If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My best melt-in-mouth Pineapple tarts (enclosed version) 最酥的凤梨酥

I would said pineapple tarts rank number 1 among all CNY cookies, do you agree?
As a Hokkien, we called pineapple as "Ong Lai", means bring good luck. So every CNY, i must bake some pineapple tarts, if not bake some, i afraid our "Ong" will not come, hehehe..

IMG_7190 copy

Thanks to my Malay friend who shared this super easy pineapple tart pastry with me, which only requires four ingredients, butter, condensed milk, flour and egg yolks..
And I love this pastry very much, it is simply melt-in-mouth !! Maybe you have your own melt-in-mouth recipe, but this is the best melt-in-mouth pineapple tarts version that I have tried so far..
The highlight of this pastry recipe is using very ordinary condensed milk or sweetened creamer  which everyone should have some at home especially prepare Milo drink..

IMG_7113 copy

This year, i also started to make my own pineapple filling..and i prefer only use two ingredients i.e pienapple and sugar, not adding other spices like cloves or cinnamon..I just want pure pineapple fragrance..

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At first i bought the ordinary pineapple (i think it is Morris pineapple) from market , only cost me RM 1 for each (like shown in the below picture, without the outer skin)..Last two days, Giant supermarket had the promotion of Josephine pineapple which only cost RM 0.78 for each, i quickly bought few..After tasted pineapple filling from two difference types, i feel Josephine pineapple tasted nicer than the ordinary one..more pineapple aroma..

pineapple filling

Since my family prefer less sweet pineapple filling, usually i will bake pineapple tarts before last few days to CNY, since less sugar it will not last too long..

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And this pastry is not sticky at all, easy to be handled..Also i prefer to use those ordinary butter (like Bxxx brand) , so no strong buttery taste over take the pineapple aroma..


This time, i did not make the usual Nastar shape, i made into ball and enclosed version.

making pineapple tarts

This beautiful vase given by Jessie just came in the right time, perfect to decorate with some flowers..

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no one can resist this melt-in-mouth pineapple tarts !!

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My best melt-in-mouth Pineapple tarts (enclosed version) 凤梨酥
(recipe source: by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 100pcs

350g butter

IMG_7158 copy 100g condensed milk or sweetened creamer
510g plain flour / all purpose flour
2 egg yolks

1 egg yolk +1tsp milk, for egg wash

700g Pineapple filling (homemade or store-bought)


1. Cream butter and condensed milk till light.
2. Add in egg yolk one at a time, and beat until combine.
3. Mix in flour, mix till become a soft and not sticky dough.
4. Roll pineapple filling into ball (8g each) and roll dough into ball (10g each).
5. Flatten a piece of dough and place a piece of the roll pineapple filling in the middle. Bring the edges of the dough together and press lightly to seal. Roll it in between your palms to shape it into a roll.
6. Cut few lines on the pineapple balls to create pineapple pattern, apply egg wash with a brush.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 165C (fan forced) for 23mins or till golden brown.
8. Cool completely before storing.

Homemade pineapple filling ( Check new recipe here-updated on 24 Nov 2016)

1.5kg pineapple flesh (from ripe pineapple but not over ripe) , process finely in a food processor (do not add water)

250g coarse sugar (adjust accordingly)


1. Cook pineapple flesh together with the juices in a wok over medium low heat until water reduced, stir from time to time.
2. Add in sugar and cook over low heat till thick, stir from time to time, takes about 1 hour.

My husband like to decorate house with pineapple lanterns than the ordinary lantern..But this year, he got two huge pineapple lanterns, about 4 feet long, because the sales girl wrongly gave him this size, hahaha.. 


I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

This post is also linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Bake for Happy Kids, the theme of this month is Pineapple! Please join the fun if you bake or cook anything with pineapple this month.


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Baby Sumo said...

I also like the pure pineapple jam, just like you :) Dont like to add those spices. Anyway I got some pineapple jam left.. wanna try this version!

Sharon @Feats of Feasts said...

i love this!! Looks so lovely and with generous pineapple filling. I did not tackle on making the tarts this year, maybe i will try during or after CNY. :)

Sem said...

I have tried your pastry recipe, it is really very very good, and so easy to handle the dough, a definite recipe keeper, thank you so much for sharing this recipe as i love it so much.

~仪仪妈咪~ said...

I will try pineapple cookies tonight and hope that success ^^

Mel said...

Lovely pineapple cookies, and now you are more hard working than me and looking at your delicious yummy pineapple cookies, you have made my "engine" going to start baking again....

Esther Lau said...

Sonia, I agreed with you pineapple tarts are always the Best and No 1...Wishing you a VERY ONG year ahead :)

Ling yuen chin said...

