
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Chicken Floss Chiffon Layered Cake 青葱肉丝蛋糕

I have made this chiffon layered cake few times and also recorded this recipe at my IG account. This cake tasted savoury and sweet, no weird taste but instead very nice and spongy. I like to have few slices for breakfast with a cup of hot coffee, yum yum ....

When the first few times i baked this cake, i found the cake shrunk quite a lot. So i decided to upside down the cake, and this problem is resolved. Also you have to immediately remove cake from cake pan and also remove all baking paper once took out from the oven .

Spread with a lot of mayonnaise, yum yum!

Easy recipe but great taste!

Chicken Floss Chiffon Layered Cake 青葱肉丝蛋糕
For a 9"x9" square pan or 10”x10” square pan or any size which is suitable

3 egg yolks
10g caster sugar
45g milk
30g vegetable oil
60g low protein flour or cake flour
15g corn flour

3 egg white
30g caster sugar
3-4 tbsp chicken floss
Some spring onion for garnishing
some mayonnaise

1.      Beat egg yolks with sugar. Add in oil and milk followed by flour and mix until a smooth.2.
2.      In a grease-free bowl, beat egg white until frothy. Add in sugar in three batches. Beat until closed to stiff peak.
3.      Fold the egg white mixture into yolk batter in three portions, doing it very gently and slowly taking care not to deflate the egg white.
4.      Pour the batter into baking pan that lined with paper and using a plastic scrapper, smooth the batter.
5.      Sprinkle chicken floss and spring onion on top of the cake.
6.      Bake at a pre-heated oven at 180C for 12 - 15 minutes.
7.      Once done, holding onto the baking paper, pull the cake out of the pan onto a cooling rack immediately. Peel away the baking paper and immediately invert the cake on the cooling rack as to minimize shrinkage.
8.      When cake has completely cooled down, cut the cake into half. Spread / sandwich cake with mayo and more chicken floss if you wish. Cut into small pieces and served.

Recipe adapted from Jane’s corner, with minor changes

I'm joining Best Recipes for Everyone ~ BREE#10
June 2015 Event: Secret of Chiffon & Roll Cake 
Organized & hosted by Fion of Xuan Hom's Mom Kitchen Diary


  1. Oh this will be my next target! Thanks Sonia :)

  2. 咸蛋糕~我喜欢!!我可以吃很多片~嘻嘻!

  3. Wow! You are so creative making that cake. Never thought I can make a chiffon cake like that. I'm sure it'll taste good. I will definitely have to try this recipe when I have time. Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. 这样的配合一定很好吃!

  5. you very creative make a cake

  6. I've bought a pack of chicken floss,so this recipes sound great
    Thanks for sharing

  7. Normally, you can find this at pasar malam but homemade is much better. Yours look incredibly delicious. Wish I can have some too. Yummm....
    Blessings, Kristy

  8. I haven't had chicken/pork floss bread for quiet sometime :P Your cake certainly looks pretty yummy !

  9. Just tried! Easy and yummy recipe. Thanks Sonia. Thanks Jane's corner.

  10. Just tried! Easy and yummy recipe. Thanks Sonia. Thanks Jane's corner.

  11. Just ried yesterday thanks for your recipe very nice, but my cake shrunk even though I upside down the cake :-(

  12. Hi.. May i ask if i use gluten free cake flour would it work for this recipe? Thq.. 😊

  13. Hi Sonia, If the cake is inverted, will the floss fall off the top?

  14. Ling, yes it will have some fall off, try to lightly press the chicken floss on the batter.


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