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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Apam Beras (steamed rice cup cakes) 蒸米糕

When i saw Joceline shared this Apam Beras which is quick and straight forward method and don't need to wait for few days for fermentation (use rice wine yeast balls). I immediately bookmarked to make it for Ching Ming day.  But i have to make sure i have rice to keep it overnight so i cooked more rice the day before ^_^.

I did made a similar recipe using same overnight rice method earlier. As for this new recipe, the result was satisfied, this cake has slight QQ texture and mild rice aroma.

Make sure you fill the batter till full ( to the ring) then you can have smiling face of cake (cracked effected) . Some i filled too full and resulted like a mushroom shape of cake , LOL. But i noticed only one cup cake which i didn't fill till full but still cracked.

I don't have enough of tea cups, so use these small metal cups to steam this cake, it has the same nicely cracked and also easy to remove from the cups.

Apam Beras (steamed rice cup cakes) 蒸米糕

125g overnight cooked white rice
250g water

150g rice flour
50g plain flour
100g caster sugar
5g instant yeast (1tsp + 1/8tsp)

Small tea cups

  1. Blend rice with water till fine paste, set aside.
  2. Mix rice flour, plain flour, sugar and instant yeast in a mixing bowl.
  3. Add in blended rice mixture and mix till a sticky paste. Cover with cling wrap and set aside to rise for an hour or more (when you see the volume is increased and a lot of bubbles on the surface).
  4. Brush cooking oil on each of the small cups, place these cups on the steaming tray and steam till hot.
  5. When the batter is ready, spoon the batter into each cup till full (fill till the ring). Steam over high heat for 15mins.
  6. When cakes turned slightly warm, remove from cups and enjoy!

Recipe adapted from Butter, Flour and Me

I'm submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone March 2015 Event Theme: My Favourite Traditional Kueh organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Joceline - Butter, Flour & Me.


Victoria Bakes said...

Wow, the little steamed cakes look so fluffy... I absolutely love this petite presentation

Fion said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...

小小一个 特别好看:)

Joceline Lor said...

像老师说的。迷你 迷你的就好了。很cute又可爱。吃了不会 "heat"

rachel said...

好可爱的小米糕 :)

Small Kucing said...

These are so cute...

PH said...

Very nice, like huat kueh.

Anonymous said...

Recipe looks very simple. Now I know what I can do with leftover rice... thanks.


Anonymous said...


Can I use paper cups (for cupcakes) to make this? Not cupcake liners ya, those firm type with wax coating inside.



Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

redyoyo, yes you can use firm type of liners and don't need to pre-heat the liners.

Yannie said...

Sonia, I love this recipe so much. Can I replace water with coconut milk when blending with overnight rice?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yannie, i guess you can replace with coconut milk or maybe coconut water, let me know the result if you use this.

Anonymous said...

Just want to leave a note that since my son loves pak tong guo, and it is not easy to make; I decided to make him this steam rice cake which taste similar.

My first trial was not that successful because my steamer gone wrong. And I find the yeast smell is way too strong, almost like alcohol.

Second trial I reduced the yeast to 4g. No so yeasty smell but took a long time for fermentation and rise (maybe that day a bit cold because of rain). Some recipes said set aside for several hours which was what I did. In the end I have good rice cake. My husband & son ate most of it.


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