This shop making popiah skin is running by a middle age couple which they just operate at their corner terrace house. If just buy small quantity, you can just drop by at any time, but advise you to pre-book if you wish to buy big quantity.
- The popiah skin sell in this shop is very QQ and cheap. I bought 1.5 kati ( 斤)only cost me RM5.

-Just few seconds, a popiah skin is ready

-The location and contact number of this popiah skin shop.
我这里买比较贵哦...半斤要RM2.40 ,一斤(600g)RM4.80咯...
Nancy, ya lor, things selling in Klang usually cheaper..
It really need skill to do so !
Salute to the owner of this stall.
I think after your blogging , I hope their business lagi better.
Sonia, are you making Popiah for next meeting? Hehehe...
Thanks for the map! My mum is a big fan of homemade pohpiahs, and she often buys her fresh pohpiah skins from KL. I will pass this on to her :)
Bakeling, ya, really respect them, not easy to sit there for whole day just making popiah, hot and boring job..
Colin, may consider that, hehehe..
Cheryl, you are most welcome, your mum stay in Klang?
Strawberries are to expensive for you where you live and I can not get Popiah skins where I live. The fillings in your previous posting looks so yummy too. Maybe I could try my hand at making some. =)
Shandy, really you want to make it? Then that must be very interesting, Asia food make in US, hehehe..
Actually Popiah skin is just like the normal crepe (using flour, water, maybe little salt) but the difficult part is handle the crepe quickly on the hot round flat pan.
You must show us a lot of photos if you really make this..
Ah... I wish to go back now! Too many nice food! Thank you for sharing.. Though I know where it is but I cant reach it at all...
It look like a lot of peoples missed home now..
Oh dear, I'm so behind my blog hopping...
Nope, mum lives in Shah Alam. Klang is slightly nearer for her I think.
i got an alternative choice to get a cheaper n better popiah skin near my sis's house Meru. thanks for sharing : )
aioooo...i thought u gonna gimme the full recepi of popiah skin making lor... :((
Hi there, does flour means plain flour? I can't find the ready made popiah skin here so need to try to make it myself. Thanks..
cookies,I never do this at home, but I heard it is using normal plain flour, try to use Blue key brand, and I heard the batter need to keep overnight in the fridge. let me know if you sucess to make this, maybe I want to try it at home one day.
Many thanks for explaining. It works! mine all ended in different sizes still need more practice, but enough to fulfill my popiah craving :) can't believe so many msian restaurants here and none sell popiah.
Does it still have until now? I planning to buy it.
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