This time no green food colouring is added, 100% pure natural green from pandan leaves!
Kuih Puteri Ayu (steamed pandan sponge cake) 蒸班兰小蛋糕*makes 10 small cakes1 egg ( large or A size)50g caster sugar75g self raising flour60ml pandan coconut milk (blend 3pcs pandan leaves with coconut milk and strained)Topping30g fresh shredded coconut (from young coconut)A pinch of fine salt1/2tsp corn flour
Method1. Mix the topping ingredients together and keep aside.2. Brush the steaming moulds with some cooking oil, fill bottom of the mould with shredded coconut.3. Stack 2 moulds together and press till shredded coconut is firmed.4. Beat sugar and egg till thick and fluffy (about 4-5mins at medium speed with a handheld electric mixer).5. Using the same handheld electric mixer, add in coconut milk, mix at low speed for 1sec.6. Add in flour in two batches, mix over low speed till well combine.7. Fill the sponge cake moulds with batter till full.8. Prepare steamer, when water boil put in the mini sponge cake, steam for 15mins over high heat.9. When cake turned slightly cool, remove the cake from the moulds.
Recipe by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover
Kuih Puteri Ayu 蒸斑兰海绵小蛋糕面糊:全蛋1颗细砂糖50克自发面粉75克斑兰椰浆奶 60 毫升 (将3片斑兰和椰浆奶搅拌)将表层材料拌均匀待用:新鲜白椰丝 30克盐少许粟粉 1/2小匙做法:1. 把小蛋糕杯子涂上少许的油。然后放入适量的椰丝(压紧)。2. 锅加入清水煮滚。3. 蛋和糖一起打发至浓度。4. 加入斑兰椰浆奶搅拌至均匀。5. 分两次加入自发面粉搅拌呈均匀面糊。6. 将面糊倒入做法(1)的杯子里至满。7)将杯子摆在铁架上,放入锅里,大火蒸大约15分钟便可。
I'm submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone March 2015 Event Theme: My Favourite Traditional Kueh organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom
and co-hosted by Joceline - Butter, Flour & Me.

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Very nice colour indeed, thumb up!!
Sui!! 新的拍摄法。
hello! its me fiona, i finally have time for blog sonia!
I want to try this...i think my family will like it!!
Hi Sonia
Ive tried your previous recipe with the ovalette... what's the difference between this new recipe and the old one ? in texture and taste ?
Really want to make again after seeing your post = )
Look forward to your comments = )
Christine, there is not much difference in texture, but feel safe without adding ovalette and change to use self raising flour when one has this flour only on hand.
Good. Small portion, ngam my family :)
Good. Small portion, ngam my family :)
Good. Small portion, ngam my family :)
What type of steamer is good to make this? The cane steamer that is used for dim sum or any other metal steamer is fine too?
Hey Sonia, these are my favourite kuih. Love the pandan flavour especially and the process is easy as well.
Have a lovely evening.
Blessings, Kristy
Koay, any type of steamer will do, i will use wok and metal steaming tray only.
Hi, I have fresh pandan concentrate in hand, so how much concentrate ratio is to coconut milk since I am going to add in separately?
I just tried. Apparently the cake rised like ping pong ball. What would have been possible gone wrong? Thanks alot.
I find that the coconut part turns to brown color after I remove it from the mold. Is that due to steaming over too high heat?
Please advice.
Thank you.
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