Agree, agree, agree.....
今天做了pineapple tarts, 就是用了你的食谱,非常喜欢!
谢谢你无私的分享!! 迟点才post,这几天好忙,好忙!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Very nice! I have my own melt in the mouth pastry recipe too but yours look super tempting, will try! Thanks for letting us know the better taste pineapple, will definitely look for Josephine kind. :))

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Pineapple tarts, my favourite...

Little blue said...

this also my first choice cookies but i didn't made myself...so can i have some??!! hehe...wish you and your family enjoy this long holidays and Happy Snake Year 2013!!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, I just visited Yen's post who shared her method of making the pineapple jam. I told her that I'm still looking for the shortcut to make this super popular tarts, haha, now I think I can just copy this recipe & use it in the future! No more new posting from I until next week, a bit relax now!

茄子 said...


Crystal Loh said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


sabrina 莎莎 said...

100% handmade from Sonia~~ Tasty, Lovely, n happiness~~~!!!!
huat ah!!!!

Passionate About Baking said...

I love the look of your pineapples tarts! A lot of work to cook pineapple paste. I have my own version if melt in the mouth pineapple crust too! But yours look very pretty. Shall try it next year. Thanks veryuch for sharing!!

Angie's Recipes said...

Very pretty, Sonia. I too enjoy the pure pineapple filling.

Unknown said...

Looks very nice. Must try this one of these days

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, I have bookmeared this. Whenever I am in the mood to make pineapple tart again, this will be the choice. My sis also make some nyonya one today, she told me hers very nice too... So I have 2 recipes awaiting ..hehe...

Chef and Sommelier said...

Aiya Sonia! You should have posted this earlier... Wife had just finished baking all the CNY treats including pineapple tarts!

Will ask her to use your recipe next time!

Artsylicious said...

wow... the tarts make me drooling.... the red 'ong lai' is really big ah... sure brings you a lot of 'ong'! hahha!

Anonymous said...

i made this too but i used "table for 2" recipe...very nice too...wishing u a happy chinese new year


Unknown said...

Sonia, I did my CNY pineapple tarts using your recipe and all my relatives and colleagues love it to the max! They love the melt in your mouth texture but I used store-bought pineapple paste.

Once I have updated my blog, I will credit it back to your entry ok?

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful recipe and true enough even we added condense milk it is not sweet at all..

蚊子 said...

I wish to made it! but due to not enough time spend on kitchen so i have to give up... thanks for your sharing..i will keep it for my next year CNY cookies! ^^

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia look absolutely delicious abd so cute!!

ogyep yummy mellow said...

now only I know.. I also want to bring some ong la.. will bake some Ong Lai later..

Sally said...


Little Corner of Mine said...

Only 4 ingredients for the pastry, you got me excited and so tempting to give it a try! Bookmarked the recipe first. :)

珊珊 said...


珊珊 said...


Alice said...

Sonia, I am going to try this recipe, only 4 ingredients really tempts me :P
Can I ask u, can this recipe be used when I make open pineapple tart instead of balls?
Thks :)

Chris said...


These pineapple tarts look great! I wasn't thinking of making any this year but they look so tempting! :D

Caca said...

really best melt-n-mouth? I will keep your recipe for next year. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

mui mui said...

Sonia ,
Your tart look so inviting!
I like the closed up version.
I find the jam inside is nicer and moist.

PH said...

I say, Sonia! Now too late for me to try this recipe. Never mind, I KIV for next year CNY. Meantime can still make after CNY hor?

Mich Piece of Cake said...

I love this 4 ingredient version, will book mark to try next year.

Baking Diary said...

I love this version, easy to arrange in containers and wont stick to each other like the open type:) Looks lovely too!

MeRy said...

Nice cookies..

Caca said...

what a coincident, my Malay neighbour had just given me the same pineapple tarts that look like yours. It was her homemade by her. Maybe this is Malay style of pineapple tarts. And, I just know, Malay also make pineapple tarts for their Raya.

MK Moon said...

hi sonia, i like very strong buttery and the skin must very 松。So which portion of the ingredient i need to adjust?

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...


I tried ur recipe, made twice, each time half a recipe. Hopefully I have time to blog about it.

First time I made into open tart (flower shape) and enclosed tart. Second time I made into Nastar. I think the pastry tasted best with Nasta shape. :)

For the second time I also added little bit more flour as my family prefers firmer texture. This recipe is really very simple and fragrant, thanks for sharing.

Yannie said...

Looks so beautiful and delicious. I really love this melt in mouth pineapple tarts.

Tamara said...

this is fantastic, i love pineaple

Tracy Low said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Alice, i tried once made open tart using the wooden press mould, but quite hard to handle..So i would said this pastry best for Nastar and enclosed type.

