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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

Rhubarb is new to me, i first saw in Quay Po's blog, when Quay Lo (her husband) guest post and introduced Rhubarb..Quay Po (Veron) was so kind gave me some Rhubarb to try (Thank you so much to Veron!!), she got this via a special order to a nearby supermarket because it is quite hard to find here..After kept in the fridge for few months (sorry Veron, because i was try to figure out what to make ^^), finally i decided to use Rhubarb make into desserts..

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

This is the Rhubarb that Quay Po gave me, for me, it look like celery..it taste sour when i tasted it raw. She also taught me to cut into small pieces and add some sugar as to store in freezer for later usage...

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote


First, I use Rhubarb make into Rhubard mousse and serve with mango mousse and yogurt...this was very yummy, refreshing and good!

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

Later i made into Rhubarb compote (sauce) to serve with Avocado ice-cream which I saw in Gloria (Canela Kitchen), and i replaced strawberry with Rhubarb compote. This is another hit in my family!
The good thing of this ice-cream is don't need to make using an ice-cream maker.. This ice-cream is creamy, smooth and yummy!


Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote
(recipe source: Avocado ice-cream adapted from Canela Kitchen, making my own Rhubarb compote)

Avocado ice-cream
Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote2 ripe avocados pitted, peel and mashed
140g caster sugar
1/2cup hot water
1cup whipping cream (dairy)
A pinch of salt
1 lime or lemon, extract juices

1. To make syrup by dissolve sugar in hot water, set aside to cool.
2. Blend mashed avocado, lime juices, salt and syrup till puree.
3. Beat whipping cream till thick, combine cream and avocado mixture till well combine.
4. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours or overnight. After the first hour beat and freeze again (i did not followed this step). Take out from freezer before 15mins then only serve, because the ice-cream is hard to spoon out.

Rhubarb compote
100g Rhubarb
1/2cup sugar
1/4cup water

1. Cut Rhubarb into 1” pieces.
2. Combine water and Rhubarb in a heavy bottom pot to a boil.
3. Add sugar and simmer until pulpy and thickened, stir from time to time and take about 5-7mins.
4. Taste, you may want to add more sugar.

Avocado ice-cream with Rhubarb compote

Thanks to Gloria, this Avocado ice-cream is super yummy, my kids love it so much. In fact, i'm going to make Avocado ice-cream again today, this time i will prepare strawberry compote instead..


ann low said...

I've never tried rhubard before.Your ice cream looks so pretty and yummy. Hope I can try some :)

Ana Regalado said...

I haven't eaten avocado for a long time and haven't even tried rhubarb :P Your ice cream looks very yummy & creamy :)

WendyinKK said...

Avocado ice cream is delicious! Creamy and smooth

You can try getting rhubarb in Jaya Grocer if you feel like having some next time. I got mine there last time, about RM10 for 3 stalks only. But then again, it's not always available, seasonal item, I think.

mui mui said...

Hi Avocado ice cream, looks really smooth and creamy. Would love to try out your recipe. Tks for sharing:)

Unknown said...

I like avocado in milk shake. Will try on this ice cream one day. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What an unusal comnination for icecream.Sure worth trying:)

Shereen said...

I have quite a big bush of rhubarb in my garden but I'm the only one that likes rhubarb:(You can mix rhubarb with apples to make apple pie and they are delicous too.

lena said...

oh, can just imagine the avocado ice cream must be so creamy and rich! as for rhubarb, no experience with them yet..have not even tried eating them..

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Honey Bee Sweets said...

Avocado ice cream! Wow, healthy ice cream with no eggs, how cool! Bookmark to try next time. And rhubhard Compote is special too!

Min said...

First time seeing rhubard, but I love your avocado ice cream, looks so creamy la, I think I have to try this also :)

My Little Space said...

What a terrific combo! Love the red rhubarb on top of the green avocado. Beautiful & really tempting as well.
Have a great evening.

Li Shuan said...

Very nice avocado ice-cream, I never have this before but I can imagine this is a very smooth and creamy in texture ice cream. I love desserts made from rhubarb..the combination of green and red of your dessert looks stunning. :)

Hankerie said...

Sonia, I saw a lot of Avogadro in Australia now. Maybe I should try this too. BTW, you do not use any ice cream maker for that? It must has the acquire taste.

ice pandora said...

So hungry v___v x thanks for the recipe! xx ❤

Cuisine Paradise said...

