I like this super soft texture of "Oleh bread", bake and bake it again, kids also keep requesting for it.
This time, I baked a "Heart" shape.
-Before bake, topping with ham, Mozzarella cheese, and sprinkle with parsley flakes on the side.
Basic "Oleh Bread" dough refer to here
How to make the"Heart shape", refer to Carol
Do enjoy Baking !!!
Berbuka Puasa Makan Nasi dengan Asam Pedas Kambing
10 minutes ago
Very nice Heart Shape and looks delicious:D At first I thought this is a pizza.
Baked heart shape "Oleh Bread " for your honey ?
Pretty hearts, dear! The last pic - yum yum! Great shot.
Boy, this really says it all! The oleh bread recipe can be trusted! Will consider giving it a try ... But, maybe tweak it to suit my preference ... Will see how though ... Thanks for sharing Sonia!
u r addicted to oleh oldi...i fall in luv wif ur buns d, how? can courier some to me?? haha
很美的"爱心"面包 ,看起来真的很像pizza
This holiday, I intend to bake loads and loads of bread, this will be one of them!
The hearts look awesome...Sure my kids will like it :-)
I love your heart shape bread! It will be great to serve it during anniversary and valentine's day :)
Anncoo,actually it tasted like a Pizza.
Bakeling, sorry, he has no chance to try this, my kids sapu all, hahaha..furthermore he is not bread lover.
Ju, nice heart shape huh..
Pei Lin, do give it a try, never try never know...
Sherleen, try to do it.
Felvinc, actually the bread dough can use as Pizza dough too.
Kitchen Butterfly, Thanks for dropping by, ya, you should, kids will love it.
Nostalgia, Thanks.
Gulmohar, try it out.
Icook4fun, that is a very good idea !!!
Moon, quickly post your one, I want to see it. Thanks for stopping by.
Lovely! Thanks for sharing, will make this one day.
lovely!!! the heart shape bread is soooo cute!
love, lovely oleh bread, so sweet & yummy.
Really nice food. Enjoy looking at those pictures.
Very nice heart shape...
Oh how super cute! I want a heart shape bread!
wow!! your heart shape bread look like pizza,opssh I think it's better than pizza coz I see the thickness and moistness.Must taste yummy!! your pix really look fantastic!!
Blessed homemaker, Thanks for dropping by.
Ai Wei, Thanks.
My little things corner, this is best serve during afternoon tea, hehehe..
All trading ideas, Thanks for dropping by.
Somewhere in SG, Thanks.
LCOM, you can cake this too.
My Asian Kitchen, Thanks for your lovely words.
I have to try makingt this! Looks so soft and delicious.
Looks sooooo yummy!!!
That loks tasty man! Hmmmm
Would it be the same to make it in the breadmaker?
I am D by the way...
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