MK Moon, this pastry is already 松, use good butter if you want it taste more buttery..

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Hi Sonia,

These pineapple tarts look wonderful. With so many interesting pineapple tart recipes to choose, I would like try baking more of the enclosed ones too in the future. This recipe will be the first in my list to try...

Appreciate if you can link up your pineapple tarts post with us!

All you need to do is to 1) mention Little Thumbs Up in your post and link back to Bake for Happy Kids or/and my little favourite DIY 2) submit your details on my Acar post and your link will be on my post :D



Joelyn Wong said...

Hi Sonia, can we used Malaysia's condensed creamer (coz condensed milk not available)?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Joelyn, yes, just use normal sweetended creamer like F&N, teapot brands..

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Thank you so much for linking up with us. Happy that you joined us :)


Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , your homemade pineapple tarts look fantastic ! I'm gonna steal your recipe sometime , okay ?! lol

hui said...

thank you for sharing this recipe.. it really is as wonderful as you say ^^ though i had quite a difficult time making these.. it's my first time folding dough over a filling ^^ i've been enjoying your posts for some time now, but never gotten round to saying hi.. hope you have a good cny and happy hols ^^

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Saving this recipe! I really want to make pineapple tarts on my own. This looks so good!!! Hope I can make them one day. I guarantee that I will finish all by myself!

mk said...

just a question if u can enlighten me before i begin....do we have to line the baking tray or do anything before placing the tarts on it?? thanks:))))

mk said...

just a question if u can enlighten me before i begin....do we have to line the baking tray or do anything before placing the tarts on it?? thanks:))))

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

mk, yes, line the baking tray if it is not a non-stick type of tray.

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, as I have some leftover pineapple jam from CNY, I baked these today. They are really really really melt in the mouth and really really yummylicious!!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe with us!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I love this recipe of yours!

Btw, do you have any idea how long can I keep the pineapple tarts at room temperature?

And can I keep them in the fridge?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous (may I know you name pls..), you can store in room temperature about 1 week (make sure cool the tarts completely before stoting), later than that, store in the fridge since there is no preservative added.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Thanks for your response.

Can I store in the fridge after it cool down?

Will it affect the texture and taste of the pineapple tarts?

Ms Tan

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are the first blog I found when I was searching for pineapple tart recipes. I made mine following the recipe exactly and they turned out fantastic! :)


coolsgp said...

Hi Sonia

I'm also pineapple love. Would like to try your recipe. I have doubt on this:1 egg yolk +1tsp milk, for egg wash

May i know what kind of milk u are using?

小食代 said...

this is one of my family's favorite even for my the most-picky-for-pineapple tart- sister.
i wonder what the different between enclosed version and pineapple tart roll.
Really thanks for this wonderful and simple recipe!

Sweet Baker Sg said...

Hi Sonia , may I know the butter u used is salted or unsalted? I have tried ur recipe it's really those melt in e mouth type very nice but I used unsalted butter n somehow I felt there's like something is missing ;) did I used wrong type of butter? Thks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

sweet baker sg, I use salted butter, and I use an ordinary brand Buttercup.

Anonymous said...

I tried this recipe .. Instant hit among every1.... Definitely a keeper .... Thank u so much .... -renu -

mookie26 said...

Hello, Greetings from Kuching, Sarawak. I tried your recipe today and its is fantastic. Thank you very much for sharing :)

Ryna said...

I juz tried today, it's lovely! Not exactly my tyoe of melt in d mouth but its reali 'loose' n it's amazing at after 1yr ppl still rave abt it! CIA I'm gonna make tis for 2014 cny! Thanks for sharing so generously :)

For egg wash can I use uht milk or powdered milk or need it be fresh milk?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi all, usually I either use liquid full cream milk or fresh milk..,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia..

Do you really pour the condense milk onto the weighing machine ?

Maybe you can advise how many Tablespoon is 100g of condense milk?

Most canned milk are measured by ml, right

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, i came across your blog because i wanted to bake pineapple tarts. Well i did bake them using your recipe and they tasted wonderful! Your recipe is a keeper, thank you for sharing it.

Desi from Germany

Unknown said...

Do you use salted or unsalted butter?
I would love to try your recipe for CNY 2014 after seeing so many good comments!! :)

Amy said...

I love reading your blog.. Please continue to share your awesome recipes...

I made the pineapple tarts today and they were delicious. However my pastry cracked after baking... Any idea what's wrong with it? Sorry still a newbie.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yun Ying foo, I use salted and is a buttercup brand .

Amy, I suspect maybe your oven temp is high, try to reduce temperature or put one level lower.

goh said...

