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Friday, July 19, 2013

Orange Sponge Cupcakes 香橙海棉小蛋糕

I made this light sponge cupcakes the other day, using fresh orange juices. This is a type of cupcake has no burden to your body, light and less oily.

oc copy

use freshly squeeze orange juices

In fact, I made this orange cupcakes 3 times in a row. Earlier i learnt that we have to use cold eggs from fridge to make a nice sponge cake, refer to my earlier castella cake. But this recipe I was referred, required to warm the eggs, so I tried out to see any differences.
I tried out 3 methods:-
1. Warm the eggs and beat using hand electric mixer, for 15mins - rough texture, big air pockets
2. Warm the eggs and beat using KA stand mixer, for 15mins - fine texture and light
3. Eggs cold from the fridge and beat using KA stand mixer, for 15mins - fine texture and light, yield more cupcakes than method no 2.  
So my conclusion is using eggs cold from the fridge and use stand mixer to beat, yield better cupcakes ! You can still use hand mixer to make sponge cake, but I prefer to use stand mixer not only for better result, also we can rest our hands, holding mixer for 15mins is not an easy task.  My Chinese blogger friend 随心歇息站 also like to use cold egg method when make sponge cake. 
The batter have to very pale to white, thick, and not runny ...

You can see the difference from this photo, left is method no 2 (warm eggs+stand mixer), right is method no 3 (cold eggs + stand mixer)..

Ya, one more thing, i also prefer this type of ordinary paper liners, you can see cake is perfectly stick to the liner.
oc2 copy

You must fill batter about 90% full
I like to see these cupcakes baking in the oven..

oc4 copy

This cupcake is slightly on sweet side but the sweetness still acceptable, try not to reduce the sugar amount as more sugar will make this cupcake moist..Ya, make sure you beat over high speed initially as to beat up the egg, when you see more volume, then gradually reduce the speed.
Orange Sponge Cupcakes香橙海棉小蛋糕
(recipe source: basic recipe adapted from this Chinese website, using own method ) **makes 11 cupcakes (using 12 holes muffin pan)

25g corn oil
35g fresh squeeze orange juices
oc1 copy 3 eggs (large), cold from fridge
95g caster sugar
100g Top flour or cake flour
1/4tp fine salt
1 orange rind


  1. Mix corn oil and orange juices together, set aside
  2. Mix flour and salt together, sift them twice, set aside
  3. Remove eggs from the fridge, add into the mixing bowl, add in caster sugar, immediately beat it till pale, thick and fluffy (I use KA mixer with balloon whisk, 3mins at speed 8-9, 10mins at speed 4-5, 2mins at Speed 1-2, total time 15mins ).
  4. With mixer running at speed 1-2, add in orange rind, add flour spoon by spoon, then add in corn oil + orange juices, do not over mix. Remove mixing bowl, use a spatula to fold the batter till well combined.
  5. Pour batter in a lined 12 holes muffin pan until 90% full. Lightly tap on countertop twice to remove air bubbles.
  6. Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 25mins at middle rack.

I packed few cupcakes for my elder sister. She called me up just to confirm these cupcakes were made by me, because she said it look like store bought ^_^ 


Somewhere in Singapore said...

I'm fast again today, hehe...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Wow, so nicely baked...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Come to grab one for my tea break later, hehe...

PH said...

Sonia, your orange sponge cupcakes look perfect! No wonder lah your sister thought it is store bought :) I happen to have a few oranges in the fridge. Can try this weekend!

Alice said...

i shall try this, I never use cold eggs for sponge cakes :)
Sonia, is non KA stand mixer would give same result?

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...


小蛋糕pong pong的样子,很好看。

Unknown said...

I like this recipe. Very refreshing

Unknown said...

can we substitute with other flavor

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

我觉得这蛋糕做的很松软, 肯定充满了香橙味!
还有吗? 我现在来你家取一些, 哈哈哈!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Alice, should be the same.

Angeline, yes, of course you can substitute with other flavours like vanilla, pandan juices and etc.

Unknown said...

O...this want good, my son should like this so much, still have orange in the fridge. got to try this.

Karen said...


Angie's Recipes said...

So airy and soft! These sponge cakes are perfect.

