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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pumpkin Custard 金瓜粟米燕菜

In the recent missing MH370 flight, let me realized that we have to 活在當下  (appreciate every moments that we have now !! ). Lets us pray for all the passengers on board this flight and have a safe return..

The other day I got a small good looking pumpkin from wet market, the seller told me this pumpkin is planted here but the species is from Taiwan.

Immediately I thought of a pumpkin custard that I seen in Cass @ 揾到食  blog. Since I have some leftover evaporated milk and a can of sweet corn kernels, so I twist the recipe to make use of these two ingredients. The original recipe is using coconut milk and creamy sweet corns.

Pumpkin Custard 金瓜粟米燕菜
*makes one small pumpkin, and 4 small ramekins

1 small pumpkin ~750g
5g agar-agar powder
100g caster sugar
90g sweet corn kernels (from canned sweet corn)
130g evaporated milk

35g sweet corn kernels


  1. Wash and dry pumpkin. Cut a "lid" in the top, slice off the seedy part, so that you're left with a clean lid or hat. Set aside.
  2. Scoop out the seeds and "guts" of the pumpkin. Save seeds to roast, or discard.
  3. Steam pumpkin over hot boiling water for 30mins. Once done, discard excess water and set aside to cool.
  4. At the same time, blend sweet corn kernels (90g) with evaporated milk till fine.
  5. Add blended corn and milk, sugar and agar-agar powder in a saucepan, cook over medium heat and stir all the time till sugar and agar-agar powder dissolved.
  6. Pour or ladle the custard mixture into the pumpkin (if you have leftover, pour into small containers). Add some sweet corn kernel into mixture. Refrigerate until cool before slice it to serve.
Recipe adapted from Cass blog with some changes


Elin Chia said...

Sonia...this is great for our hot weather. Thanks for sharing...:) I love it and I like the small pumpkin too. I just made one with baked rice in it and now seeing this dessert, I want to make it too ! I can imagine how good this will be :)

Victoria Bakes said...

very petite dessert and something to impress my guests for sure

Mel said...

Just had my lunch not long ago and was craving for some dessert...if only I can have some of your sweet pumpkin custard for dessert that would be perfect!

Small Kucing said...

Sounds great.

Btw..saw the mention of roast pumpkin seed.how to go about it? Just wash and put into the oven?

Baking Diary said...

I have always wanted to buy a whole pumpkin but do not know what to do with so much pumpkin. next time, I'll give this a try!:DLooks so delicious!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

SK, ya, wash and pat dry, put some salt, spread evenly on a baking tray, bake in the oven (maybe 150c) until cooked ( stir from time to time for even browning).

PH said...

Sonia, this is a very nice dessert. Nowadays with water rationing I very frust when no water during weekend. When I cannot bake that time, I feel like drug addict gian for drugs hah...hah....

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Anonymous said...

Wow Sonia, looks like u can read wat i hv in my kitchen too. Juz rite tat i hv a pumpkin, can of corn n leftover evaporated milk too! Thx for the recipe! Btw, do u tink i can steam the pumpkin with the mixture so that the pumpkin tadte can go into the mixture? Juz like the thai pumpkin kaya? Regards, Alicia

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The weather is so hot, nice dessert...

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Alicia, i am not sure, i think you still need to cook the agar agar mixture first then only pour into pumpkin,then steam together. Let me know the result if you try this method ya.

Unknown said...

Looks very delicious

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...

looks fresh

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

非常赞的甜品, 我也想要动手很久了, 看到你也做了, 我实在有些动心了!

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , so sad about that missing plane ....On a lighter note , your steamed custard-filled pumpkin looks fantastic ! A wholesome and refreshing dessert during hot days :)

Lite Home Bake said...

This looks very pretty and delicious! Just the right thing for the hot weather :)

Baby Sumo said...

This looks so pretty Sonia. I had a Thai version before and it looks pretty similar to this.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...


Esther Lau said...

Lovely and healthy dessert! one slice for me please :)

nandoos kitchen said...

Lovely dessert. going to try this soon. Thanks for sharing such a delicious dessert

Angie's Recipes said...

This is a lovely dessert, Sonia.

Tracy Low said...


Yummy Bakes said...

Great dessert for this hot weather.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...


Helena @ Best Bread Machine Reviews said...

I don't know what to say Sonia! You continue to impress me with all kinds of food. I only wish you are my neighbor or you are my mom! lol. I so enjoy coming here and learn all kinds of food. I absolutely love this Custard!

小食代 said...

Everyone must have faith for the flight incident.

I am still waiting for my little sister to cook this lovely pumpkin for me~~lala

Li Shuan said...


chow and chatter said...

what a cool recipe and great way to serve it and praying for the missing flight

柠檬叶 said...


CQUEK said...

Yum! Looks absolutely scrumptious. And, as always your photos make the food look so tempting.

lena said...

hmm..this is a special dessert made out of pumpkin..i believe that it tastes very nice as well!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Praying for those passengers too...

I think I've seen these small pumpkin before (was it in Taiwan, since you mentioned? or in Asian market here in the US?). I'd love to taste this creamy pumpkin custard!

Unknown said...

This looks refreshing, perfect for the hot weather these days.

mui mui said...

I love pumpkin. This dessert looks very attractive and I bet sure ho chiak :D

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