Hi Sonia,
I have bake the third time and all my colleagues like it. I use Top Flour instead of plain flour. It's melts . Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, if im using store bought pineapple jam, how long can I store the tarts at room temperature since the jam will.have more sugar but the pastry contains condensed milk? Am afraid if I store it in the fridge the texture might change? I've never tried pineapple tarts recipe with condensed milk, previous years I made those with icing sugar :) will like to try yours this year. Searching for a good melt in mouth tart recipe!

Kelly said...

Hi Sonia,

Looking for melt in the mouth type...Thanks for sharing.

How do u measure the condense milk? Normally is in ml. Which brand u using? Please advise . Thank you :)


Kelly W said...

Hi, I just tried your recipe. It was fantastic! My hubby and kids love it!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I tried this recipe and unexpectedly love it ! Only thing was that the dough was too soft to handle, added abit more flour but they still ended up very yummy ! Thank you for sharing :D - Kylene

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, your pineapple tarts look very very yums! Inspires me to try. May i check with you: is the temperature of the jam and dough very important, like i shouldnt handle or over roll them ? I read somewhere people turn on the aircon as they do it.

Also, can i use the electric mixer to do all the mixibg required.

Lastly, may i do the jam first then fridge it for a day or two before taking it out at room temp when i work on the dough?

Thanks in advance for your generous advice!

Btw, i used your kaya recipe and it was an instant hit among family! We dun buy kaya anymore :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, I would like to know if the centre part (hard core) of the pipineapple can be used or do we have to discard it? While cooking the pineapple jam in medium fire do we need to cover the pot? Thank you in advance for your advice.

Unknown said...

looks nice and yummy, will try this :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, followed your recipe but the crust is slightly biscuit like and not instantly melt in the mouth kind. And they cracked even though I adjusted the 2nd batch temperature to 150 degree at only 15 min.
Do u need to soften butter first? 100 or ml or Condensed milk?
I use only 3rd yolk for egg wash.
advice pls. Thanks.
Ps: I'm new to all such blogs etc so do not know how to get an account hence select anonymous.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

To answer your questions:-
1. Don't need to work in air-cond room, just room temp will do. Ya, don't over work the dough.
2. Yes, you can use electric mixer to make the dough.
3. Yes, you can make the jam in advance.
4. I never add in the hard core of pineapple when making the jam. But I heard some people add in that too. Do not cover the wok while cooking the jam.
5. Yes, you need to let butter in room temperature and soften. I use weighing machine to weight the condensed milk.
6. Please add some milk into egg yolk when you preparing the egg wash.

yammy said...

ow this is yammy .... you all can view this for know more

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

I really love the texture of the tart but do not like the milky taste. May I know what can I add to replace the condensed milk / sweetened creamer. Thank you.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi anonymous, I suggest to use not so buttery butter (not pure butter), like I used only Buttercup brand (this is not butter actually).

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, so you will not taste so milky..

Anonymous said...

Hi , I tried today. Yummy ...it really melts in the mouth. my children loves its.

Anonymous said...

thanks sonia for sharing this amazing recipe! melt in the mouth pineapple tarts has always been my fav. not easily found in stores. and im so glad to have found your recipe! my family and friends love it! ~gwen~

spidermanbaby said...

Hi Nasi Lemak lover, thank you very much for sharing this wonderful recipe of yours!! Am a Singaporean married to a German living overseas & can't quite get any pineapple tarts here!! Am very happy to chance upon your website & you don't know how happy your recipe made me!!!!! Kam sia, kam sia!!!! :-)
Big hugz,

vincentia said...

Hi Nasi Lemak Lover....i like to try your recipe for this Lunar New Year but can i change condensed milk with milk powder? or nor use milk at all. because my daughter have milk allergy. should i change the recipe?
Thank you so much

Unknown said...

Dear Sonia,

I tried the recipe and like it a lot. However, the crust tends to be a little dry. Any advice to make it more moist or I need to adjust the temp?

Isabel said...

Hi I baked these but they didn't melt in the mouth... Why so? :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

This is Yoon again... This time I am trying to make this fantastic pineapple tarts for my family. I am facing few challenges, I hope you can help.

1) I knitted the dough until it didn't stick on my fingers and bowl ( I wonder if I had over worked on it). After making few pieces, I found the dough started sticking on my fingers, break up and melt. I wonder if my hands are too warm.

2) after cooling down the tarts... I Placed the tarts into the container, I found the layer of eggs wash peeled off easily on next day. It is normal or I had done wrong on certain part?

Thank you for your time and kind attention.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sharon, maybe you should try with diff temp.

