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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Spiral Curry Puff 螺旋咖哩角

Spiral Curry Puff

Curry puff ( It is a small deep-fried pie consisting of specialised curry with chicken and potatoes ) is a very common snack in Malaysia. Today i not going to share with you the normal curry puff but instead I'm sharing with you this special spiral curry puff (inspired by Jane's corner as she recently brought a big box of spiral curry puffs to school and was well received by all).

Spiral Curry Puff

The crust of this spiral curry puff is more crunchy than the normal curry puff. Even after several hours, the skin still maintain crunchy and crispy.

Spiral Curry Puff

The process of making pastry

Picnik collage

Picnik collage

Spiral Curry Puff

I believe more practices making nice curry puff, i'm proud to see this beautiful plait,,

Spiral Curry Puff

Spiral Curry Puff

I found the curry puff deep fry in a deep fryer get nicer colour and more crunchy. This was a batch that using wok to deep fry, the middle part tend to brown faster than other parts..

Spiral Curry Puff

Spiral Curry Puff
*makes 15 curry puffs
recipe source: pastry adapted from Jane's corner, folding method adapted from this video, and my own style of potato and chiken filling

Potato and chicken filling

Spiral Curry Puff250g potato, diced
150g chicken, diced
1tbsp chili paste
2tbsp meat curry powder
1 big onion, chopped
3 sprigs curry leaves
1tsp salt or to taste
1tsp sugar or to taste
1tsp light soy sauce

1. Heat oil in wok, sauté chopped onions until aroma
2. Mix in chili paste, curry leaves and curry powder till fragrant.
3. Add in diced chicken and potatoes, mix well.
4. Add in some water and simmer for 10-15min, season with salt, sugar and light soy sauce, cook until potato tender and mixture is dry.
5. Dish out to cool.


Water dough
Spiral Curry Puff200g all purpose flour
90-100g water
3tbsp cooking oil
1/2tsp salt
25g caster sugar

1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
2. Slowly pour in water and lightly knead till a soft dough.
3. Cover and set aside to rest for 20mins.

Oil dough
90g all purpose flour
45g Crisco shortening or 55g margarine (updated on 8 Apr 2015)

1. Put flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Rub in shortening and slowly combine to a soft dough.
3. Cover and set aside to rest for 15mins.

To make spiral skin
1. Flatten the water dough and wrap the oil dough inside. Pinch the edges to seal it nicely.
2. Dust some flour on a work surface, gently roll the dough out into a rectangle.
3. Fold the rectangle from one long end by 1/3, and fold the other one long end over the top.
4. Rotate the dough 90 degree, gently roll the dough into rectangle again and repeat the folding process twice more.
5. Once the dough has been rolled and folded 3 times, slowly roll up tightly into a Swiss roll (apply some water on the dough while rolling) and rest for 20mins.
6. Use a sharp knife, divide the dough into 15 pieces of small dough (about 30g each).

To fill and shape puff
1. Take a small dough (spiral side face up) and use a small rolling pin to roll to a circle disc.
2. Put 1tbsp of filling in the centre, press the edge together and seal it.
3. Pinch the edge of the puff with your thumb and make plait on the edge.
4. Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer, oil must be very hot before putting in the puff and enough to cover to the puff.
5. Deep fry the puff on medium heat until golden brown.

Spiral Curry Puff


Jane Chew said...

我来吃curry puff 了。我还在等我的brioche 最后发酵。等到要睡觉哦。还好有你的curry puff 可以Makan. 很美哦。

divya said...

Looks sinfully delicious ...drooling here

ann low said...

Looks so tempting! Can't wait to try this lovely recipe :)

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

These curry puffs are lovely! Like your plait too, I don't know how to make the plait :<

Angie's Recipes said...

wow They are so crispy!! Beautiful spiral layers.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Wow, I love the spirals and it look soooo crispy and yummy!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh very nice! I have bookmarked this recipe too but the thought of frying made me rethink of making it, lol! Love the plaits, can you show us how to do it? Video maybe, thanks Sonia!

tinyskillet said...

Yum! I love the crisp spirals. I wish I could make these! They are beautiful!