Esther Lau said...

This soft and citrus flavoured sponge cake is totally win my heart. Thank you for all the useful tips :)

Joceline Lor said...


Veronica said...

What a perfect batch of cupcakes. Beautiful and fine texture too. Well done Sonia!

Diane said...

Mmmmm can I come to tea please :-) Diane

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, your orange cupcake look awesome. Very nice texture and I'm sure it smell and taste heavenly. :))

Have a nice day.

0620 said...

Great sharing!!!
Thanks for sharing the different method in sponge cake making.
Now We can see the difference clearly.
Both texture of sponge cakes is nice indeed ^^

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Small Kucing said...

great looking orange sponge cupcake. wish i can have one or two...or three :p

Bakericious said...

Sonia, I can smell the orange fragrant from here!

Lite Home Bake said...

Love this nice and simple treat. Thank you for sharing the details of your experiments. It is very useful indeed.

daphne said...

I do love simple recipe like this- to think that cold eggs and straight into the beater makes such a difference!

Unknown said...

they look beautiful...
my first comment...i love your blog and bakes

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hahaha, your sister is so cute, still have to call to confirm!By the way, I like how you packed them too! These cupcakes remind me of old time when we just enjoyed our simple cake so much! Sonia, I never use my stand mixer to beat egg whites before so I'm a bit worrying if I need to use it to beat my egg whites but will give it a try if I make this in the future! My hand mixer is "shot shot dei" now & the speed will reduce by itself, I think it will soon be retired. You are so great, tried 3 different ways to show us the difference.

Mel said...

Hi Sonia
I'm sure these little cupcakes sure to be real inviting to everyone. The look of it say it all.....soft and orangy in taste. Love it.

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, looking at those cupcakes I could imagine how nice they taste!! Thanks for sharing your findings! :)

Jozelyn Ng said...

You are really so passion in baking. Thanks for sharing the tips for baking the sponge cake. By the way, high speed, bake for 15 minutes, is it speed no. 6?

Jozelyn Ng said...

My stand mixer only has speed 1-6...

Casey said...


CQUEK said...

can i come over for tea time

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , just love your sis lol Yeah , it does look store-bought or should I say , way better ! Thanks for the helpful tips !

My Little Space said...

I think your sis is looking forward to your homemade baked goods daily after this. hehe.... Kudos!
Enjoy your weekend.

onncheng said...

Hi Sonia,

请问要用多少 “橘子皮” 呢? (orange rind)

Baking Diary said...

Wow! I think they look better than those at bakeries, so golden and fluffy!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jozelyn, you just adjust acciording to your mixer. The thumb of rules is beat high speed initially as to beat it up. Once you see more volume, then reduce to medium speed to beat till thick. And beat over low speed for another 2-3mins to stabilise the mixture and eliminate large bubbles. You are not limit to beat only 15mins, you can beat up to 30mins, it depend on your mixer.

Onncheng, 一粒橙的皮。

Baking Scientist said...

Hi Sonia, looks yummy :) I was wondering why some recipes use cold eggs while most Japanese recipes use warm eggs, so that is why. Thanks for sharing the results of your tests :)

Baking Scientist said...

Hi Sonia, looks yummy :) I was wondering why some recipes use cold eggs while most Japanese recipes use warm eggs, so that is why. Thanks for sharing the results of your tests :)

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

Your cupcake looks so beautiful and tempting. I baked Orange Cake but never thought of Orange Sponge Cupcake. My dear son love to eat Orange and I bet he will love it very much. Thank you very very much for those informations and tips. I will definitely will bake it TODAY.

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

Your cupcake looks so beautiful and tempting. I baked Orange Cake but never thought of Orange Sponge Cupcake. My dear son love to eat Orange and I bet he will love it very much. Thank you very very much for those informations and tips. I will definitely will bake it TODAY.

lena said...

good morning sonia, most of the time i also use cold eggs, not that i know that it gives diff results but i always last minute one take out my things from the fridge..hehe..thx for your sharing your valuable experience!

Little blue said...

I also made cup cake yesterday~must try your recipe next time! Can I have 1~

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day and WOW, these look delicious, true!
I wish I could come through the screen and try one of these...NOW...great photos too!
Cheers! Joanne

Unknown said...


irene myme said...


