Now comes to the most interesting part of my Osaka trip, lets shopping !!
Doguyasuji 千日前, where you can find professional use utensils and food samples. A place where chefs and housewife like to visit. I bought a claypot, a knife and few plates and bowls here..I wish i could carry more items back home but they are heavy and fragile items, not enough hands to carry back, hehehe..
I bought the bread proofing basket here too..
Japan famous giant grapes

Doguyasuji 千日前, where you can find professional use utensils and food samples. A place where chefs and housewife like to visit. I bought a claypot, a knife and few plates and bowls here..I wish i could carry more items back home but they are heavy and fragile items, not enough hands to carry back, hehehe..
You can find equipvalent of Daiso's items here, but their price is slight cheaper than Daiso..nice ler..
plastic foods samples
When i saw Nami Just One Cookbook 's Tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette ), i was thinking to buy the special pan, but this brass pan selling here is so expensive, again drop the idea..also i dont cook this egg so often..
Even chef's uniforms also you can find here
I bought the bread proofing basket here too..
brass cannele mould, thinking to buy but they are too expensive, drop the idea..
I bought a claypot, bowls and plates from this store,and this shop has more choices, but sorry i forgot to take the photo of this shop name..
Kuromon market 黑門市場
-this market was not listed in my itinerary, but chance upon this market when we were searching for Doguyasuji's location..
Here also has a shop selling kitchenware..i also bought few items from here..
Bought a good chef knife here.
Also this good and cheap aluminium saucepan
And bought ginger grater here too
friendly staffs
This is from another entrance, still the same market.
interesting to see " bak chung" dumplings also selling here
Japan famous giant grapes
Wow, Kobe beef, RM 1000 per kg, anyone?
Making Tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette)
Yodobashi Umeda
- a place where you can find electrical appliances, computer, camera, phones & etc
- a place where you can find electrical appliances, computer, camera, phones & etc

original iphone cover but the price is few times higher than our "pasar malam"'s price..

Hi Sonia, thanks for sharing the excellent photos. All very well taken. Wah.... the utensils... think I'll stuck there whole looking at each and every pieces. LOL
Have a nice weekend, regards.
Sonia I loves this post most of all......because I loves shopping for kitchen things and food. If I am there, I think I am going to get nervous...nervous in the sense ...oh my oh many things I want to get to buy.....alamak!
OMG, i think i will pengsan when enter to this market!
Yeah, this is the exact place I want to visit in Japan. haha... For the ceramics, you can actually found some of them in Daiso but not the printing moulds. They look very unique. I bet you bought most of them. I will definitely will, of coz. hah... Oh dear, this is a crazy place. I think I'll have to take a deep breathe before I started putting stuffs into my :o)
What a joyful post. Happy weekend.
so many things to shop...wonderful !
Wah, if I go there sure go gila, want to buy everything! Shiok, wor!
Thanks Sonia. U know me ... I love shopping ! Thanks for taking me shopping so many nice places.
Oh dear, kitchen supply
and tools shopping is
heaving in Japan! I
would go crazy haha c:
Hi Sonia, you're great to take so many photos at the shops. Some places taking photos is not allowed. All the items were so tempting but I never thought of buying them cos' wants to travel light. Just eat and eat there only...
Okay , I'm not supposed to drool over those kitchen stuff ! lol
wah....! WAH......!!!! :)
Hi Sonia,
Looking at your pictures is like going shopping together with you:)
Lots to see and lots to buy..:p
wow, i think you went crazy looking at all those bowls and utensils! even cheaper than daiso? wow, you shld book a container and ship them back! haha! those dumplings looks the same as our bak chang, did you try that?
Sonia, this is my most fav post so far, hahaha, we all C9, we all love the same stuffs, hahaha! Looks like there is one more excuse for me to go to Osaka in the future. Wait till Isabelle is a bit older.
Thanks Ms Sonia for showing so many photos- love them all. I think I will go crazy at these shops - its a cook's paradise and dream- just browsing also can do if cannot buy!
i will be too happy to spend my whole trip just to browse through these kitchen and baking utensils, and you are so good to be able to find these places selling kitchen utensils, haha.
Sonia, thanks for the tamagoyaki link! I don't know how much my mom spent for mine, but I think it was around Y2500-3000. It's non-stick and it works great. Ones I bought from Daiso were so horrible that I couldn't use it. Have you tried that grapes called Kyoho? It's soooo sweet. There are seeds so it's tedious and annoying, but it's like eating sugar. :) I've never been to this area in Osaka and I'll definitely stop by next time I'm in Osaka! Thanks for all the pictures!
Wow.... Amazing shopping haven ! Thanks for sharing all these good stuffs! Really enjoy reading them!
Did you went crazy when you saw all those kitchenware? lol
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