kwe flour?

Selbsy said...

Hi Sonia, my cake seems to float up after I finished d last part. M using a 7" sponge cake n 8" tray to assemble the cake. Could it b d 8" tray too big for a 7" cake? Please advise. Many thanks!

ailenglin said...

on the coconut milk, you mentioned half grated coconut+water, is it 250ml each?

Unknown said...

may i noe hw u make d pandan water ?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Annz, just blend pandan leaves with water, then squeeze out the pandan water .

Unknown said...

i make d cake d nw in d fridge.. but i got to say tat d cake layer are floating :(

Anonymous said...


I'm in the UK now, is there an alternative to hoen kwee flour?



Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I would like to make this cake as it is my son's favourite cake...but may I know where do I get the hoon kue flour?

Thanks, Phoebii

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Phoebii, you can easily get Hoen Kwe flour from Jusco and Tesco near the flour section or baking stuff section.

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia,

About the assemble cake. Is that the sponge cake just put on top of the pandan jelly right after the jelly is cooked? Or need to wait till the jelly cool down?

I have been craving for this recipe so long, appreciate you could answer.

Thanks & Regards,

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Joyce, just wait the jelly till slightly cool but not completely cool, then start assembling.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, my pandan paste tasted bitter grass. I think too much pandan leaves I had. I wonder instead of leave we have pandan essence. Isn't it easier to use essence?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anynoumous, yes you can replaced with essence, but it tasted quite artificial. Otherwise make the pandan concentrated juices, so you dont need to add so much of pandan water.

Calven said...

Hi there, just wondering would the jelly "soak" into the cake while layer them? I've tried to pour a layer of jelly on a cake (in a cake pan) but the cake just float and change to the jelly color....

Jessy said...

I tried this recipe and the pandan layer taste good and fragrant. However,the pandan layer is quite soft to handle. Do you face this issue?should i increase and agar-agar powder or hoen kwee flour?

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