Gloria Baker said...

these look absolutely delicious I Sonia

Unknown said...

Woohooo nice little cupcakes.... Am thinking of doing some cakes to clear of my chempekda but since u say can't reduce the sugar hm.... Got to think of other flavor :)

Unknown said...

These orange sponge cakes are so perfectly baked! The texture is fine and beautiful.

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, just to reconfirm, your orange juice is measured in grams or ml?

Kalyan Panja said...

Just mouthwatering...looks delicious!

Little Corner of Mine said...

I bet not only it looks like store-bought but taste like store-bought too! Love citrus sponge cake!

Roses_Leo09 aka Hanim said...

Dear Sonia,

thanks a lot for this useful info. Very2 appreciated

Yannie said...

Sonia, always, I love your recipe, so detailed. Thanks for sharing this.

Yummy Bakes said...

Very beautiful color ....

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kathy, I measured in gram..

Jozelyn Ng said...

Thanks, Sonia!

ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.com said...

Sonia, your cup cakes are so beautiful and tempting. Ho chiak!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sonia!

Anonymous said...

Sonia, can I use all purpose flour instead? TIA

Annie Goh said...

Hi Sonia,

I just tried your Orange sponge cupcakes. It is so delicious and simple to bake. Just love it. Thanks for sharing.


*me* said...

I just baked this and it's my most successful cupcake to date ! My batter came off runny and I was worried it wouldn't turn as good so I increase my baking time slightly and they came out just fine.

just wondering would it be possible because I used a hand whisk (speed 5 for 3 min), speed 3 for 10 min and speed 1 for 2 min so it's not enough to thicken the egg batter?

Thank you so much!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

TIA, yes, you can but the texture will not be so fine, maybe you can try to use superfine flour which you can get it from the supermarket here.

Me, I suggest use speed 4 for 1-2mins to beat up the volume, then reduce to speed 3 beat till very thick (the batter not runny but stand still), maybe for 10mins and further speed 1 for 2-3mins to remove big bubbles and stable the egg batter.

茵茵 said...

Hi Sonia, I would like to try this recipe. Can you tell me how big is your muffin cup tray, as in the diametre and height per cup? How many muffins can this recipe yield? Thanks!

viviana said...

Hi! I've been a big fan of yours for a while but it's my first time to leave a comment. Just want to tell you I am really delighted to see your experiments on different eggs for sponge cake. It sounds very helpful and useful. Thank you very much for your sharing! I'll love to try this out soon when I bake sponge cupcake next time. :)

Emy said...

Hi! I just made this orange sponge cupcakes. It tastes really good. The only problem is that after 5-10 minutes I took it out from the oven, the middle part shrink. I wonder what did I do wrong?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yan Yan, I use the normal 12 holes muffin pan.

Emy, maybe you can increase baking time a bit.

SUJAY said...

hi.. these look really yummy.. very detailed info abt baking cupcakes.. ahh. can i use veg oil instead??

Shrn said...

Hi Sonia, tried your recipe. Mine turned out perfect on top but however, the bottom burns ( a layer of hard batter & sticks onto the bottom of the cup)!!!! ;( would it be that it was too hot, the temp? I had it exactly like yours at 170C for 25mins. * puzzled*

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sharon, I suspect the lower part of heat is not sufficient, suggest to turn on the fan (if your oven has such feature) or move up one level up. If this is not the problem, maybe you did not mix the flour well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

Wondering how to measure in gm for liquid.' say you measured orange juice in gm?


Anonymous said...

would using plain flour yield such pretty texture?

MyKitchenJournal said...

Hi Sonia,
I tried this recipe 3 times in a row, to ensure I get the perfect outcome. Mine was abit dry if I bake at 170deg for 25mins. I think i have to reduce it to 20mins or a little lower temperature. But i just luv this cupcake, orange my fav! Thanks for this recipe!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, i doubled ur recipe and it was really light n fluffy. i wonder if i can use fresh pandan juice to make it into pandan sponge cupcakes?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
I have tried your orange sponge cupcakes today and it was delicious.
Your recipes are allways so simple to follow and the outcome is allways great. The cupcakes were so fluffy they allmost tasted like hokkaido cupcakes.
Thanks! Mihri.

