
Monday, July 20, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank You !!

I would like to thanks 温馨小厨 and Cooking Crave for giving me this Kreativ Blogger Award. This is the first award I got since I started blogging..Thank you so much..

The Kreativ Blogger Award comes with some rules:

1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated

I would like to share my 7 facts about myself :
  1. I love to eat Nasi Lemak and all spicy foods.
  2. I love to eat good long is good food..
  3. I start to love baking now..
  4. I love to read and collect recipe books and food magazine.
  5. I enjoy travel and love to try out good food when I travel..
  6. I like home interiors, kitchenwares, fashion and beauty..
  7. And I enjoy blogging..

The next seven 'Kreativ Blogger' holders would be..

  1. Mia, touching by her love story and creative dishes..
  2. Bakeling, a very informative and interesting blog, I learn a lot from her blog.
  3. Nancy Mommy, when I run out of idea what to cook, I will first look recipe in her blog, her recipe is simple, easy to follow and delicious.
  4. Colin, impressed with his awesome photos collection.
  5. think:tank - she is a very talented young girl...
  6. J.O- I enjoy reading her post as she speak loud and clear...she so called 老娘..
  7. 星厨房- impressed with her baking skill...


  1. Thank u Sonia
    I am very happy to receive this award


  2. Thank you Sonia for the award! I really appreciate it!

    Within a year, you have become quite big in the bloggers world! Enjoy your blog as always!

  3. Sonia, 谢谢你颁了这个奖给我!

  4. 恭喜你!你的blog越来越棒!

  5. Sonia...谢谢你给我的award...实在是太感动了..只不过,要写很多东西才能放上这个award,我最近比较忙,儿子又回来度假,没时间写喔!看来我要让给别人这个award咯...哈哈...

  6. Nasi Lemak Lover,不要吃太多椰浆饭,对身体不大好。
    虽然我本身也是无nasi lemak不欢的人,现在也开始节制一点了。


  7. 维雄, Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your advise. Ya, is true, eat too much of nasi lemak is not so healthy, I know, so I have started to control 1 pkt of nasi lemak for once a week, no more no less, hahaha. I have included your blog in my blog list.

  8. Nancy, can not give to other people ler, you deserve for it, just copy the award logo first and later got time then only write the details.

  9. Sonia,谢谢你的厚爱,我也把香喷喷的Nasi Lemak放在我的blogroll中。

    迟些给你介绍我从小吃到大的Nasi Lemak。


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