Love your ice-cream combination. I am sure it's yummy and full of flavour. Sad to say it's not easy to find "rhubard" in SG here.

Little Inbox said...

Rhubarb is totally new to me. Just got to know about it. ;-)

Mieza said...

This avocado ice cream is soooooo damn tempting...i alwiz liked avocado :)

tinyskillet said...

I grew up eating rhubarb, but it is hard to find here in Florida since it doen't grow here, so when I do find it it is hard for me to spend so much money on it. It was always one of the first things to come up in the garden each spring. My mom would just serve it cooked with some sugar at dinner time. I love the tartness of it. I like seeing your ideas. I have only made a crisp and love rhubarb pie.

I will love to try the avocado ice cream!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi it's me again! What a creative dish that you've made! Never have avocado ice cream before and really wonder how they taste like! And I have to tell you that this morning I took some pictures of a new dish that I've made & the way I presented them are very similar to how you presented your rhubarb and mango mousse in those glasses with a slice of cut lime and I swear to God that this is the 1st time I'm seeing these pictures of yours.It's a coincidence to us and when you see my pictures later, you'll have a good laugh like me(going to post them when I'm free later).

Shu Han said...

wow nv thought of avocado ice cream before! but really, i want to give this a try! avocado is so smooth and creamy, i bet it's delicious in ice cream!

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! I love avocado and ice cream - will try your suggestion very soon!

Julie said...

Lovely innovative ice cream,n never heard about this before..yummy!!!

littlekarstar said...

Oh yum thanks for this recipe, I love both avocado and rhubarb but I've never had them together...how do you churn your icecream? Must be hard to whip once frozen?

Torviewtoronto said...

delicious looking combination flavourful dessert

daphne said...

I have always wondered if avocado taste good with rhubarb. Looks like it is a match!

Anh said...

Yunm! The colors are absolutely stunning!

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Avocado and rubharb... what a classy combination!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mrs Bok, i did not beat again after kept 1hour in the freezer.

Edith said...

My last avocado ice cream adventure though nice but wasn't what I expected. Will try yours the next time I spot some avocado.

Tina said...

Creamy and delicious...

Suhaina said...

My oh my....I have made creamy icecream with avocados just with milk, sugar and vanilla..blended everything together.
This recipe is just wonderful will surely give it a try. We have avocado milk shakes every day, since its good for heath. This recipe of urs seems very very good and love all the beautiful clicks.
Love it. Thanks for sharing it dear.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, BRAVO!! the avocado ice cream looks yummy and so pretty with the rhubarb compote. No apology needed. I am glad you found ways to use up the rhubarb. As long as you keep them freezed up, you can use them up anytime. You must try to make some rhubbard pie or gallete some other time. They taste awesome!

jehanne@thecookingdoctor said...

This ice-cream looks so delicious, and I love rhubarb, usually rhubarb crumble is a must in English summer, I am happy to know that rhubarb is also available in Malaysia, and even after summer;-)..if you have some leftover, pls try rhubarb crumble..taste so yum!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I never try this before...

Lori said...

I grew up with rhubarb, but you are doing some much more exciting things with it. We only had it as pie or jam.

Avocado ice cream is something I just discovered recently and it is delicious. Love the beautiful color of yours. I bet this is a delicious combo.

Anonymous said...

Saw Jamie Oliver cooked Rhubarb before, didn't know it's difficult to get it here

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Very creative combination! I don't think I've ever eaten avocado ice cream. I'll have to make it one of these days as it is not a flavor that can be found in the stores.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Ohhhhh! I've heard of avocado ice cream but I would love to taste this ice cream. And you could store rhubarb for a few months? 1) I didn't know it could last that long (I've never used it before), 2) your fridge must be big enough to store a bundle of rhubarb...haha. Very nice combination and I so wish I can taste these two combination!

Sem said...

Hi, I remember I used to love eating Sara Lee's Rhubarb pie when I was in Melbourne last time, i didnt know they are actually sold here.

znette said...

hi sonia, like to check your (dairy whipping cream) is it the same as fresh whipping cream? Tq

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

znette, I'm not too sure, i guess they are difference, read this link here-http://www.ochef.com/823.htm
Dairy whipping cream also called as heavy whipping cream

Rose said...

Hi Sonia..I tried this recipe yesterday.love it!! turns out smooth and super delicious...thanks for the recipe!! p/s: my parents absolutely love it! ^_^

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