
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mandarin orange peel chicken 陈皮鸡块

This is one of the dish that I learnt when I attended the cooking demo the other day, using the preserved Mandarin orange peel, simple dish with sweet, sour and salty taste.But I feel this dish is not suitable to serve with rice, suitable to serve during party time or with a glass of beer...

Simple recipe to share:-

1) Cut boneless chicken drumstick into small pieces and marinate with chopped garlic, soy sauce, white pepper, dark soy sauce (for colouring purposes), egg and tapioca/corn flour for 30 mins. Deep fry chicken pieces ( coat with rice flour) and set aside.

2) Heat oil in a wok, add in the sauce (water, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar and fish sauce) and preserved Mandarain orange peel (shredded) .

3) Add in the fried chicken pieces, red chili (chopped) and mix well.

4) Dish out and serve hot.

Do enjoy cooking !!!


  1. 哇!陈皮鸡还没吃过,不过我喜欢吃鸡肉,所以任何的煮法我都不会错过。

  2. WOW! I would like to try this. Our kids will definitely love it! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. 很棒的分享...我最近都不知道要煮什么好咯!

  4. wow!! with a glass of beer? hahaha... thank you for your recommendation but this is something that I will definitely try... you know why? because i think alex will enjoy this dish very much... cant have it with rice at all? cause we cant have beer... i am allergic to alcohol...

  5. Canary, Anncoo, try it out, not bad wor.

    Nancy, ya lor, sometime I also dont know what to cook for dinner, and I will browse your blog to steal some idea. I just add 陈皮鸡块 in the blog title, this is a suitable name.

    Mia, Not can't have rice at all, just my opinion, because I feel this sweet taste chicken not so suitable take together with rice. Anyway, you can try with rice, see you like it or not. If not beer, I think you can take with wine as well, hehehe..

  6. 很新鲜的一道菜肴。我从来没吃过陈皮鸡,一定要试做一次。

  7. 连 Titbits 也可以上菜?好主意 !我也没吃过 !

  8. I will definitely try this dish out once I get some of the preserved orange peel.

  9. What a strange combination ? How does it taste , sweet salty or tangy..... I love beer !

  10. Wow, looks great! This is definitely a dish to try. I need to buy the preserved orange peel first too. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I haven't seen that packet in ages! I used to eat a lot when I was a kid. Would love to try this, looks and sounds really delicious!

  12. Looks simple and nice! Good finger food! With a glass of beer huh? Well, my wife and I are both allergic to no can't wine too... 唉...

  13. your orange chicken look good,tangy sweet!! I like mine chicken crispy!! Lucky you attend cooking demo,sini habuk pun tak adak!!

  14. Cherry, try it out.

    Bakeling, ya lor, my 1st time use Titbits to cook a dish..

    Palidor, Thanks.

    Icook4fun & LCOM, quickly buy and quickly cook, you will like it.

    A fulltime housefly, sweet, sour and salty taste, you can drink beer, quickly cook this, you will like it.

    pigpigcorner, ya, this is old timer Titbits ..

    Colin, surprise for a guy like you allergic to alcohol, anyway, it is good not to take these. I just said it best to eat with beer, actually I dont really take beer too. But little red wine, is ok for me.

    Beachlover, ya lor, I ate and learnt few dishes from the cooking demo..somemore it was free, hehehe..

  15. 这很棒!一定很好吃!Sonia,你越来越厉害咯!

  16. Cool! I've got all the ingredients, just need to find time to cook this!


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