I have been thinking to cook Mee Kolok ( a common noodle dish in Sarawak) long time ago, but here I can't get a good noodle which similar to the Sarawak Mee Kolok noodle. The noodles which sell in wet market here are very common types such as yellow noodle, pan mee, & etc. Yesterday I noticed a type of noodle which sell in Tesco are very similar to Mee Kolok noodle, the name of the noodle called as Ramen noodle (not able to show you, forgot to take photo). Immediately I use this noodle to cook Mee Kolok, wah, this is the noodle that I have been looking for, can be compete with actual Mee Kolok noodle.
Yes, dear.
mm..yummy 好想念这面的味道,去过两次Sarawak都有吃到,还买了一包面回来煮。
R u from sarawak?
i miss the sarawak laksa very much, do u know how to cook it?
Twister, sorry just saw your msg.
I'm not from Sarawak but Klang.
I like the Sarawak laksa too, and has been looking for recipe on how to prepare it, but realized that all recipes published is using the ready made laksa paste to cook it, too easy. I wanted to prepare the laksa paste myself but till now still can't find it. Anyway, I still searching for it, will let you know once I manage to found it.
emile, thank you very much.
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