My mother taught me to use the head of Dong Quai 当归头 when double boil this dessert soup, better than use the body of Dong Quai.
You have to crack the egg shell a bit, a bit tricky this step ! This egg actually also over cracked..
I use slow cooker to cook double boil method, so don't need to monitor the heat.
Love the strong Dong Guai aroma and nice smell from the soup, and the egg also taste so yummy especially the yolk (egg white a bit rubbery) !
Learn this recipe, then you can cook for your mother, sister,daughter, yourself or maybe girl friend ^_^
Double boiled Dong Quai Egg dessert soup当归冰糖炖蛋5 Kampung eggs or free range eggs5 slices of Dong Quai head 当归头100g rock sugar 冰糖 , or adjust as per your preference of sweetness5 cups hot water
- Wash egg on running tap water, pat dry. Gently crack the egg shell on counter top.
- Place eggs, Dong Quai slices and rock sugar into a ceramic soup pot (炖盅), pour in hot water, cover.
- Place ceramic soup pot in a slow cooker , fill the slow cooker with hot water till half of height of soup pot. Place a kitchen towel to secure the pot, cover . You can also use a double boiler.
- Double boil for 3hours, serve warm, drink soup and remove egg shell and enjoy!
Recipe from Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover
I'm joining Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event Theme: My Favourite Desserts Organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-host by Aunty Young

Goodmorning,Ms Sonia,
Thanks for sharing... will definitely cook for my daughters!
Thanks for sharing this double bolied egg soup. Excellent preparation.
Hi Sonia
I have almost forgotten about this recipe. My mom used to make this for me when I was younger. Now will make for my daughter. Thanks.
i must try that.. we love eggs.
Hi Sonia
Can the soup be drink?
Michelle, yes of course you can drink the soup, that is the most nutritious part ^_^.
This is so nutrient. I must cook this for my daughters and myself. Thanks.
Yes, I love using the dong gui head as well cause it smell & tasted better, more heavy. Thanks for sharing such unique recipe.
Enjoy & have a great day dear.
Blessings, Kristy
Hi Sonia, this is such a nutritious herbal dessert! Thanks for sharing it to BREE!
Thanks for sharing. Definitely will try it.
Hi sonia. How many serves is the soup? Tx. Jin
Jin , five small bowls with each one egg ^_^ it depend how many bowl you want to serve per person .
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