
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Japanese Mayonnaise Potato Salad

This is the potato salad that I prepared for the Salmon meal. A very simple salad but very delicious, my family members all love it so much. We like to order this potato salad when we take meal in Japanese restaurant.

I was referring to Terri's recipe, but make little changes, and I don't have the exact proportions, but I know you are familiar in preparing this kind of salad, pandai-pandai agak lar...


Russet potatoes

Carrot (thin and small slices, rinse in hot water)

Japanese cucumber (thin and small slices)

Apple (small cubes)


Japanese Mayonnaise

Salt and Black pepper


1. Boil potatoes in hot water. Drain and mash.

2. Mix apple, carrot, and cucumber with mash potato, add Japanese mayo,season with salt and black pepper.

3. Last, add few drops of lemon juice. Chill well before serving.

Do enjoy preparing Salad !!!


  1. it looks so yummy & i am sure taste good as well.will try to do it one day. thx

  2. oh..i am the first and 2nd as well, so left one more plate c who is the nx lucky fella to grab it. hahahaa

  3. When I saw the photo I thought it was ice kacang, then I read the title, ha! Silly mistake.

    This salad looks very tasty! I have never try this before. I "MUST" try it now after reading your post!

  4. SuLianmummy, hahaha, you have grabbed two plates of it, try it, you will like it.

    Colin, Hahaha, you must miss ice kacang a lot..can't find in Texas right?

  5. This is potato salad looks so beautiful and appetizing too!

  6. What a refreshing potato salad Sonia ! I would love to try this, only I would have to substitute some of the ingredients... this might seem obvious,... but is there any alternative to the japanese mayo ? Like can I spike regular mayo with something else... to get it tasting Japanesey ? : )

  7. Anncoo, Thanks.

    Nat, ya, I think you could subsitute by other mayo that you could easily found at your place, but dont think the taste would be the same, this recipe must have that Japanese mayo..

  8. I too thought it was ice kacang, hence the double pronto speed I logged on to your blog!! hahaha

    But nevertheless not disappointed to find its a potatoe salad! Looks very D.E.L.I.S.H.!!!

    Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  9. 我也常这样弄.空嘴吃或是夹面包都很好吃!

  10. yummy, yummy...thnak you for sharing ah....

  11. looik creamy!! bet it's must taste good too! now you remind me to make potato salad! I still have a big bag of Idaho potato sitting around...I better use it b4 the pucuk pucuk growing and growing! haha!

  12. Oh, I must try this salad one day. Looks really nice & interesting with apples inside. Sure goes well with something grilled, pan fried or bbq.

  13. Mmmm, that looks great! I've seen Japanese mayo in Asian stores, but I didn't think to try it. And I'm not sure why because I had that stuff on some of my meals in Tokyo and it's really good. I'll have to get some and give it a go!

  14. I don't think I've had this kind of potato salad before - I'll have to try it out but I need to find japanese mayonaise first, I think

  15. Ooohhhhh... this is my family's favourite , we will order this as a starter whenever we eat at Japanese restaurant , we are Japanese Food Fans.

  16. I never have Japanese potato salad before, looks good. I like the addition of Japanese cucumber, hmmm is it pickle cucumber?

  17. I like mine with Japanese Mayo too! But I don't mash, just dice them and add bacon bits. Will try your version one day.

  18. Emily, huh, you also wrongly see as Ice kacang..hahaha..

    Felvinc, try it out.

    Nancy, next time I will try to eat together with bread.

    zeesiew, No problem.

    my asian kitchen, dont eat those potato with pucuk,,,

    Petite, ya, this is best to goes with grilled or BBQ..

  19. Palidor, quickly try this.

    Taste traveller, yes, first you need to get Japanese mayo..

    A full time housefly, we too.

    LCOM, no, I use fresh cucumber, thought it is better than pickle one.

    Blessed homemaker, next time I will try your way.

  20. wow, good recipe, simple & easy to prepare. will try it...

  21. Chilled potato salad in a hot day like this , I think it must be very enjoyable !

  22. my little things corner, quickly try it.

    bakeling, best to accompany with BBQ and grilled foods too.

  23. 這道沙拉很美味,做三明治一定很棒。

  24. sonia,thanks for sharing the recipe! my nieces like this Japanese Mayonnaise Potato Salad
    so much!


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