After tasted the durian pancake at Dragon One, we all fall in love with this pancake. It look not that difficult to prepare at home. The important point is how to get a thin and good crepe!! I seached around in Google, and found out a lot of peoples have been looking for this recipe, but either one not sharing this or sharing with difference way of durian pancake !! (if you found this recipe, let me know please)
No choice, I need to make my own crepe recipe, I tried about for 4 times, mix and match, finally I got this recipe which is quite close to the original one (need to improve on the thickness, mine a bit thick).
Homemade durian pancake
To prepare crepe:-
All purpose flour 200g
Tapioca flour 1tsp
water 400ml
salt 1/4tsp
sugar 1tbsp
a drop of yellow colouring
Batter :-
1. Mix all ingredients in a big bowl and use whisk to mix well. Sieve, then cover and stand for 30 minutes.
2. Pour a scoop of the batter in the center of the non-stick pan (do not add oil) and move the pan around for the batter to coat the side.
3. Once the colour changed and batter turn hard, crepe is ready and remove it immediately . Just fry for one side only.
To prepare durian pancake:-
Fresh whipped cream
Durian flesh (if you don't take durian, you may replace it with mango)
1. Spoon 1tbsp of durian flesh and 1tbsp of fresh whipped cream on the center of crepe.
2. Fold into a square shape.
3. Immediately store in the fridge for later consume.
**Even this recipe is not perfect yet, but I'm happy as my family members love this and really cheap if make this at home. Maybe I can consider to take order, hehehe, just joking !!!
**Nancy Mommy, I know this is your family's favourite too, try this recipe when you are free...
Happy Cooking !!!
25 minutes ago
I can imagine the smell of the pancakes all the way here :) Man, how I miss our durian. I bet this taste divine!
I love durian anything! And you are really a great mom - experimenting till you get a close replica of the original. Your family is lucky! The filling looks so fresh and light. Simply lovely, Sonia! ;)
Oh..durian. Have not made this long time ago. Will try this when I am free. (hehee...still can smell the durian~~)
if my favorite also, so expensive buy at shopping center, now i can try to do, thanks ah..
wow this is exactly what I was looking for! I never found the right crepe recipe. thanks for sharing this, Sonia!
I loves durian...
It looks just like the ones sold outside already, only bigger with much more 'liu' inside! ;)
i just prefer fresh durian...怪人一个!let me smell your durian pancake will do...heheheeee
I love durian but didn't have it for a long time because hubby absolutely cannot tahan the smell. lol!! I love your pancake, the surface is so smooth :)
i never try durian pancake before, wondering how it taste, but the one u made looks really nice..^_^
wah! This is incredible!!! Something that I love so much Sonia...!!!
Oh, I like durian pancake, used to buy it from shop, now I can make it myself, wait for me to get some durians first :)
Icook4fun,very good smell lo..
Ju, I learnt from you, never give up, hehehe...
Anncoo, quickly share your recipe, I would love to try it.
Zeesiew, so expensive selling outside ho, quickly do this at home.
tracieMoo, let me know if you able to improve this recipe,ok..
somewhere in SG, it seem you are a durian lover too.
Bangsar Babe, Thanks for dropping by, will visit your blog soon.
Sonia, ur pancake looks yummy.
But unluckily i dont like durian lei.
Yet to send ur parcel.
Wil send in this 2 days.
sulianmummy, but you are still a durian lover right?
Ellie, understand your situation, try it out when you return MY and eat alone lo..
Rachel, Thanks.
Mia, it look like you are a durian lover too..
Min, Thanks for dropping by
Jane, glad to hear from you, if you dont like durian, just replace it with mango, also nice..
thanks for your recipe! I love it!
I will try it when I feel free..
Wow, you made this? Very good lah, looks like store-bought.
WOW!! Never seen this before! Bet it must've tasted damn good! Will consider this only when there's durian home ... Not now though because most of almost fell sick after dosing ourselves with durian a while back! LOL! We got overheated!
Can I try some of yours! :)
oO! u made this one! cool
Wooo, I can imagine the nice aroma of the pancake....drooling!
Nancy, this recipe is specially for you!!
J.O, just normal crepe only.
LCOM,Thanks dear.
Pei Lin, this dessert is a very hote item now.
BBO, Thanks for stopped by.
ai wei, yes, I did this, not bad huh,hehehe..
Pete, Thanks.
oh I miss you! I've tried it once too and love it, but have never tried making myself though...
Ooooh! My son loves this!!! When we were back visiting in KL for 3 months, my son and I would eat this at one of the stalls at "Garden" (next to Mid-Valley) everytime we were there (which is 2-3 times a week!!).
Will try to make this to surprise him!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
I heard some people keep the batter in the fridge overnight so that it gets more "sturdy" when panfried. Maybe that way u can do the crepe thinner. It's so expensive buying it when making it is just a fraction of the cost. RM10 per 5 pc pack hoh:)
pigpigcorner, you should try to make this!!
Tricia, thanks for dropping by, ya, me too, we all crazy about this, at least now I can save some money.
wendwy, Thanks for dropping by, i think keep in the fridge and get thin crepe, are two diff matter. I will keep trying, I will share the recipe once I got the right crepe again !! stay tuned.
Wow! You did it! I sure hope I can taste this!!!
Make some for me next time I'm in Malaysia? Hehehe...
Thanks Sonia for sharing this, I made it and it taste superb. Here's the write-up, credits to you:
Will it turn hard when you put it in the fridge?
Hey I've tried your recipe and I think it turned out exactly like yours. ... I'm not sure if to add a lil bit more water could produce thinner crepe? Btw I loved it my family loved it too... Cheers
hi,can i know what whipping cream you use?
Chew, this one I use non-dairy whipping cream, but now I would suggest you use dairy whipping cream, taste better and creamer.
Hi Sonia
Very nice pancake. Wonder whether you need to whip the dairy whipping cream before scooping into the crepe?
I have been looking for an eggless crepe recipe. thanks for sharing :)
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