Bakericious said...

Hi Sonia, I tried the cupcake, although is not 100% successful but still taste yummy. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi can we use veg oil instead of corn oil?
What will be the difference between putting the orange rind n not putting it and what's the purpose of adding it?
Thank you.

Yi xuan said...

Hello Sonia, I baked this today and like it! I will reduce the sugar as I think it is a little sweet to my taste bud. It is great to learn that the cupcakes produce higher cupcake when using egg batter that beat while the eggs are cold. Thanks!

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Your recipes are allways so simple to follow and the outcome is allways great...

Unknown said...

Hi, i tried baking with your recipe today, but my cupcakes did not rise in the oven. Could it be i deflated the batter?

Yungs said...

Hi Sonia, do we need to add baking powder and baking soda?
The method looks similar to the spongy banana cupcakes, but that recipe has include baking powder and baking soda. I wonder why it's not needed in this orange cupcakes recipe... Thanks :)

Unknown said...

I made few times already also failed.not easy

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia! Just made this using normal flour + baking powder. Inside texture kinda hard like Kueh. Any idea if it is due to the flour that I used? Or beat too much?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yungs and Linzy Yap, don't add baking powder and soda in this recipe, since this recipe just use orange juices but not heavy ingredients like banana, so long you beaten the egg till very stable, that means it look pale white and volume increased many times than orginal.

byandrea said...

Hi Sonia,

Mine didn't turn out like yours :( It was very dense and even had cracks on top. Definitely not fluffy like shown in your photo.

Any idea where went wrong? Was it over or under mixing issue? (I followed exactly as per your recipe, but every mixer is different so if you could let me know if is over/under mixing, I could adjust the beating time from there!)

Thanks Sonia! :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Byandrea, I suspect you have over mixing when add in flour , the batter deflate too much. I suggest you use another safer method of mixing the flour , take a small portion of batter, add in some flour , mix it, then fold in the balance batter, continue to add flour and fold.

byandrea said...

Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I'm definitely going to try your suggested method!

Thanks once again :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia,

Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. Just one question.

Can I use this recipe for cake instead of cupcake?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, yes you can, adjust baking time accordingly .

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for lovely recipe <3
Any subtitles of flours ? Can I use plain white flour ?
because of these type of flours are not available in my area :(

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Cream gateau, just replace with all purpose flour

Unknown said...

Thnxxx so much dear

Unknown said...


Maggie said...

I always have this problem of over mixing but problem is your recipes says add flour then add other items. will that not cause over mixing? thanks for your advise.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I baked this cupcake but my tops are sticky. May I know what may be the problem? Thank you!

Zainab said...

Hi there,if replacing with vanilla would the quantity of the vanilla be 35g like the orange juice

Unknown said...

Do you use full eggs or egg white or egg yolk. I use full egg, but the cupcake smells funny, there is this strong egg smell to it.

Unknown said...

Hi ..

There is no baking bowder ine this cake??

Unknown said...

Hi ..

There is no baking bowder ine this cake??

Anonymous said...

Can I use sunflower oil ?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, yes you can use sunflower oil

Anonymous said...

The cake was very light and nice , but top became sticky after a while. Any idea why ?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, store in a cover container, i guess sugar turned moist after leave in room temp.

Unknown said...

Using cold eggs in cakes is new method of baking ; I will try it .. thank u for sharing your recipe > which looks GREAT .. can I bake it in one round pan ?? Which size suits 6" or 8" ?? Thnx again

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Altaf, i thick should be ok with one round pan, but you have to adjust the temp and timing . The pan also need to line with paper.

Unknown said...

Thank u 💐💐💐

Pegscottage said...

Hi Sonia, Can i replace orange juice to other liquid?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Peggy, yes you can, like pandan juices

Unknown said...

Hi sonia, i tried this resipi just now but dissappointed of the result😅😅😅 my cupcake turn out hard. I dont know where i did wrong but this wont discourage me from trying. Will try to make again tommorow.☺☺☺

Yungs said...

Hi Sonia,

My oven is pretty small, would that be any problem if I prepare the batter at one go but bake them in 2 batches?

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