Sherleen.T said...

yeah i like the curry puff, i hope i can do it one day...and the plait is really beautiful...

Lori said...

I love curry puffs! This is such a great twist, literally. :) I like that the spiral keeps it crunchy. I can't wait to give these a try!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oops sorry, my bad, didn't see the video you already posted, hehehe! :P thanks!

yummylittlecooks said...

This is one of my favourites.The plait was so neat and pretty.

DG said...

I love this one ... looks so crispy yummy! Thanks for sharing step-by-step tutorial, however, I think I still not confident to do this :) How about like that? Do you take any order?

ICook4Fun said...

Love the many layers of the spiral. Tney look so nice and crispy. I wish I can some of it for lunch.

Diane said...

They look fantastic. If I tried these they would look nothing like as good as yours. Diane

Mary said...

Wow. These are a work of art. This is the first I've heard of layering water and oil doughs. It's fascinating what a difference that makes! I wish I could taste these.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting way to make the pastry.And filling sound delicious;)

tigerfish said...

You created some perfect spirals on the curry puffs! How I miss curry puffs...

Pushpa said...

Flaky and deeeelicious!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Feel like having a piece of the spiral curry puff right now... hehe...

Belly Good Cooking said...

Beautiful spirals and looks tempting!! Yums..

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

Wow step by step spiral curry puff Sonia looks mouth-watering..will definitely try after my fasting and let u know:)

Little blue said...

Can feel the skin is very crispy...i want "ta bao"!!

Kitchen Corner said...

Wohh!! Very nice curry puffs!! Drooling.... :******

Hearty Bakes said...

Looks sedap! We love curry puffs, especially such flaky crisply type. I have never tried making these, so tempted now looking at yours.

Mel said...

I loves this snack curry puffs alot but very hesitate to make because of so many steps to go thru to make the pastry. Wish I am near by your home so I can taste one....hee.eee

Elin said...

this is great for afternoon tea snacks :) well done..the layers of flakes and your spiral is well defined :) I bet it finished fast. I want some leh :p

Fresh Garden said...

Delightful! Yummy!
Kaya puff and curry puff are my favorites!!

Indian Khana said...

Love this and you have made it so perfect ....yum

Prema said...

wow delicious and yummy curry puff,u have done it perfectly...bookmarked:)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Your curry puffs love so delicious. I also want to eat some.Also like the little white basket that you used in taking the photos.I'm crazy with all the pretty little things.This recipe looks too hard for me to follow,I think I need to do some practices b4 thinking of making them.Dont even know how to plait a puff, pai seh!

Sissi said...

I love the "spiral" pattern, it looks like an oyster shell! When I first looked at it, it seemed extremely difficult, but after your step-by-step photos I think I might maybe try it one day, when I feel like a very brave baker ;-) The filling sounds delicious even on its own.

Li Shuan said...

Sonia pandai leh, I attempted to do this a few times but fail to have the spiral haha..the last time only have a few lines ..must try again. Now have to eat yours first!

kitchen flavours said...

Wow! Looks so crunchy and delicious! Great job on the spirals! Wish I could have some of my tea, and breakfast, and supper! :)

Rachel Hei said...

Wah~ sangat suka leh... I love the spiral curry puff more than the normal one..hehe

Anonymous said...

Looking at your curry puff make me craving for one, later go "old chang kee" buy one curry puff to eat..hehe

shaz said...

Wow looks really pretty. And delicious too!

Unknown said...

cantik and sedap ya :)

Unknown said...

Spirals gives the curry puff a special look. Always a favourite for tea time.

Quiet Baker said...

Wow...it has been eons since I ate these!!! So sedap!!! Thanks for posting the recipe and the method with photos!!!


Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Wow, they look so nice. They are fried but they don't look oily at all. Thanks for sharing the steps.

lena said...

they look very crispy indeed! never made curry puffs before but kaya puffs yes.

Umm Mymoonah said...

This looks very tempting, the layers of the pastry is just amazing, yumm!

Unknown said...

Wow, very crispy pastry! Thanks for the details steps of the photos. They are very helpful.

Amelia said...