Yoon, maybe you can put the dough in the fridge for 30mins before you handle them?
Did you put some milk with egg yolks for egg wash? if only egg yolk or maybe attached with some egg white to it, after baked, it tend to turn hard and easily peel off.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Thank you for your reply. It is really helpful. I did tried to put the dough into the fridge but the result is the same. I wonder how long should I knit on the dough?

Sorry to trouble you again.

Kind regards,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, thank you for your suggestion on Buttercup. Will try it.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yoon, last option! using the same brand of butter like me, Buttercup! hahaha..

Anonymous said...

Hello Sonia, Alice here. I have tried with your recipe and it is really melted in mouth. However the crust is still a little sticky and easily break into pcs when it has cooling down after bake. Do you know what has gone wrong?

Doreen said...

Hi Sonia, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful recipe here. Tried it just now and it taste soooooo good!!!!!
105% melt in the mouth.
A keeper recipe for sure every cny in future!

Mari House said...

Will different size yolk from eggs make a difference? What size did you use? I thought of using big eggs size 65gm.

Jayne said...

Hi Sonia,
I came across your blog while looking for pineapple tart recipes and i found yours interesting because it only requires 4 ingredients.

However, my dough turned out quite yellowish as compared to yours, and its not as smooth. In fact, it feels as if its gonna crumble any minute as I roll it into a ball!

Please help!
- Jayne

Unknown said...

When I was preparing the dough I wasn't sure I like the smell cas it has a strong condensed milk smell.. After baking the milky smell was gone and it tasted beautifully. It has a nice flaky ( not so much of melt in the mouth), crumbly( not the type tag it all falls apart) and most importantly it is my kinda taste. No more from Bengawan. Thank you! This is the second recipe that I have tried from your blog and it all turned out great.

Mickey said...

Hi Sonia, I followed your recipe & turned out pretty good. Thank you for sharing.

GladysChua said...

Hi Sonia, thanks so much for sharing the recipe! It's definitely for keeps! Everyone loves the pineapple tart even though this is my first attempt at baking cookies! In the end, I repeated this 3 times, although my 2nd batch turned out poor due to my ingredients - i tried to reduce the sugar but realised my pineapples were too sour and my butter was left out a little too long at room temperature before mixing (kept this batch for my mom who loves sour stuff! :) ). My 3rd batch was also slightly sour but better..I find it a bit difficult to control the sweetness of my pineapple jam. Somehow when I try it when it is hot, it tasted sweet but when it is cool it is much more sour.

Syirin J said...

Hi Sonia,

Looking forward to try this recipe over the weekend! Just a question, do I need to rest the pastry dough for a while? Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Syirin, don't need to rest the pastry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.

Melanie said...

Hi Sonia, I would like to try on your receipe but there is a coupld of questions that I will need to ask before i begin..

1- Butter (buttercup) must it be in room temperature?

2- After I have prepare the pineapple filling how long shall I wait before I could start to shape it into the ball size or it is advisable to keep it overnight in the fridge before i begin?

Debbie said...

Hi, I made these and they were delicious and so easy! Could this dough be used for the roll out and cutout pineapple tarts.you know the ones where you use the tart cutter? Please do let me know coz my pineapple jam is in the fridge ready n waiting! Thnx!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Melaine, yes, let it soften in room temperature. No don't need to wait, straight away can use for shaping.

Debbie, yes, you can use to roll out or use tart cutter, but advise to keep the dough in the fridge to slightly harden it then easy to handle.

Unknown said...

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Cheesetomato said...

Hi Sonia, do I make the dough in a stand mixer or by hand? It wasn't stated in the recipe. I am totally new making pineapple tarts, just wanted to be sure.

Cheesetomato said...

hi sonia, is it 8 grams of pineapple filling for 2 grams of dough? Thanks, Soh

Anonymous said...

I saw your pineapple tart's picture in q0010.sg


Meow said...

Hi Sonia,I try to look for the buttercup butter from Ntuc. There is only type of buttercup. Can you please advise is this the one you used for the pineapple tarts? I'm not sure if this buttercup is the salted type since it is not clearly stated on the lable.

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, can I make the dough and keep in the fridge and use it when needed? By doing this, will it affect the taste and texture of the pineapple tarts? Thanks!

Unknown said...

I just had my first attempt to make these pineapple tarts using your recipe. It was a success and they taste heavenly. Please say a big thank you to your Malay friend for the recipe and thank you for sharing it on your blog. I'm used to eat this kind of tart so know what to expect. Your recipe is a sure keeper. The pastry was buttery, soft, light and crunchy. I made my jam with the canned pineapple with cloves, cinnamon, sugar, honey and black syrup. I fried it a bit burn like the way I like it. We definitely make it again. Have a good Chinese New Year and Kong Xi Fatt Chai. Cheers, Jaime Loh of Norway.

