
Monday, September 7, 2009

Lemon chiffon, Passion fruit chiffon_Not my cup of tea !!!

I did not post any chiffon recently, if you think that I have stop baking chiffon, then you were wrong. Actually I still continue baking chiffon, baked chocolate marble chiffon for my sister and kids who love this chiffon very much, pandan chiffon for my daughter's birthday cake, and I also tried Lemon, Passion Fruit and new flavour ( keep it secret first, will announce it when I successfully done this)..Anyway, I will not bake Lemon chiffon and Passion Fruit chiffon again, too plain, just sour taste...not nice..

-Lemon Chiffon

-Passion fruit chiffon (using mobile phone to take this photo). This chiffon is better than lemon chiffon, got little bit of passion fruit flavour..unlike lemon chiffon, just plain and sour, not nice..

Recipe- use any basic chiffon recipe, replace the flavour ingredients to lemon juice or passion fruit juice.

**My old camera having problem, need to send for repair (hopefully they said can't repair, so I got an excuses to buy a new one, hehehe). For time being, I can either use my mobile phone to take picture ( but I don't really like to do this nowadays, I feel sorry to my blogger friends when you see this kind of poor quality of pictures) or look for old pictures that have not post it..So you will expect less posts from me from now onwards..


  1. I think this Chiffon is extremely versatile :) Also good shot too!

  2. It is always a good try for a new recipe .
    I wonder what is the new taste of your secret chiffon cake ?

  3. 做過幾次檸檬口味的無蛋蛋糕,不是檸檬汁放太多,不然就是檸檬味道太淡,終於在上週做出成品。看來我們是有志一同喔!都喜歡檸檬。

  4. The photo taken by handphone looks good.(don't worry). eagerly waiting for your new recipe (wish you success in advance). ^_^

  5. Anncoo,diff people have diff taste bud, some people might like sour taste of chiffon, but not for my family..

    Bakeling, 1st attempted failed, still find time to try 2nd time.

    smaarthousewife, sorry for my poor English, actually what i mean was my family dont like lemon chiffon and passion fruit chiffon. anyway I will try your cake w/o eggs soon..

    HS Kitchen and hobby, hopefully I will success..

  6. You're the Chiffon cake expert now! Your Chiffon cakes looks so nice all the time.

    Your secret flavor Chiffon cake...hmmm...does it start with "P"?

    It's time to buy a new camera, might be cheaper to buy a new one than to keep repairing right? Must get one before your HK trip!

  7. Colin, I wish I can get a new one before my HKG trp, but somehow...

  8. Not my cup of tea?!你是从广东话翻译来吗?好有趣!我喜欢酸酸甜甜的食品,不过除了柠檬,因为我觉得它的味道好像洗碗液。☺

  9. your photos are still nice :)
    oO... something new to me... lemon and passion fruit flavour are new to me. u love experimenting on flavours :) i will normally stick to one safe flavor only. else, they won't be anyone willing to finish it up in my house.

    when is ur HK trip? nice!!!

  10. Canary, 像洗碗液, so terrible huh...

    Ai Wei, ya, I love to challenge with new flavours, so life will full of surprise, not so boring lor..

  11. oh... is there anyway to counteract with the sourness from the lemon eg add more sugar or just use lemon peel/rind instead of the juice? Dont get fed up with the quality of your photo... I will still be your no 1 fan~ hahaha

  12. Mia, your suggestion look workable, anyway, my family members except Lucas doesn't like sour bakery, so no internal customer to eat this type of cakes, how to bake again ler..Thanks for your support..

  13. I was thinking to try the lemon chiffon this week, after reading your post, i think i got to think twice before bake it, because my husband and daughter don't really like something that taste sour...

  14. I haven't tried the Lemon chiffon yet, but I love chocolate marble chiffon as well. :)

  15. Hi Sonia, Can see that your baking skills has improve alot!! Good, great work!! btw, send my regards to Jeslyn and wish her all the best for her UPSR!! God bless!

  16. Rachel, no harm to give a try, at least you will know whether you like it or not, let you know after you try it.

    Asian Traveler, Thanks for dropped by, we love chocolate marble chiffon.

    Annie, Thank you.

  17. you have been tag, please come to my blog.....

  18. Haha, you're so funny abt how unsatisfied you are on the lemon chiffon. I like this post no matter what since you've shared the truth. :D

  19. Twister, Thanks.

    Petite, hahaha, I'm this type of person, nothing to be hide..

  20. 很抱歉,因為看到前面檸檬戚風蛋糕的字樣,不求甚解,又漏掉『not』重要的字,所以誤解了。

  21. 做么讲到柠檬戚风这样不好吃,这戚风好吃好吃!你做的柠檬戚风一定也很好吃!不然下次做一个给我吃啦!

  22. smarthousewife, no problem.

    Felvinc, I think even add more sugar, we will not like the taste also, maybe you should give a try, see u will like it or not..hohoho..


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