This is a common sandwiches in Malaysia, I eat this sandwiches since young. Now my son Desmond also like this too, he just requested me to prepare for him this morning.
I have planted a lot of trees and flowers in my garden. This morning I just picked up this frangipani flowers and decorated in this special plate, look lovely!
Sardine sandwiches
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
1 can sardines in tomato sauce ( i always use my favourite Ayam brand)
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp chili sauce (optional)
1 tbsp tomato ketchup
salt to taste
a squeeze of lime juices
1 loaf white sandwich bread
1 cucumber, finely sliced
1. Mash the sardines with a fork.
2. Heat little oil in a pan, saute onion till browned and aroma.
3. Add in sardine together with the tomato sauce.
4. Seasoning with soy sauce, tomato ketchup, chili sauce and salt.
5. Last add in lime juices, dish out and set aside to cool.
6. To assemble the sardine sandwiches: Trim the crusts of the bread. Spread butter on a slice of bread, arrange cucumber slices and spread sardine evenly on top of the bread. Cover with another slice of bread. Cut into 2 equal size of triangles.
I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #8 for June 2011-Bread Seduction, and you stand a chance to win a cookbook if you submit a bake.
I love sardine sandwiches, used to eat it a lot before. Never tried with soya sauce though.
you remind me that for years i dint hae this sardine sandwiches already. Fly some here :)
I love frangipani very much. It always remind me Bali & spa.
You just reminded me of one of my childhood favorites as well :D My mom used to use TC Boy brand, and add more chili padi and onions inside - YUM :D
I have not had sardines in years, I love them, thanks for the reminder. Diane
Hi Sonia,
Truly a taste of home.Too bad hubby not very keen on our type of sardine.I've yet to find a mat salleh who likes our type of sardine:)
My all time fav since young. My family version is the same except we add plenty of chili padi in the sardine.
Nice flowers and presentation (if u didn't mention I thought they are artificial flowers, so pretty)
nice photos and the sandwiches look yummy...
I also love sardine sandwiches a lot when I was young. Drooling..
i love sardine...and sardine's sandwich is one of 'em...makes me hungry...! hehe
Delicious sandwiches,luks yummy!!!
I used to have this during my school days, easy and simple to prepare. I love your flowers, so lovey!
Reminded me of my 1st cooking class in school when I was 13.
We made this with the teacher.
I too grew up eating this sardine sandwich. Like Shereen, my husband can't stand sardine so I hardly make this here.
I remember when I was a kid going for picnic at the beach, sardine sandwiches were a must.
The flowers makes your sardines more delicious!
I loves those flowers!!!
i think this is also the first kind of sandwich that i ate!! very pretty flowers!
DOn't know how long its been since my last Sardine Sandwiches... I can't wait to move into my new house so I can start my 'gardening' :P
Your sardine sandwiches remind me of class parties. I think I'll have to make this soon as I have a few cans of sardines in the pantry :)
Oh my favourite. Thanks Sonia. Gonna make this for tomorrow beakfast, hope kids will like it as this lazy mum haven't prepare them breakfast for some times. :P
One of my favorite sandwiches!
Sonia, you made the sandwiches so irresistible!
These sandwiches look amazing!! gloria
I love sardine sandwiches too - sometimes I packed for my lunch.
Omg, mouthwatering here, such a delicious .....
u just reminded me i hv not taken this sandwich for quite sometime...hohohooo
心动不如行动。I am going marketing now to look for all ingredients :-P
I have totally forgotten about this delightful snack... brings back memories of school days. :-)
And, Sonia, thks for stopping by...
Sonia...my favorite too ! When I am lazy to cook, I will just make this for our lunch especially on a lazy Sunday :)
I like sardine bread from young ~ till now :)
hey! Sonia! you just made my mouth water!!! =p
Sometimes simplicity is so good and homey! I think my kids would love this too! Btw, envy envy about your big garden, do show us some pics of your beautiful garden if u got the chance.
Sonia your sandwich recipe is making my mouth water. I am going to try this recipe if Nami's not home to cook for me on day... LOL
i love sardin sandwiches...it is the simplest to make and not to mention tasty...my mum used to make it for us when she's still around...i miss her so much...
loved all ur recipes...ur so good...also followed ur blog...cant wait for ur latest ones..
4 pcs of sardin sandwiches, take away, please.....
Simple and tasty. I used to make for picnics during school days.
Love to take these for a picnic!
Can also be my favorite sandwich! In fact, I will be eating some today. :p
Nice Sandwich never tried this sandwich.
Never had this before, but I can already tell you that I'd love this. It's great that fish is in the sandwich and kids will eat more fish if we make sandwich like this! Yummy. Beautiful flower too!
It was a common party food when I was younger. I wonder why nowsaday people dont eat sardine sanwich anymore.
this looks so tempting... it was a common sandwich for birthday party when I was young... :)
looks so yummy! can i have some plsss? :-D
You just reminded me of one of my childhood favorites as well
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