I saw a lot of bloggers already posted "Tang Yuan" , why I'm late? This is because I almost forgot today is " Tang Yuan" celebration, hehehe, till my previous babysitter called me to invite my kids go to her house to celebrate "Winter Solstice", then I just realized it. So I quickly ran to supermarket to buy a packet of glutinous rice and cook the "Tang Yuan". If you do not know why Chinese celebrate the "Winter Solstice', you may refer to "Dodol & Mochi", she has a quite detail explanation.
I still prefer the simple way of "Tang Yuan", this was served when I was a child, my mum just cook this simple way, no fancy ingredients added, also partly we were poor at that time..
-Desmond help me to shape "Tang Yuan"..
Simple recipe:-
To prepare dough:-
Glutinous rice flour - 200g
-mix all ingredients and knead to a smooth dough. Shape into small round shape.
To prepare" Tang Yuan":-
1. Boil a pot of water, add few knotted pandan leaves and few slices of ginger, season with sugar.
2. Add in "Tong Yuan", once "Tong Yuan" float, then is ready to serve.
Happy Winter Solstice !!
Homemade Chilli Sauce
5 hours ago
Happy Winter Solstice Festival! Made Tong Yuan until quite late last night. Overslept this morning!
Pete, you better than me, at least you prepared it ahead.
happy dong zhi to you and family.
i have tang yuan too. where we grind-ed the glutinous rice into dough and coloured it with pandan juice, carrot juice :)
ur tang yuan looks nice and tempting...冬至快乐
Felvinc, look like a pearl!! Thanks dear.
ai wei, you grind your own glutinous rice, then your tang yuan must be very good. Happy dong zhi to you too.
Sherleen, you too.
wow..yours look so much nicer than mine.. mine is brown sugar.. now i m very full..one big bowl of tong yuen is inside my stomach..haha
Thanks Sonia!! 冬至快樂!!希望你已經吃了你的湯圓了。又老了一歲囉。。。哈哈!
Yes , I had some tongyuan too !
Why your tangyuan only dual colour ?
祝你冬至快乐 !
Happy winter solstice to you too...When I saw the picture in my blog updates, I was so curious to know what these colorful cuties are :D Now I know and thanks for sharing a traditional recipe. Guess your lil one enjoyed helping you out :-)
I totally forgot about it until just now when my mum told me. Happy winter solstice!
Happy winter solstice!!!
ooh these are so pretty . I almost made...ok wanted to make ...some months ago to blog but u know I am a BIG LAZY so i never did it. Im sure its good and chewy. I must try. tq for reminding me Sonia!
Oh wow! they're so cute and delectable at the same time.
Merry Christmas to u!
Hi All, Thanks for your lovely words.
qwazymonkey, Thanks for dropping by, will visit your blog soon.
Oh.. I forgot to blog about this until I saw your blog. Abit too late for winter solstice :P
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