
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Switzerland, Luzern/ Mt.Titlis, Part 5

We took train from Luzern to Engelberg ( a small town down the Mt.Titlis). From Engelberg, we took bus, gondola, cable car and last Rotair(The Titlis Rotair - the world's first revolving cable car) to reach the summit of 10,000ft. Approx. total journey from Luzern train station to Mt.Titlis was about 2hours. So advised to go early in the morning and check weather condition before go.

1) On the way to Engelberg from Luzern by train

2) At the Engelberg
3) Cable car & Rotair to the summit
3) At the summit ( temp: -14c)


  1. Your blog makes me very sad because I can't go there ! But , I am happy for you because you could make it !

  2. Please make some amendment on your blog about what had you seen on the way to a place.

    What usually people did over there ? Such as any ski equipment shop for the tourists to rent ?

    What do you recommend to see and how to get there ?

  3. 哇....三月天那里还是白茫茫的一片雪景,不知你有没有去滑雪?好玩吗?我只看过雪没滑过雪,真想有机会试一试....这一组的相片我都好喜欢,你的技术也越来越棒了,拍得好像postcard一样!

  4. Bakeling, no time to write so much lah,furthermore am not an expert to write travel things...Whoever wanted to know more, can just drop me an email...
    I'm sure will help you to plan a good trip if one day you are going to this place, ok....

  5. Nancy, not really due to my technique of getting good shot, just with additional of Picasa tool to enhance those pictures.

  6. Nancy, I just sight seeing only. Since this is my first time, never think of ice skating. If I got chance to go second time, sure I will do that.

  7. The scenery is really amazing! You will probably enjoy skiing there, I know I will! To ski in Switzerland, its like one of those rich guy vacation.

    Btw, Picasa seems to have served you well! Good job!

  8. bake


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