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Thursday, January 19, 2012

German Cookies 德国酥饼

This German cookie do not need much introduction, very famous among MY & SG bloggers since last year..I also don't want to miss this boat, bought a small pack of potato flour and try out. The 1st batch was gone into rubbish bin as I was wrongly added cake flour with corn flour, totally no way i can hold the cookies after baked, LOL !!

German Cookies 德国酥饼

I saw Mins' blog did it with adding green tea and cocoa. I tried with green tea, the taste is ok..still prefer original version.

German Cookies 德国酥饼

German Cookies 德国酥饼

** Anyway, this cookie it seem not well received by my family, a bit plain for our taste buds especially my husband dislike too fragile and melt-in-mouth cookie. I'm ok with this cookie, just feel a bit dry when the cookie melted and hit my tongue.


German Cookies 德国酥饼
(recipe source: Inspired by Vivian Pang & Mins’ Blog)

German Cookies 德国酥饼125g butter, soften at room temperature
40g icing sugar
125g potato flour (马铃薯粉)
80g cake flour (can be replaced by plain flour)

1. Beat butter and icing sugar till light and fluffy. Sift in potato starch and flour, mix to form soft dough.
2. Roll into small ball, arrange on lined baking pan and press lightly with a fork.
*To prevent cookie dough from sticking on fork, dip the fork in water before each use.
3. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 15 minutes. (do not bake till cookies turn brown).


Pureglutton said...

SO easy to make...must try this soon :-) My family loves buttery cookies!
By the way, that Ben Tdi Wei Restaurant you enquired, it's not in 1-Utama Mall...it's in CENTREPOINT, but still in Bandar Utama.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Anh said...

I love the two colors! pretty

divya said...

Wow wat a delightful and super tempting cookies...

Mel said...

With just 4 ingredients for this cookies seems to be easy to make.

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, this is a very popular cookie which I have seen so many friends posted this cookies on their blog. Like to see the duo colours one. Pretty!

My Asian Kitchen said...

I didn't know this cookies is so popular!! now I learned something new here.Thanks! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

cherry potato said...


Jocelyn Lum said...

i eat it everyyear:)

Yummy Bakes said...

Sonia, yours are very nice. I couldnt get the kind of effect like yours.

Passionate About Baking said...

Sonia, I tend to agree with you. I found the cookies too blend for my liking, and too much flour. I tried it last year and gave the whole tub away. :p Well, at least I tried and I know I don't like it! You too! A combination of colours do look attractive though!

Jeannie said...

I just made these too and surprisingly my boys like them so I am totally satisfied:D Yours are so much prettier than mine! I left mine in the oven too long so they are golden lol!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Hi Sonia, I made this too, plain ones. It was a big hit in my family.

ann low said...

Love the beautiful green colour. So festive!
Wishes you and your family Happy Lunar New Year. 旺!旺!旺!

Anonymous said...

I love german cookies, the marble ones, plain + cocoa ^_^

温馨小屋 said...


Pete said...

Aiiik, I think I just commented on another blog with title German cookies also.....lol!

Looks delicious!

Happy Homebaker said...

I love the marble effect, very pretty! Will be making these again for my kid's school mates tonight...will add chocolate chips to enhance the flavour :)

ccm said...

dear sonia
happy new year
gong xi gong xi

Ana Regalado said...

Looks delicious ! Been planning to make that before , but will set it aside for now hee hee Anyway , great presentation and gorgeous pics , too !

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I'm surprised this is so easy to make! Must go with a cup of tea...:-)

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Dear Sonia,

Your blog is so amazing!! 恭喜新的一年龍鳳呈祥,萬事如意!!

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia these look beauty!!!

Julie said...

Falling in love with your baked goods,totally stunning!!

Erivum Puliyum

Little Corner of Mine said...

This is new to me too! A bit like melting moment except this uses potato flour.

Shu Han said...

hmmm i know you say you don't really like the taste of this, but I do liek the LOOk of it though, so pretty !

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Give me all your cookies, let me & my son to finish them for you!

Simplyfood said...

In ever knew you can make cookies with potato flour.

Simplyfood said...

Love the green / cream combo looks really pretty.

cikmanggis said...

cantik:) Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy new year Sonia!

Cynthia said...

Hi Sonia,
I do agree with you. I was quite disappointed with its turn out but at least, I have tried out. 新年快乐!!

Sherleen.T said...

this is very pretty green color...i like it a lot although scare of too bitter green tea powder flavor...:)
Happy new year to you and family, Sonia...新年快乐,万事如意,龙年行好运哦!恭喜恭喜!

My Little Space said...

Oooo...love the combination colour. Looks simply gorgeous.

E said...

I love the colors of the cookie. I would be interested in tasting it. Great pictures!

Quay Po Cooks said...

I have wanted to make this cookie for a long time but have not get to it yet. Looking at your lovely cookies makes me want to make them now. What beatiful dua tone color.

Anonymous said...

I agrer with you this tastes bland and its too dry when it melts in the mouth.. disappointing after all the rave it has gotten :(


C Hui said...

I manage to bake this cookies yesterday and the result turn out to be good. However, I have one question here, how to packed this? I try to put the cookies into the plastic container with red lid (the normal one people used for CNY cookies), but it seems difficult to handle the cookies when you want to take it out from the container. Any ideas?

Unknown said...

your recipe can do how many cookies?

Unknown said...


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