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Friday, April 8, 2011

He is 11 years old now, and Genoise sponge

Genoise sponge

I baked a coffee sponge cake for my son Lucas 11th Birthday few days ago. There was no big party held this time since I just organized one last year. I just prepared his favorite nasi lemak (a truly nasi lemak lover’s son,hehehe ) and fried chicken. He is big boy now and no longer wants a cake decorate with cartoon character. He is started to know how to enjoy a cup of good coffee, am thinking to get a coffee maker soon.

Genoise sponge

I still referred to okashi’s recipe, a basic vanilla sponge cake (she called as Genoise sponge) and with my poor cake decoration skill, I just apply a layer of coffee cream on the cake.

Genoise sponge

Genoise sponge

coffee sponge cake

Cooling the sponge in a plastic bag helps it to retain its moisture.

Genoise sponge

Personally I feel this sponge cake texture is slightly on dry side (not sure whether I have overbeat it) if compare to Foodhouse8’s cocoa sponge cake. Nevertheless this sponge cake is still tasted good and spongy but slightly on sweet side.

Genoise sponge
(recipe source: adapted from Okashi-sweet treats made with love book)

115g cake flour
170g eggs (3 eggs)
130g castor sugar
15g glucose ( I changed to golden syrup)
30g unsalted butter, softened
45g fresh whole milk
1tsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 170c. Line a 18-cm round cake pan with a removable base with parchment paper. Sift flour twice.
2. Using a clean bowl, beat eggs with a whisk. Add sugar and glucose, then place bowl over a pot of simmering water and mix well.
3. When egg mixture is warm, remove the bowl from heat and beat on high speed till light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low and continue beating for about one minute. Gently fold in flour with a spatula.
4. Combine butter, milk and vanilla in a bowl and place over a pot of simmering water. Once butter has melted, stir through to mix.
5. Add one-sixth of egg batter to butter mixture and mix well. Add butter mixture to egg batter and fold through evenly.
6. Pour batter into prepared baking pan and bake for about 40mins.
7. Once cake is done, remove from the pan and place on a wire rack in a plastic bag to cool.

Coffee cream
200g Dairy whipping cream (35% fat)
15g castor sugar
1tsp Khalua
1tsp coffee powder

1. Dissolve coffee powder in Khalua.
2. Combine whipping cream and sugar in a clean bowl.
3. Using an electric mixer, whip cream at medium speed until stiff peaks form (do not over-whip).
4. Fold in coffee mixture and combine well.

To assemble the cake- slice sponge into two, apply coffee cream over the cake, decorate as desired.

Genoise sponge

Happy Birthday to my son, mommy hope you stay healthy and happy!!


Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Happy Birthday to the big boy!! Sonia, this sponge cake is tall and lovely, I bet it tastes good too!

ann low said...

Happy 11th Birthday Lucas! The birthday cake looks perfect :))

kimberlycun said...

happy birthday lucas! the cake looks delicious! yums

hani said...

happy birthday lucas...may god bless you, boy

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Happy belated birthday Lucas!

I like the way you frost your cake, simple and nice.

Btw, I am also a big fan of Foodhouse8 video, I think the demo is very useful.

mala said...

Happy birthday Lucas!

Anonymous said...

Hi, the coffee cake looks very yummy indeed as i love anything coffee and Happy Birthday to Lucas!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Birthday to your son!!!

Janine said...

Happy birthday to your son! Hehe better make sure he doesn't drink too much coffee at such a young age otherwise he'll get addicted to it when he's older :p

YHL said...

Happy Birthday Lucas. Yes, big boy liao.
When my son turn 5 n started his primary year1, the first thing he said to me was mummy i am now a big boy, you don't have to hold my hand.- SAD :( Sad when little one grow up.

Bakeling said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas !

This coffee cakes must be full of coffee aroma as khalua and coffee powder is added !

Three-Cookies said...

Sounds delicious, with just a hint of kahlua to make him smile. Increase the alcohol content gradually each year:)

hanushi said...

Happy birthday to Lucas and it is a really lovely made with love bday cake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lucas! I love coffee cake too ...

Cuisine Paradise said...

Happy 11th Birthday Lucas!

Wow! Can almost smell the coffee aroma here...drool!!!

Mr. Capoeira Sydney said...

What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

sean said...

Happy birthday to Lucas。

ICook4Fun said...

Happy Birthday Lucas!! I love coffee flavor cake and ice-cream too :)

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

It is very endearing to know your boy's favourite food is Nasi Lemak! Hahaha

WendyinKK said...

Happy Birthday Lucas.

You can try moisting the cake with some simple sugar syrup before frosting. It makes the cake moister. Or fill with fruits, this way, the genoise will be moist.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas ^_^
Pertaining to coffee maker, Coffee Bean just launched its new product, the article claims that coffee could be ready in 30s, you may want to consider

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Happy birthday Lucas!! He is very much a cutie pie. I bet he loved his cake. I have a little big man turning 11 on Thursday. Wonder if he'd like this cake too. I can't imagine him on coffee though. He's crazy enough on water and apple juice. :)

Happy Homebaker said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas! I love coffee, maybe next time I can have a cuppa with you and your boy ;)

Tina said...

Happy birthday...cake looks tempting.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Happy Birthday Lucas! Next time you come with your mommy to my house, I will make the butter mushroom for you and otak otak for your little brother Desmond ok? I cannot remember what your sister likes so you might have to be the little birdie to tell Quay Po Aunty:D

Sonia, your children are so blessed to have a caring and loving mommy who cooks and bakes so well!

ReeseKitchen said...

Happy Birthday Lucas..:) The cake is full of mummy's love, and of course it tasted delicious...especially with my favourite too..haha!...COFFEE!!

lena said...

coffee cakes are delicious. Maybe one day i shld try the sponge cake from Foodhouse8.

Juliana said...

Happy Birthday Lucas...and the cake looks delicious, light and fluffy. Have a great weekend Sonia :-)

DG said...

Happy Birthday Lucas! See how happy he was ... with beautiful cake, specially made by loving mommy.

Preety said...

belated birthday wishes..and cake looks delicious

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to ah boy boy.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas! Wow, teenager already!

J.O said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas

huikhee and yoonlai said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas!

Colin Woon said...

Happy Birthday Lucas!!! Almost a teenager now!

ahteekitchen said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas!!
Manyak Leng zai yo!

The Sweetylicious said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SON (: the cake look so lovely and delicious! not at all a bad job (:

divya said...

Fantastic...irresistibly yumm cake..Happy birthday to your son...

That's Ron said...

happy b day kiddo!

Jane Chew said...

Happy Belated Birthday Lucas! o... now i know why u want to invest a coffee machine. hehe... Lucas is definitely our 师奶club member liao. Lets enjoy coffee together next meet up!

My Little Space said...

Your son is 11 already but very small size. lol! haha.... Oh well, children grow fast. So, probably in another 2 more years he is taller than you. My boy already taller than me already. Happy Birthday!

Jobless Girl said...

Little nasi lemak so cute.

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