I also bought a bottle of Whipped light cream and some colorful candy to decorate the cup cakes, kids are so happy to decorate their own cup cakes.

Reciep to share
250g butter
200g castor sugar
4 eggs
1tsp vanilla
250g self-raising flour
1tsp of baking powder
1tbsp of grated orange rind
5tbsp of orange juice
1.Put butter and castor sugar into a mixing bowl
2. Use low speed to mix until even, change to medium speed and beat until light and creamy.
3. Add in the first egg, beat well after each addition of egg until creamy
4. Add in vanilla
5. Divide flour (mix with baking powder ) into three portions and add in gradually, use lowest speed to mix in flour.
6. Add in orange juice and orange rind, mix until well-combined
7. Pour into a greased baking pan, bake in pre-heated oven at 180c for 45mins.
I also baked 4 sultanas cakes last night ! I start at 9 pm and bake until 12.00 am . After washing everything up ( sigh) ,it's already 12.30am .
The size of the cake exactly yours (loaf cake pan). But you cake looks better than mine as you apply cream on it. That's why cannot post them in the blog , malulah !There are a lot of cake expert out there !(ha ha ha)
Bakeling, mine very fast, included baking time, took me about 1hr. about the cream, this is also my 1st time decorate with whipped cream as I got inspiration from other bloggers.
What happened to you blog name?
Nancy, is like that lor, different timing got different fun, when my kids grow older, they will like your kids too.
Bakeling, I just tried to delete your name, but there was no option for me to delete it, how huh?
Emile ,try this and see whether can stop following a blog.
Then click the blue "Manage" button. You will then see a list of all the blogs that you are following. To stop following a blog, click the "stop following" link next to the blog you want to stop following.
I simply click here and there and everything went wrong last night! Geh Kiang !
look every nice! you cake decoration also look fantastic!
Di u cooked the lemon chicken last night? how was it taste?
mmm..look great!! my sons always eat the cream first..
Twister, yes, I cooked the lemon chicken last night, the taste was great until my daughter wanted to finish it all, hahaha...
Will publish the photo soon..
Bakeling, I will try again.
Felvinc, agreed with you, my kids keep on take the cream from the fridge and decorate it, they just like the cream but not the cake, hahaha.
Bakeling, I just tried, but I dont see any differences:-
1) My blog list still shown as Bakeling
2) Follower still shown ban yanleng
let you me know on next course of action.
1. Click "manage" at the bottom of your dashbboard page.
Then you will see "Manage blogs I am following ".
2.Click "Settings" on your right.
3. Click " Stop following this site.
Sorry for giving your all these trouble !
your small cake is very cute,看到肚子就饿了,我只会做简单的butter cake,那些cream不会,简单也要花上几个小时来做,有时为了孩子想要吃才会做。
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