After the 1st attempted of making Chiffon, I start love in baking Chiffon without any chemical substances, this was my 2nd attempted. I prefer to use fresh fruits for my Chiffon, so this time I use the fresh strawberry.
- I added chopped fresh strawberry, but noticed "air hole" near the chopped strawberry, is anyone out there could help to explain this and how to overcome this?

Recipe to share:-
95g egg yolks (about 5 eggs)
25g caster sugar
1 tsp honey
80g corn oil
120g strawberry puree (blend 100g fresh strawberry + 3tbsp of natural Yogurt)
20g water (when necessary)
95g cake flour
110g chopped fresh strawberry (optional)
240g egg whites (about 7 eggs)
110g caster sugar
15g corn flour
1. Cream ingredient (A) till change pale yellow colour.
2. Add in ingredient (B), corn oil first then add in strawberry puree and water, mix well.
3. Fold in ingredient (C) and mix till no lumps, set aside.
4. Beat egg whites in a clean large bowl until soft foam. Gradually add in sugar, one tablespoon at a time and finally add in corn flour. Mix well.
5. Gently fold in egg whites mixture into the egg yolk mixture,until well combined
6. Bake at preheated oven at 160c for 50 minutes (adjust when necessary, depend on what type of oven you use)
7. Up side down(Invert) the cooked cake immediately on a wire rack until it's completely cool before remove the cake from cake pan.