If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chicken & Potatoes Curry Milk Buns 马铃薯咖喱鸡面包

I just done this bun just now, but I can't wait to share with you, immediately post it here because this bun is so fragrance and soft !! I like to say in Chinese"  软和香到不行的面包" !!
While the buns is baking in the oven, my whole kitchen is full of pandan aroma, smell so good !!
My daughter again asked me to open a bakery shop ^_^ .

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Home grown curry leaves and pandan leaves

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 I like how these buns are decorated with curry leaf and pandan leaf



still lacking skill of wrapping, the filling is out of shape,hehehe, anyway, it tasted so good !
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I adapted the basic bread dough recipe from the popular Kopitiam milk buns recipe from Crystal. But I made some changes to the original recipe as I reduced the yeast amount (Usually I use 1tsp yeast for 300g-350g of flour ) and I omitted milk powder as I can't find milk powder in my pantry anymore since my kids are grown up,^_^

Updated on 11th July 2013-  This morning I just had this milk bun for breakfast. The bun still tasted moist and soft. I hope you can try out this bun soon. I am going to make with difference filling next time. This photo was posted at my Instagram @ sonianll

Chicken & Potatoes Curry Milk Buns 咖喱鸡马铃薯面包
(recipe source: basic dough adapted from Crystal with minor changes, chicken and potatoes curry by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 11 buns
Chicken & Potatoes Curry
3 potatoes, small cubed
200g chicken breast, small cubed
cb10 copy 2 sprig curry leaves

½ onion, chopped finely
2 cloves garlic, chopped finely
3 shallots, chopped finely

Mix to form a paste
1 and 1/2tbsp curry powder (meat type)
1/2tbsp red chili powder
1tsp coriander powder
1/2tsp cumin powder
1/2tsp turmeric powder
4tbsp water


  1. Heat oil in a wok, sauté onion, garlic and shallots till aroma.
  2. Add in curry paste & curry leaves, stir till fragrance. Add in chicken and potatoes, mix well.
  3. Add in enough water to cover the chicken and potatoes, cook over low medium heat till potatoes tendered. Set aside to cool.

To prepare Chicken & Potatoes Curry buns

Overnight sponge dough
215g high protein flour
125g full cream milk (cold)
2g instant yeast (1/2tsp)


  1. Mix all ingredients till a rough dough (I use KA mixer), cover with cling film and store in the fridge for overnight.
To prepare basic dough
1 quantity of above overnight sponge dough
90g high protein flour
30g egg (1/2 large egg)
4g instant yeast (1tsp)
3g fine salt (1/2tsp)
60g sugar
45g butter (room temperature)
1tbsp milk (cold)

Pandan leaves
Curry leaves
Egg wash – balance half egg + 1tbsp milk


  1. Tear the overnight sponge dough into pieces and add all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, knead till smooth dough (I use KA mixer at speed 2-3) .
  2. Add in the butter and knead until dough is smooth, shinning and elastic. Cover with cling film and set aside to proof till double in size.
  3. Punch down the dough to expel air, divide into 50g portions and mould into round balls, rest for 10mins.
  4. Flatten the dough ball into a round disc, spoon filling in the middle, wrap and seal. Roll in ball shape and gently press to form a disc shape. Place on a baking tray. Let it proof for another 45mins.
  5. Wrap each bun with pandan leaf that secured with toothpick. Egg wash the top of the buns, and place a piece of curry leaf on top.
  6. Bake at pre-heated oven at 180C for 15mins.


Somewhere in Singapore said...

How i wish i staying next door to you, hehe...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

hehe... Today i'm fast, hehe...

I'm first today, hehe....

Somewhere in Singapore said...

hehe... Today i'm fast, hehe...

I'm first today, hehe....

Little blue said...

ok...ok...plan to do this coming weekend~

Sue said...

looks delicious...wow i wish i can make these

irene myme said...

wow,so yummy!! Must jump-queue le....heeheehee!!

Veronica's Kitchen said...

Ayoi Sonia, 你的面包香到我家了。Thanks for sharing.I have bookmarked this.Mine is on the way soon.........

mui mui said...

Ah Chi,
I was thinking of making curry buns that day and was looking for a 软和香到不行recipe...so glad i found it!!
Guess what? I can smell the aroma of pandan and curry through my laptop screen...lol

CQUEK said...

These look like a happy beginning to a great day! I just love curry.

Jozelyn Ng said...

Looks so tempting! The pandan leaves still looks so green after bake. I can imagine how aroma this bun is!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

seems like highly recommended,
ok ok, next week do it

PH said...

Sonia, your buns look so good! If you open bakery shop I come everyday :)

Li Shuan said...

These buns look so yummy! This kopitiam中种 bread is on my to do list .....I have to wait till I come back liao!
Very nice photos

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

These lovely and delicious potato and curry buns are just what I need right now! After taking my dog for a long walk, I'm so hungry ~

sasa said...

Looks great ! Like to try it out :)

Crystal Loh said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Cat Chee said...


Baking Diary said...

wow! Looks like those sold at Lavendar Bakery, very nice!

ann low said...

WOW! These buns look so special with the pandan leaves wrapped around them. Can really open shop! :)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , yeah , she's right ! Your baked goodies are worth buying for lol

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Min said...

I love this especially the way it's decorated with pandan leaves. I will try this when I have the time!

