
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Watermelon pork ribs (with recipe)

This dish is one of dish that I must ordered when we take meals in one of the Chinese restaurant in Klang. Tried few times in this restaurant, as usual (the actually reason is when I run out of idea what to cook for dinner), I tried to cook the same dish at home, kids gave me thumbs up..
Actually there was no watermelon added in this dish, the watermelon just for decoration only. Anyway, after you have a bite of pork rib, and follow by a bite of watermelon, the taste is sweet and refreshing...

Recipe to share:-

Marinate pork ribs with:-

-Light soy sauce




-Chinese wine

-Corn starch/Tapioca flour

-Dark soy sauce (for coloring purposes)

Special Sauce (mix together):-

- Japanese Mirin

- Teriyaki Marinate sauce

- Sour Plum sauce

- Water ( or replace with watermelon juices)


  1. Coat marinated pork ribs with rice flour and deep fried till golden brown.
  2. Heat oil in a wok, sauté chopped garlic, add in special sauce and followed by fried pork ribs.
  3. Quick mix well and dish out.


  1. Nice new template! Simple and nice!

    I have never had this watermelon pork ribs, sure sound interesting to have a bite of pork rib and then a bite of watermelon. I'm trying to imagine the taste and I'm drooling.

    Try to cook it and share the recipe...hehehe...

  2. This watermelon pork ribs look pretty nice, do u mind to share the recipe? ^_^

  3. I never heard of watermelon pork ribs, was wondering how it tasted like until you said no watermelon is cooked in this dish. :P Haha... Nevertheless, your pork ribs look so delicious.

  4. Colin, I like this new template as well, simple and clear format. This was cooked few weeks back, as usual, I will share the ingrediants but no measurements lor.

    Rachel, actually no watermelon added in, is kind of sweet and sour pork rib, but I mixed using diff kind of sauces, will share recipe later, and no measurements will be given, but I'm sure you as a great cook, sure no problem for you to follow.

    LCOM, next time, I really want to add in wintermelon, and will see how it will taste and share recipe later.

  5. 这张照片拍得真棒!好赞哦!

  6. Going back to the beige again , that's your favourite colour.


    If you can tell me whether the Pai gu is cooked with go hiang or lemon honey ?

  7. Felvinc, Thanks for the compliment.

    Bakeling, thats are too normal, I invented new sauce, something special, hehehe, will provide recipe short while.

  8. By looking at the sauces you used , I think it is a marvelous pai gu !

    I like the way you mixed your new sauces and created a new recipe ! Welldone !

  9. Sonia, when you commented on my BBQ ribs, I did not recognize your name, very pretty name =). Your watermelon ribs look delicious too! I love the idea of taking a bit of rib meat then a bite of watermelon. YUM!

  10. Bakeling, can you try out my recipe, I want to know how it taste if cook by someone else..

    Shandy, sorry, for the confusion, when i first created the blog, just thinking not to write my actual since I still new to blogging. But now I feel more comfortable and knew a lot bloggers, so I think now is the right time to show my actual name.


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