Unknown said...

hi. Sonia..
Love to see your blog...& cookies making...wow im so impressed your cooking skill.

i had cooked the pineapple jam on Sat, 24 Jan. Its really took me many hours to cook...cos i accidentally half close the lid.... --"

i have cooked the jam and going to do the pineapple tart on this coming Sunday 01 Feb. If i use your pastry recipe, the pastry can last till CNY. The pastry recipe contain condensed milk. About 2 weeks plus...counting from 01 Feb..

Need your advice.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

teo ai li, if just keep for 1-2 days is ok but too long , I am afraid it will affect the taste and texture.

pamy, I will not advise you to make it so soon , 1 week before CNY then is good. Otherwise keep in the fridge but it will slightly affect the taste.

Peng said...

Thank you for sharing this recipe. I made it yesterday - very nice !!!

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for your reply. Sorry one more question : I realised when I arranged them in the container, the bottom layer got slightly crushed because they are so melt in the mouth. It is a good problem but it is not so presentable as gifts. So how should I avoid this? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Teo ai li, maybe you can place them into individual small paper liner

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia can I base on this receipe to make the open tart?


Unknown said...

Hi Sonia,1tbsp milk is condensed milk or what?thankyou

Anonymous said...

Omg! I want to try it! Thanks for the recipe!

Just wondering if you have a video of this?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia,

I used SCS butter and my tarts turned soft from 3rd day onwards not as crisp anymore :( Does thsi also happen to Buttercup butter? Please kindly advice.

Thank you!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Winnie, yes you can do it with open type, if dough too soft to be handled, keep in fridge before shaping.

Kaylyn, if you meant egg wash, then is 1tsp milk but not condensed milk .

Anonymous, no I don't have this problem when I use buttercup butter.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

This looks fantastic, will try to make it here from HK. However, the store-sold pineapple filling available here is nowhere near those in Malaysia/ Singapore :(. I might need to make my own - may I ask how much will you yield the filling with 1.5kg pineapple used?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Tammy, did you mean 1.5kg pineapple that haven't cook into pineapple jam? if this is the case, then you should get less than 100pcs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Sorry for the confusion. Wanted to know how much in weight will the pineapple jam be (after cooking) by using 1.5kg pineapple.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Can I use cake flour as a substitute of plain/all-purpose flour? Will the texture be different?

Many thanks,

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Vanessa, yes you can use cake flour, it will give you more fine texture.

cantigal said...

Hi Sonia I have tried your receipe... the tarts tasted fantastic thanks for sharing. ... However I noticed that my tarts do cracking a bit here and there is it becos oven temperature too high? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

cantigal, too high the temp might be the cause, also uneven mixing of the dough.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia
I bought 3kg of pineapple, after peeling, cutting, juicing N cooking. I am left with 300g.
My paste is more brown than what you show in your post. Is that overcooked? How to tell when e paste is cooked just nice?

What is the impact of undercooking n overcooking the paste?

Sorry so many questions..Thx for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia,
I wana try out ur tart recipe.do we need to fridge d dough first?
Also if i hv leftover dough,can i just make some plain cookies out of it dusted wf some sprinkles perhaps? Just wondering... ;)
Love ur photos n recipes!

jo-destination said...

Can I reduce the condensed milk.

jo-destination said...

Can I reduce the condensed milk.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

I have just baked this. Pastry really melt in mouth. But my paste is really fibrous. Can you share step ny step how you cook the paste? Did you remove the core? Can show picture of how the final paste looks like?
Thanks so much

Anonymous said...

Hi sonia, can i use self raising flour instead?

biling said...

Hi Sonia,
Do i have to leave the butter in room temp before mixing with the milk? Thanks.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, No not advise to use self raising flour .

Biling, yes, butter have to in room temp before beat with condensed milk.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Cecilia, yes , I removed the core. If time allow, I will make a post on step by step on how to prepare pineapple jam.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yen Ling Ngui, no don't need to fridge the dough, maybe you can bake like butter cookies which sprinkle sugar on top.

Anonymous said...

Hi sonia, im new to baking and i have tried out ur receipe. However the dough is sticky and soft. What did i miss out or do wrong? Can u advice how and what i should do and prevent this. Thank you. Adeline

Ling said...

I tried many recipes... I hv mentioned in another comment earlier my family, relatives n friends still prefer yrs...tqvm

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Adeline, if you follow exactly the recipe, you shouldn't get a sticky dough.

*faith said...

Hi Sonia! If i want to half the qty of pineapple tarts, do i half the qty of the ingredients for the crust? Thanks! :)

tarat said...