Nadji said...


divya said...

Looks delish..nice pic

Unknown said...

wao.... very yummy bun. i like this very much. i want to bake this when i get a new mixer.

Lotus said...

First time visit you, nice food photographs here, I also like your blog header and blog description.

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, what a great idea to decorate the buns with curry leaves and pandan leaves! thanks for sharing! I wonder if the buns smell pandan?

Brownie said...

Thanks for sharing. I am going to make them this weekend.Unfortunately I do not have pandan leaves to wrap the buns. The Chinese supermarket used to have them but not now. I am in California. I have home grown curry leaves. No luck to grow the pandan.

Anonymous said...

Pandan leaves add a lovely touch to these delicious buns!

cikmanggis said...

Dapat bayangkan betapa wanginya bau daun pandan di panggang bersama roti.

Ya la Sonia.jika you buka kedai roti I org pertama datang beli roti.:) anda berbakat besar dlm bidang masakan.Serius ni bkn bergurau.Pls ambil kira apa yg your doter sarankan tu:)

Elaine said...

Good morning,
Just drooling over these buns!
Thanks for sharing - just the recipe to try this weekend!

daphne said...

oh wow! U make bread rolls like this so easy! I'm bookmarking this. Do u think i can use the kitchenaid to knead? This is going to my "wish list" to do list.. haha. I could almost smell it from the screen with such aroma from pandan and curry!

Baby Sumo said...

Sonia, pls open a bakery near my house. I will come everyday to buy buns and bread from you :)

ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.com said...

Hi Sonia, your Chicken & Potatoes Curry Milk Bun is so special and tempting! Can't wait for you to open a bakery shop. Do inform me. I will be the first to queue up! hahaha...

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Your buns are so pretty! Yes agree you should open a bakery :)

Small Kucing said...

I know my friend CC will be reading this...she is one of your silent reader

CC, if you are reading this...ahem ahem...you know what to do la...ahem ahem...

Mel said...

Whenever you post your new post/delicious bakes and dishes, I can imagine how lucky your family members are as they can taste the most yummiest, delicious and healthy food from you.
This curry buns from the look at it no doubt about it taste absolutely delicious.

Agnes CF Lee said...

i will definitely copy your recipe if I got the time to bake next time.

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day! These look terrific, true!
You now have inspired me to try and male too! Thank you!
Cheers! Joanne

Sem said...

Wow, I agreed with you, it looks so good and soft too, hope to bite into it.
Hope I can made these soon.

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, such a unique way of baking curry buns. Like the idea and must give it a go.

Lite Home Bake said...

Those buns look soft and delicious. I am giving in already, i am so going to make it this weekend after seeing quite a few on blogsphere :)

Esther Lau said...

Sonia, these curry buns also “美到不行”!!!haha...Your always have wonderful recipes, admire you, Sifu! :)

Caca said...


My Little Space said...

I simply love anything yeasted and your bun looks just amazing. Love the use of pandan leaves as divider. Very pretty as well. >o<

chow and chatter said...

wow these look simply amazing your daughter is right you should open a bakery

chow and chatter said...

wow these look simply amazing your daughter is right you should open a bakery

Elin said...

Sonia...these buns really look yummy...can imagine how good they will taste like..thanks for sharing :) you should open a cafe serving just cakes and buns :)

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Your culinary talent is so impressive! These buns look delicious. I like Japanese curry pan and I'd love to taste this!

Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, If you open a bakery shop, can I apply for a job there? hehe... Low salary but eat free buns!

Joyce's Home Bake said...

Looking at the buns made me hungry... Yummy

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

yummy buns!! love the way you wrap the bun!

Suhaina said...

these looks fasinating...love to give it a try...u know how much i love my breads...
this is a must try for me..wish me good luck dear..
clicks are just stunning..

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Oh dear, having sorethroat now but still salivating over your curry bread. Ok, save this recipe for my future house-warming party, hehehe! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
Baked assorted buns using yr recipe this morning, it is soft n delicious.


Mrs. WooPeh

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, really get lots of inspiration from your blog! 👏
Just one question, can i leave the overnight dough in the fridge for a few days before using? How long can i keep the overnight dough? Please advice. Thank you!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, I am going to try out to keep few days of the overnight dough, then only I can advise to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

I baked this last weekend and very well received by my family. Thank you for sharing the recipe and love your blog..


HK Choo said...

Hi Sonia, I made this "kosong" last couple of weeks ago, and we love the texture. Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, can I know do I need to let the sponge dough back to room temp first then only use it???

From : Vivien

caryn said...

Hi Sonia,

I just tried this recipe and wanted to tell you the result was delicious! Mine did not come out as nice as yours because I didn't have any pandan leaves and I'm apparently really bad at stuffing but it still tasted really good! Do you think I can keep these in the fridge overnight and reheat it tomorrow? I'm worried the bun will get hard or the curry will go bad.

Anonymous said...

Can I steam them instead bake? Thankss

athena_yin2002 said...

Yea-i wanna know too can I keep it in fridge and only reheated it when wanna eat. Sorry tumpang tanya ok.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I am a fan of our blog!^^ You are so talented...

The breads looked awesome, I like the idea of the pandan leaves. I tried this last week and the bread had aromatic pandan smell. Lovely! Thank you for sharing


http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

I like the idea of the pandan leaves..

Unknown said...

Looks yummy

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