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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Kinpiragobo (Crispy burdock root) 曰式炒牛蒡

My mother and I love this Kinpiragobo (Crispy burdock root 牛蒡) , this side dish was serving at the breakfast buffet counter at the hotel at Sapporo. The burdock tasted crispy, sweet and salty, perfect to go with plain steamed white rice or porridge. Next time I can cook this simple dish for my mother to try out.

bc4 copy

Usually I use burdock to cook soup, next time i can spare some to cook this yummy dish.

after sliced, soak in water with vinegar to prevent colour changed.


The other day i cooked some deep fried fish fillet with bread crumbs to go with this dish.
bc1 copy
But my son seem couldn't accept the burdock taste. this was a bento for him..


bc3 copy


Kinpiragobo (Crispy burdock root)
(recipe source: modified from cookbook titled: Japanese cooking recipes)

125g burdock
25g carrot
bc4 copy
1tbsp Japanese light soy sauce
1/4tsp salt
1/2tbsp mirin
2tsp sugar

Sesame seeds, toasted


  1. Wash burdock with a scrubber if it’s muddy, use a peeler, peel off the skin.
  2. Cut into thin strips and soak in water with vinegar to refine.
  3. Mix all seasonings in a mixing bowl, set aside.
  4. Cut carrots into thins strips, try to match the size with burdock.
  5. Heat 1tbsp cooking oil in a pan, and sauté burdock and carrot till cooked, add some water if the mixture is too dry.
  6. Add in seasoning mixture, continue to stir fry till dry.
  7. Dish out and sprinkle toasted sesame seeds on top.
  8. Serve as side dish for rice, porridge or bento.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #1 Oct 2013 : Japan , hosted by Alan from travelling-foodies


Sally said...


Mel said...

Burdock is a healthy food. I used to make that miracle burdock drink previously but now getting a little lazy.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

don't think i try this before...

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

这牛蒡我曾经以炸的方式做过, 也不错吃。。你的这道看起来也蛮吸引人的!
改天也试试, 天啊! 我有太多东西想做, 哈哈!

Lite Home Bake said...
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Lite Home Bake said...

This is interesting, thanks for the introduction :)

CQUEK said...

love to try it

Esther Lau said...

Simple but looks good and yummy!!!

Unknown said...

Burdock root tastes quite unique... I guess kids don't know how to appreciate it yet. Crispy version sounds good to me.

victoria Bakes said...

mm, never tried this before... tks Sonia... you always bring interesting dishes to us!

Baking Diary said...

I have never cooked burdock roots before, soup or otherwise! This looks delicious!

Small Kucing said...

Saw this root in the market. Didn't know the name and how to cook. Thanks. Will try out.

Chef and Sommelier said...

Yo Sis! I have never cooked or tasted this root vegetable before... Hmmm.. Taste like potato/tapioca/yam?

My Little Space said...

I've never tried cooking it this way before. Sounded very interesting. Can't wait to try it out some day.

Little Corner of Mine said...

I loved this side dish!

Jozelyn Ng said...

This is a healthy dish, love it!

choi yen said...

looks like French fries to me, I think kids will like it :P

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


PH said...

I think this crispy burdock root should be nice and I will like it.

Ana Regalado said...

I haven't tried burdock yet but I've seen this at the market :) This dish looks simple yet very appetizing !

Anonymous said...

I remember always seeing this but never knew what it was until I saw the dish in a cookbook recently. Coincidentally, I saw this on your website today. Thanks for sharing!

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