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Sunday, August 26, 2012

A day trip to Fraser's Hill

I could not remembered how long my last visit to Fraser's Hill , i think easily 15 years ago. Since my children never been there before, so I brought them to visit this place during last week Raya and school holidays.Also try to escape from the hot and humid weather at my place to this slightly cooling place.The journey from my place to Fraser's Hill took us about 2 and 1/2hours..We were welcome by sizzling rain when we reached at top of this hill.


we stopped by this dam when on the way up to the hill..

narrow, winding route and one way up to the hill

I like to see all buidlings that left by former British colonial..


We had brunch at this old coffee shop..



More nice buidlings

A lonely dog...


The famous clock tower


Golf club


Post Office


bench for you to relax and enjoy the cool weather here..

nice flowers







we also have boating at Allan's water

we also stopped by a nursery nearby Allan's water..



huge cabbage

strawberry baby and flowers




we did not returned with empty hands, my daughter asked me to buy this strawberry plants for her, bought two pots with RM 5/pot



site said...

Well, I have been hearing how cool about this place for ages but always opt for other highlands like Genting & Cameron. So, last school holidays, with my will power and wanting my children at least have stepped on this highland, I went for it. Fraser’s Hill is located about 100km from KL with approximately 2 hours of driving.

Annie's Journal said...

Fraser Hill is beautiful! Looks like a very ideal place for family outing! Thanks for taking us to see the place thru your blog:) Enjoyed it!

Chong said...

Have not been to Fraser's Hill for a very long time. Not sure if the weather is still chilly like before.

Mel said...

Well, my last visit was way back in 1993! I guess this place is much more nicer with upgrading of buildings and tourist places. Beautiful photos you have shot!

Little blue said...

wow...i can feel the air is fresh, flowers is colourful and green trees, maybe i can come here next trip!!

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for sharing these photos on Fraser's Hill. Been there several times for Co. conferences years ago. Like the serene environment and cool fresh air. Hope the route up isn't as winding as before.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I actually just notice that the strawberry plant has white flower! Hope to you your 2 pots of strawberries will grow strong! I really like the photos that you took in Fraser Hill, I can really "feel" the chill there, just remind me of Cameron Highlands.

Simple Person said...

Nice... It had been 8 years that I have not been to Fraser hills..

Dumpling Love said...

Fraser Hill looks so quaint and tranquil. I love the architecture of the buildings there. Very nice photos, Sonia! Thanks for sharing =)

Ana Regalado said...

Beautiful scenery , Sonia ! Such an ideal place for family outing :)

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures. Fraser's is a good retreat We were in another cool hill resort - Camerons over Raya.

Li Shuan said...

I cant remember when was my last visit to Frasers Hill. Seems like a beautiful and relaxing place to visit. Thanks for sharing lots of nice pics

sabrina 莎莎 said...

Its a relaxing holiday~~~
^^ i wish to go too...
my two babies dint go b4..=)
wish can catch more nice photo~~

mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
I am like , have visited Fraser Hill after seeing all your beautiful pictures.
A good place for family outing . Hope to go there in future with my kids.
Thanks for sharing such a nice place.

lena said...

hi sonia, it was such a long time ago i went to frasers. Really, dont hv much memories of all the sights you show here, just remember it's a cooling place..heehee..

hanushi said...

It look like a very lovely place.. :) You make me want to visit one day too.

Baking Diary said...

I think my last visit was even longer, during my first company trip! It has changed so much judging from your photos...must try to plan a visit there too!

Unknown said...

i have been there before, but a long time ago. u remind me that i have a plan to got there in the next school holiday. hi.....

Anonymous said...

Hi, although I vomited all the way up n all d way down when we visited Fraser Hill last year as I'm a person who cannot travel by road BUT I would LOVE to visit this place any time again because it's really worth it. It's so relax, give u a sense of calmness... o I so deem miss this place.
(JL )

Unknown said...


Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

A nice place to rest and relax!

PH said...

I haven't been there for a long, long time too. What I like are the flowers. And the strawberries. So beautiful.

kym said...

nice place!! but me not yet hav change to that lo...

during hari raya peak hrs oo.. btw jam bo?

Angelic Heart~ said...

i haven't been in Fraser's Hill before. This place look lovely and tranquil.

Sem said...

i havent been to Fraser hill, always have Awana/Genting spring to my mind when think of somewhere near and cooling, haha ,I should make it the next trip when there more long weekend coming soon.

Casey said...


Joceline Lor said...


Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Haha wish the strawberry plants will give you lots of juicy strawberries! :) Thanks for sharing the photos!

choi yen said...

Journey go up there can kill me .><

Suhaina said...

Lovely memmories come back after I see ur photos. We had been there 4yrs back. The clock tower, the strawberry garden, the boating place...lovely..Now I want to vist there once more.
Didn't u go to the water falls??
Thanks Sonia for posting about the trip..

Anonymous said...

i wish i can go one day....love pic's

Anna Flores said...

Fraser Hill looks so quaint and tranquil. I love the architecture of the buildings there. Very nice photos, Sonia! Thanks for sharing =)

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