
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hutan Lipur Lentang, random shots

Since I ever became blogger, I enjoy taking pictures, these are some random shots during the short trip to Hutan Lipur Lentang.

- managed to catch this scene with two pretty ladies who relaxing on the rock...

- morning sun in the forest

- since became blogger, anything can become my model, even this dried leaf, hehehe...

-on the way back, we discovered this nice Condominium which situated on the hill ...

- this view was very awesome, whole row of pine trees ( not sure whether or I name it correctly)surrounded the condominium. ...


  1. waw!! very nice capture!!
    i like the 3rd photo( the hutan 1 ) well done!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. yeah,nice shot! i like the photo with leaves 1~
    Keep it up ^^

  4. two pretty ladies who relaxing on the rock... hahaha... I know you dont type this intentionally, but this sounds really funny to me! Hehe... I think you are right! since I started my blogs, I like taking photos too!

  5. 风景很不错呢^^

  6. 我只能说,看到你的这些照片,你的生活很写意啊!

    继续keep 住“写意生活”吧,但也别忘了“美味佳肴”啊 !

  7. Hi all, Thanks for drop by and glad to know that your like these photos. For me, all photos I also like since I took that, hehehe..

    Bakeling, of course, I will not forget 美味佳肴, today I'm doing a big project, will post soon..

  8. 写BLOG后相机便成了我们的随身物了...总希望把我们看到美美的景色和美食介绍给网友...你的技术真的越来越棒了!真的要归功于写BLOG...

  9. Hi, 1st time drop by!! Got to know your blog from Nancy Mom....Me from Klang too!!

    I started to take more photo after I got my baby boy..:-)

    Love the photo you take..where is this Hutan ya?

  10. Great photos, Sonia!

    I like the 2nd and 3rd shots! Well done!

    Ya, blogging has been fueling my photography passion too. A very good channel to practice and learn.

  11. Nancy,is true, my husband even said I know better the camera functions than him, hahaha..

    The little price , Thanks for drop by, and glad to know you also from Klang. You may refer the Hutal Lipur Lentang link here -

    Colin, Thank you, since became blogger, my life is full of fun...


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