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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shanghai stir-fried noodles, Shanghai wet market

Shanghai stir-fried noodles

I just prepared this Shanghai stir-fried noodles for lunch today, using the noodles that i bought from a wet market in Shanghai, only cost me RMB 6.00 per kg (RM 3)..

Shanghai stir-fried noodles

I like to visit local wet market whenever i on vacation to another country, this is the best place to experience how the local living and enjoy the local foods..We went to this wet market after we took breakfast in one of the noodles shop nearby the hotel we stayed..

shanghai wet market

Shanghai wet market

We also tried one of their daily breakfast i.e fresh soy bean and steamed paus..and price for one pau only cost RMB 1 (RM 0.50), so cheap ! and the paus skin very soft and good indeed..

Shanghai paus

This Chinese lady was weighing the dried noodles that i bought..

Shanghai ramen

Shanghai stir-fried noodles

Shanghai stir-fried noodles
(recipe souce: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*serves 5 persons

400g Shanghai dried noodles
6pcs dried Shitake mushrooms, soaked in cold water till soft, sliced
200g green mustard
50g carrot, shredded
100g fresh prawn
100g chicken meat, sliced
3 fish cakes, sliced
3 garlic, chopped
3 shallots, chopped

5tbsp cooking oil
1 and 1/2cup of chicken stock/water

1 and 1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp dark soy sauce
1tbsp dark caramel sauce
1tsp salt or taste
A dash of white pepper

1. In a pot of boiling water, add dried noodles and cook till about 80% cooked, drain in cold bath and set aside.
2. Heat cooking oil in a wok over high heat, sauté chopped garlic and shallots till aroma.
3. Add prawn, meat, fish cake and carrot, cook through.
4. Add chicken stock and seasoning, bring to boil.
5. Add noodles and green mustard and toss until well mixed.
6. Dish out when noodles almost absorbed all the gravy. Enjoy!
** My blogger friend Quay Po also cooked very nice Shanghai noodles, check out here..

Shanghai stir-fried noodles

Happy Cooking !!


kitchen flavours said...

Your noodles looks delicious! Having noodles too for lunch today! I have not visit Shanghai before, would love to one day. Wow, the noodles are really cheap over there! And freshly made too! Must be really good!

Suhaina said...

looks yummy...nice recipe...with all the ingredients i am sure its yummylicious.

Mel said...

Isn't it an eye opener whenever we visit another country and experience their life and culture? Things in China is cheap.

busygran said...

I prefer nooodles to rice anytime. This looks good and delicious!

Sherleen.T said...

your fried noodle looks terrific...i bring over my lunch box, save some for me yeah...^^
ya, traveling always give different kind of experience and culture shock to us when we deeply involve ourselves in the trip...

Belly Good Cooking said...

Me too!! I really like to explore and learn about people and places in other countries as well as ours. In my younger years of working life, I'll look for jobs in bigger companies where they will transfer us from here to there, hehe.

Btw, delicious stir fried noodles..

Anonymous said...

I love to explore other countries' wet market too when I'm on holiday. Better still, if I can buy the food and cook it there!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Same here. I like to visit market when I travel to overseas

Amelia said...

Delicious looking noodles, me very hungry liao.

Extreme Power said...

wow.. looks yummilicious.

My Little Space said...

Wow, NO JOKES at all! Hand carried noodles all the way from Shanghai. I bet it's priceless and it looks really tempting as well.
Thanks for sharing such wonderful experience.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


ann low said...

Me too! I love to explore the farmer's market or wet market in other countries.
The Shanghai noodle looks very delicious :)

Shereen said...

Hi Sonia,
Too bad NZ does not have any wet market...but we have lots of Farmer's market around.Noodles look very delicious.

Three-Cookies said...

Visiting markets is fun. And I see you bought a lot of noodles - lucky you, and its so cheap too.

Pushpa said...

Fabulous pictures of Shanghai market,noodles are making me hungry.

Torviewtoronto said...

I like noodles with oyster sauce in it looks wonderful

Anonymous said...

I can eat dishes like this every day:))Love your market pictures:) Can I use them (jsut started new seies on a blog where you already featured in other series..market day in..)Cheers;)

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

first time for me to see the noodles is sell this way, really an eye opening scene! Your noodles look very delicious, want to exchange with my Hokkien Mee...hehehe

Swee San said...

Wow so hardworking leh.. Just came back then blog Liao.. Good good.. The noodles looks so drooling.. With some sambal mmmmm

ChrisAu said...

Wow....u cook even when you are on vacation!

Chiu Yin said...

Agree with u, Sonia! Everytime i go travel oversea, I will find my way to their local wet market that reflect their locals everyday life, and also for good food hunting too!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Been there but did not get to chance to visit the local market. It's definitely a good exposure. Your noodles look so smooth..well done!

Jeannie said...

Looks like fresh noodles after cooked...delicious! And yes, markets are very interesting places to visit during holidays in another country:D

daphne said...

I really have to get myself the caramel sauce! it's everywhere recently. Fresh stir fry noodles-what not to love?

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

Your noodles looks so tempting. Yummy Yummy. Thanks for sharing.

divya said...

this is so tempting! One of my fav..

Dmarie said...

ooh, this post has my stomach growling. thanks so much for sharing your trip and the yummy results!!

Yee Er said...

RM6 for a kg is a very good deal.....i thought the cost of living in shanghai is very very high. I like this kind of noodle and normally my way of eating it is 干捞, due to laziness, hehe~~

Gloria Baker said...

Look delicious ! gloria

Mary said...

I want some fresh noodles to use! As always, your photos have me drooling. Nice work, I love this.

Angie's Recipes said...

Love stir-fried noodles. This looks very tasty.

A Taste of Memories-- Echo's Kitchen said...

I loveeee noodle... in any form.. yummy looking!

Lori said...

That market looks amazing! And what a wonderful thing you did with you purchase. :) The noodle dish looks delicious!

tigerfish said...

I was thinking if you buy anything from the wet market, how are you going to bring that back? So you got yourself some dried noodles. :D But I guess they are "fresh" too.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

If i were to visit another country, i like to explore here and there...

VineelaSiva said...

Wow the noodles makes me hungry.Love the platter.

Bakeling said...

You can go Shanghai open a restaurant and earn big money !

Little Corner of Mine said...

Yummy! But it looks like spaghetti to me. Hehe...

Shu Han said...

that looks so yummy! reminds me of those braised ee fu noodles, but a different shape!

lena said...

hi sonia, looks truly truly good!! sorry, i'm a litle confused, what is dark caramel sauce, all the while i thought dark caramel sauce is thick soya sauce..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lena, I also recently knew dark / thick caramel sauce is difference from dark soy sauce, you can find the photo in the "ingredients" page.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, You are TRUE Food blogger! Good food stuff will not pass your "MM Chee San" (Five fingers mountain) hehe.. I wish I had that yummy bowl of noodles for my birthday!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Oh gosh this noodle is killing me! Sooooo good!!! You made this for lunch? And I bet you cooked ANOTHER delicious food for dinner. I want to be your child.... LOL.

Colin Woon said...

That is a really delicious looking bowl of noodle! Good job Sonia!

Simplyfood said...

wow noodles look awesome will try a veggie version of them. I would like to invite you to link some of your chinese recipes to my event Flavours of China. You have some wonderful chinese posts and sharing them with this event would be great.
Details can be found here.

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