Hi Sonia, great recipe thanks! however my dough tears and breaks very easily when I'm rolling it. I've chilled the dough, and followed the measurements. should the butter be completely melted when mixed with the condensed milk?

Unknown said...


I've tried your pineapple tart dough recipe (with store bought filling) and it was very well received. It was the first time I tried to make pineapple tarts and having these turn out well was certainly very encouraging. I am going to make pineapple tarts every year from now on and will try to make the filling on my own too. a BIG THANK YOU for sharing! Happy new year!

lisa said...

can i substitute condensed milk with full cream milk? or can i not put the condensed milk ?thanks

Star Anise said...

hi sonia,
i tried your recipe today and they are absolutely amazing! Flaky with soft crumbs but still have structural integrity when taking multiple bites. I highly recommend your recipe to everybody. My only concern is that i had to amp up my oven temp to 350°f (180°c) because the oven temo stated on ur recipe simply melted my first batch instead of cooking/crisping it. but other than that, everything was awesome! thank you!

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

great recipe thanks!

Unknown said...

thank u for sharing recipes
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Anonymous said...

I am in the mood for pineapple tart but lost your recipe a while back (laptop crashed). I am so glad I found it. I have tried your recipe before and they are so divine that I am making a batch this Christmas. Thank you Sooooooo Much Sonia xxxx


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, is it advisable to use SCS salted butter to replace Buttercup brand? Does salted and unsalted butter matters?

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, is it advisable to use SCS salted butter to replace Buttercup brand? Does salted and unsalted butter matters?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Juliana, yes you can use other type of butter , but I got feedback from other readers that using SCS butter the dough is too soft, you can try with Anchor . I would advise to use salted butter .

Den said...

Hi Sonia,
How about using Golden Churn butter. Any feedback?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Michele , so far no feedback of using this butter. Why not you try out and let us know the outcome Thanks

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia this will be my first time making these pineapple balls, planning to cream the butter and condense milk by hand as I don't have a mixer. Anything to watch out for or take note? And if I were to make smaller balls say 5g of pineapple 7g of pastry, will it affect the final bake? Will it crumble easily due to size?
Thanks in advance

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Evelyn, yes you can use those wooden spatula to cream the butter , no problem . I afraid smaller size it will affect the melt in mouth texture , anyway you can try some to see.

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, my first time baking and it was terrific. They tasted great! Thanks for your wonderful recipe! Oh by the way I tried 4 g of fillings and 7 g of pastry. They were perfect too, same melt in the mouth texture :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Evelyn , Thanks for your feedback .

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, I tried your recipe however my pineapple tarts came out abit dry and didn't have the melt in the mouth texture. I'm not very sure what the reason is it because I might have over beat the dough or smth? Do you have any advise for me? Cause I'm planning to try one more time for this recipe :) thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, when you add in flour , do not mix it too long, so long just combine then will do. And for egg wash , only egg yolk is used .

Anonymous said...

Okay I will try again with your advise. Thank you :))

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, may I know how long the duration on each steps below using the mixture?

1. Cream butter and condensed milk till light. (~ mins)
2. Add in egg yolk one at a time, and beat until combine. (~ mins)
3. Mix in flour, mix till become a soft and not sticky dough. (~ mins)


Anonymous said...

Hello Sonia!
The first time I made Pineapple Tarts with this recipe was 2014 and every year after that, my husband will keep asking me to make! A lot of friends and relatives are a fan of your pineapple tarts too.. :) It is super yummy and it is the only recipe I go to every year.

One question! Recently I have bought good grade green tea powder, will it be appropriate to add into this recipe? If yes, how much?

Thank you very much and blessed Chinese New Year ahead!

Anonymous said...

Hi sonia , i will try to make this next week for coming chinese new year but i have 1 stupid question..if i add grated parmesen cheese on the batter , will it change the texture of melt in mouth? I mean is it still melt in mouth?


Anonymous said...

I tried this recipe with two types of butter, i.e GC (in block) and BC. My personal preference is BC as the cookies are more fragrant. Thanks Sonia for your great recipe!

Anonymous said...

Hello. I baked using the Buttercup as recommended in e recipe. . Tarts came out really soft! But don't hv the fragrance of butter... this recipe is definitely great but i'll try with Golden Churn next. Different pple have different preference I guess! In terms of softness, this wins hands down :)

Anonymous said...

Hi sonia..its me again Molly. I have just make pineapple tart with this recipe and guess what ? It came out perfect..i wish i could share the picture of my pineapple tart hehehe..anyway , thanks a lot for the great recipe..

Regard molly.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Molly, great that you love it . You didn't not add Parmesan cheese powder right ?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Roxane, personally I wouldn't add green tea powder .

