
Friday, April 30, 2010

Steamed moist chocolate cake_simply good !!

Before I started blogging, I only know how to bake butter cake, but now I have learned to bake so many type of cakes from other bloggers. I like this kind of truly sharing and exchange opinions via blogging, I learn from you and you learn from me..never ending learning..

This is a cake that I learnt from other blogger, do not need a mixer and oven, very moist and soft chocolate cake, simply good !!

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Recipe adapted from Jane's corner, original recipe from Cooking Crave, Thanks so much to these two talented ladies !!

Steamed moist chocolate cake
(printable recipe)
(A) 180 g butter, 160g caster sugar, 200 g full cream evaporated milk, 1/2tsp vanilla extract & 2tbsp of rum (optional)

(B) 2 eggs, slightly beaten with fork.

(C) 100 g plain flour, 50 g cocoa powder, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda.

1. Combine (A) in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved and butter is melted, turn off the fire and keep warm.
2. Add (B) into (1) and stir till well mix.
3. Sift (C) into a large mixing bowl, then pour the eggs mixture (2) over the flour and stir till well mix (cake batter should be runny).
4. Heat up the steamer.
5. Lined 8 inch round baking pan.
6. Pour the batter into the lined pan and place the pan into the steamer.
7. Cover the top of the pan loosely with a piece of aluminium foil.
8. Steam over medium heat for 45 mins.
9. Cool the cake in pan before turning out for further decoration.


Happy Baking !!
Happy Weekend and Happy Labour day !!


  1. wow You are a genius! Love this steamed chocolate does so much more moist!

  2. 看到巧克力我马上冲过来~~

  3. I love steamed chocolate cakes too...can't go wrong with it! Very delicious too! Now I prefer to steam rather than bake chocolate cakes:D

  4. Nice! Looks moist and spongy! I want to bookmark this ;))

  5. I'm looking out for more steamed cake recipes, so really good to know of this recipe. Thanks for sharing, Sonia!

  6. I'm zero in baking Sonia...just started the passion actually, hehe. I agree with U that there are so many good-hearted bloggers who willing to share their recipes/tips/tricks with others, and that's including U. ;)

    This steamed cake looks absolutely heaven! Yummm...

  7. I've learned so much since I started blogging too...I've never tried a steamed caked, but it looks moist and delicious.

  8. oooh.lovely, looks super soft and moist.

  9. I completely agree with Love2cook. you rock!

  10. 这蛋糕真的很moist。做下午茶点心最适合了。

  11. Yeah, life should never ending learning!
    Hey, looks nice, sure very yummy.

  12. Sonia, this is a piece of cake to die for! The chocolate looks so intense. Can I substitute evaporated with fresh milk?

  13. This cake looks so soft and smooth.. Nice one!

  14. This is lovely Sonia. I had bookmark this recipe long time ago, but haven't got a chance try this out.. haha..

  15. Sonia, you know I have bookmarked this recipe for a long time! Looks like you steamed it before I did....lovely!

  16. I made steamed cake before but not chocolate cake! good idea!

  17. Sonia, try grating some cheddar cheese on top of it and steam together.. it's nice!

  18. Wow.. cake looks so soft and smooth..nice click

  19. Hi, I suppose steam cake must be very soft and moist. Your cake looks really good! I must experience it some day. Thanks!

  20. It's true, take and give back.
    Only that seems fair :)

    And you have definately gone quite far in baking.
    Thumbs up!!!

  21. lovely! the texture is looking super moist! gotta make this steam cake. thanks for sharing :)

  22. I have not try doing steam chocolate cake b4...

  23. I've made a lot of steamed puddings but have never made a chocolate one. This looks really good!

  24. What a lovely simple recipe, Sonia. Your cake looks beautiful and I find it impossible to resist chocolate. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  25. Simply delicious looking! I bet your family have benefited a lot since you start blogging and baking. Good for you and good for them!

  26. Looks soft and delicious! I love steamed cake texture, very good.

  27. steamed moist delicious..wish to get a piece ...lovely picture..

  28. Great recipe..such a decadent cake,that too steamed..

  29. your cake texture look like honey bee cake,right? love the moist choc color.. I rarely steam cake coz one one will eat:( I really salut you:)

  30. Oh, wow! I haven't tried a steamed chocolate cake before and yours looks wonderfully moist. Thanks for sharing this!

  31. Oh I want to eat this right now!!!! Of course the photos are wonderful as usual!!! I am so hungry right now!

  32. My oven is not very reliable so steaming seems like a very good idea. The cake looks so moist and delicious!

  33. I have not made a steamed chocolate cake. Yours looks moist and very delicious.

  34. the cake looks soft and spongy, yummy.

  35. 我不吃巧克力的人都觉得好棒哦~

  36. Sonia..I have tried this out some time back and truly it was a moist chocolate cake. You hve done a great job :))

  37. looks really good! I like the idea that it's steamed ... it looks super moist ^^

  38. Looks so good! I would love to try this, I am bookmarking this recipe; I have never steamed a cake before but it would be nice to get rid of my dependency on my (bad)oven!

  39. Steamed choc cake is one of the earlier cakes I made! Have to make this again!

  40. Imagine I have not made a steamed cake yet but I do love eating them. This one looks super moist and delicious.

  41. Have never tried making a steamed cake before, guess must try one of these days. Yours look good, soft, moist and spongy!

  42. I love steamed cake. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  43. How interesting. I've never steamed a cake. Looks delicious!

  44. This steam choc cake looks good. Must try out this one day.

  45. do you need to grease the cake pan?

  46. I will tell my friend JL who doesn't have an oven but like to eat cakes

  47. Dear all, Thanks for your lovely words, do try out this recipe, good one!

    Tracie, I think you can substitute evaporated with fresh milk, you try out and let me know.

    Yummy, you need to line the side and bottom of cake pan with parchment paper.

  48. Sonia
    i try this one before
    is very nice
    i reduce the sugar because too sweet for me
    the 2nd time i did but the cake came ugly
    because the water went in the cake
    so is cook the cake not steam the cake

  49. I bake a similar cake yesterday very moist cake
    I like ur step (3) pour the mixture over the flour. Will try doin that next time.

  50. I tried this twice, using muffin cups...and they turn out MMMmmm....yummy!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  51. i tried your receipe but reduce the sugar by 50gms, everyone likes it. My friends have been asking about the receipe, my husband request for another bake since all been eaten. i never thought baking a chocolate cake is such an easy task, thanks....

  52. this looks great, a change to baking- steaming! :)

  53. My family members love this moist chocolate so much especially my 2 little god daughters who simply could finished any amount of cake given to them. One problem I encountered with this steamed cake is the top of the cake always cracked open, why???

  54. Hi Sonia, I baked this today. Everything turned out well. But I have one question : the top of my cake is rough like small honeycomb. Is this supposed to be like this or did I do anything wrong? May I also know does this cake rise to very high? Mine doesn't seem to be so don't know is it correct.

    Thanks for your help!

  55. Hi Sonia, I tried this cake again.....and the top of the cake still has the "honeycomb" effect. You think water droplets may have gone onto the cake when steaming? But I did cover the cake with aluminium I cover with a plate? I took picture of it and would like to show you....where do I download it to to? can you please help me out? Thanks!

  56. Teo Ai Li , I think it is normal when the top look like honeycomb , you can see my picture also has the same effect . I have so long didn't attempt this recipe, can't remember much thought.

  57. Thanks, Sonia! Will try to put a tent foil over the cake and see how. Appreciate your reply


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