Sonia, your curry puff is very beautiful done, perfect & looks extremely delicious.

P/S I try out your old fashioned butter cake, the taste was good. Thanks for sharing.

daphne said...

What great patience u have!! It's so well down with the swirls! and the filling + pastry ratio looks just right. I would love one now!

The Hushgirl said...

nice plait!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

Those look AMAZING. I want to eat one right this second - great photos too!

S said...

Oh dies .. yummy, yummy, yummy! I've not made curry puffs since Home Economics class but these are making me itch to try again. I'm probably gonna feck it up and then have to resort to going to the neighbour store to buy some and drool at your pictures.

Babe_KL said...

I really salute you to make spiral curry puffs as there's so much work involved. Good job!

Edith said...

sonia, yours looks like one of our singapore famous stall ones. V pro.

mycookinghut said...

Looks absolutely delicious! This is one of my favs!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Wow Sonia! This is amazing!! The spiral flaky puff totally looks delicious and beautiful!

Cheah said...

Can't help salivating over your curry puffs! Nicely fried!

Jes's Deli Corner said...

Looks crunchy..will bookmark this recipe..this for sharing the steps

Dmarie said...

OH, MY, that looks soo delicious!!

Jeannie said...

My sons have been pestering me to make these spiral curry puffs but I have been lazy, lol! Yours looks so delicious, will bookmark this for future use:)

My Little Space said...

Sonia, the picture looks really beautiful. Feel like grabbing them from the screen. haha....

Yenny said...

You've made it so well. Today I made my spiral curry puff using other's recipe,I failed, as the oil dough didn't stick to the water dough when I rolled it, so it's broken. I ever made this before with the same recipe and it turned out so good. I really don't know why...so sad to think about that.


Watierman said...

Hi Sonia I have used this recipe a few times & it's a major success!!! I love it & would love to share it with others through my blog...I will credit link it to your blog....TQ ya!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yenny, why not you try my recipe and let me know the result.

Watierman, Thanks for trying out and my family love this too.

Unknown said...
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clee said...

謝謝你的recipe, 我做出來皮不脆脆,可能我把皮放在雪柜裏后,才來做。你做有這個可能嗎?要怎樣才能脆脆啊? 感謝。

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Clee, try again and follow exactly this recipe, I am sure you will success .

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sonia, this is always my family's favourite back home and I've always thought that it was hard to make this snack. I've tried the first time & to my surprise, the pastry was so crispy but it was abit sweet. Am not good in baking or cooking but, it was so yummy. I'll definitely make this again for the up coming party.


Anonymous said...

I've tried your curry puff recipe..... great.. recipe....

Can i use tis recipe to make baked siew pao???

TQ.. hehehehe...

Diana said...

Hi, I'm in Australia and your spirals look great. Just wondering what is a good substitute for Crisco shortening....Thanks for all your wonderful recipes.

nicole said...

Hi sonia, the curry puff looks delicious! Do u know whether I can bake it in my oven instead? What is tge temperature n how long I should bake? Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Diana , maybe you can try to substitute with margarine..

Nicole, I have never bake it before ..maybe you can use 180c and timing you adjust accordingly .let me know the result whether it still crispy using bake method .

Unknown said...

for the water dough, the ingredients states 3 tablespoon of cooking oil but you did not mention adding it to the dough. Do you add this together with the water?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Es Ng, yes add together with dry ingredients then only pour in water.

Nic said...

Hi Sonia. Can I use spreadable margarine instead? What brand of margarine I should use?

Anonymous said...

Can i leave out the sugar.?🙂

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, you might reduce the sugar but not totally omit.

xiao-siau-siow said...

Hi Sonia,

Can i check if we can freeze the uncooked curry puff & fry it as & when we want to eat it? Or we have to fry it on the same day we made it?

Chea Fei

Unknown said...

All over the internet shows how to make and make it look so simple. I have done it but what happens is a few turn out good but as I go along, the skin starts to split apart as I am filling the dough. What could be the problem n how can I ensure the filling doesn't spill.

Is it the portioning of the water dough vs the oil dough?

It's during filling that the dough splits apart. HELP!!!

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