Anonymous said...

I've try both Sonia ...with and without parmesen cheese powder and both came out perfect..btw the batter with parmesen powder i do reduce 10 g of the flour and my second batter is just like your no more or less... the batter is so easy to handle....soft but not stick to our hand...sooo esay to wrap the filling..again thanks for such a great recipe...i love it so much and can show off with my family and friend..hehehe


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
Thank you for sharing the recipe with us.
I have 3 questions and I hope you can help me with them.
1. Do we need to refrigerate the dough?
2. If we are making the open face version so we put the pineapple onto the dough before or after baking?
3. Can i use milk maid condense milk?

Thank you

Yours Sincerely,

Melvin said...

Sonia, I loved your recipe but the tarts I baked, some of them cracked. What can I do to prevent the cracking? Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Rena, no don't need to chill the dough . For open type, put pineapple filling on the tart then bake together . Yes you can use any brand .

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Melvin, maybe you can move the rack one level down .

Anonymous said...

Sonia you can see my pineapple tart here


Anonymous said...

Sorry sonia i dont know how to share the link maybe you can google baking with kelly


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Teng, you can find the answer over my Instagram , I have put up a video and provide timing .

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Molly, I have seen your post and Thanks for your mentioned .

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia,
This looks amazing. I have never come across a recipe for the pastry that uses condensed milk. Does it make handling the pastry more difficult? My family likes the open faced tarts so I will be making tarts in that shape. Sometimes different recipes are better for certain shapes than others. Thanks for sharing.

Denise said...

Two thumbs up :) Tried this recipe for the first time, and it was a success. Thanks Sonia for sharing the recipe. Wishing you and family a Happy Chinese New Year!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Magdalene, it is suitable to make with open tart but only can use pastry mould for easy handling

Unknown said...

do I need to soften the butter in room temperature before mixing?

cfan said...

Hi! I made these yesterday and they were such a success I decided to make another batch today. Only today, the pastry was a little too crumbly and kept cracking as I tried to wrap the filling. I've already added a bit more butter but it's still quite crumbly and I don't want to risk over handling the dough. Any advice?

Thank you so much for this recipe!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sonia. I would like to thank you for this awesome recipe! It's such a keeper. First attempt was already a success, and I followed your instructions and ingredients to a tee! The dough was easy to handle and it really is melt-in-the-mouth texture :)

Did a second batch today using Buttercup Spreadables (Not the usual paper-wrapped block), texture was very different. More coarse and crumbly, although still tastes good. Surface also more crater-like!

So wanted to share a pointer here. DO NOT attempt to change the butter !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, i use your recipe made my pineapple tarts. It came out nice and soft on first day. After few days storing it in sealed biscuits container, it turns out soft. It tasted like flour & sticky in your mouth. Is the tarts all spoiled? I m not sure what have i done wrong. From, Cel

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Cfan, did you make any changes after the first success pastry ? Otherwise you have let the pastry in open air for too long and it has dry out .

Cel, I suspect you might not let the tarts completely cool down before storing . The tarts have to really cool down ( few hours in room temp ) before storing.

Cheryll's Corner said...

Thanks Sonia for this great recipe. I had tried it this evening and all my visitors love it. This is a good recipe to keep. i have shared on Baking corner as well as my facebook with credit to your blog. Thank you once again

Mrs Soh said...

As a popular baking blog I can't believe you were ignorant enough to believe that buttercup is butter. Its actually margarine, nowhere on the packaging was it stated that its butter. It says luxurious spread and the name buttercup is derived from the name of the species of the flower. Thats why its called 金凤花 in chinese. So basically your tart isn't made using real butter and the homemade pineapple filling does not taste of spices. The only redeeming quality is probably that its melt in the mouth. Definitely something I will not try, and even if I do I will definitely use real butter and add spices to my homemade filling.

Anonymous said...

I tried making this but the dough was too sticky. So I added floor, not sure how much I added. But the jam is good!

Making this is harder than I expected. I was just inspired in making one because I loved the tarts from Bengawan Solo when I went there a few weeks ago.

apple said...

Thank you for this, made them three times already this year alone:) I hope you don't mind, shared this on my blog, with credit and link back to you.

**for those who find the dough too sticky, what works for me is to put on a big piece of cling wrap, loosely cover and gently knead while forming into a ball (flat disc) then I put for a few minutes in the fridge to rest before weighing and forming into a ball. I also find that while working on it, it'll get sticky again when it's not cold anymore so I divide the dough into two and work with them one at a time. hope it helps...

Unknown said...

enaknya Teh sakura

Wisata Menarik Kediri

bEing gUna said...

Hi there

Can I check with you how long can this pineapple jam be stored in the fridge?

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