- Grilled Buffalo Chicken Wings (marinate with McCormick Garlic & Herb Buffalo Wings seasoning mix) , fried sausages and nuggets and homemade jelly mooncakes.
-kids playing lantern..
- My first attempted doing snowskin mooncake, very ugly skin. Everyone said this is easy to do, after I experienced it, it was not as simple as I thought, the difficult part is how to well combine the shortening, cold water and Kou flour . Anyway,I will try to improve in next year only. Check out JO's recipe or Anncoo's recipe.

Jelly mooncake recipe:-
- Also my first attempted doing jelly mooncakes..look not bad huh..
-Greea Tea flavour jelly mooncake with red bean paste (homemade)
-Red colour jelly mooncake, with red bean paste.
Jelly mooncake recipe:-
* can make about 12 big mooncakes
-sugar 300g (adjust accordingly to your sweet taste bud)
-Agar-agar (jelly) powder 1 pkt (about 30g)
-water 1200-1500ml (adjust accordingly)
-evaporated milk -100ml
Red bean paste (cook red bean sugar and water till become paste)
Colouring - red, matcha powder (green tea powder)
happy mid autumn festival you you. that's fast! so fast upload new post.
you jelly mooncakes are looking lovely!!! can start do some homemade business ady!~
Hey, so you are using the new camera now ? No wonder the pictures are very bright !
I especially like the first photos because I only like paper lantern when I was a child.
Jelly mooncake become more popular than any other mooncakes at home. They are cold and not that sticky !
Ai Wei, you too.
Bakeling, ya, I use that new cheap camera, but I think she done a good job ..I love paper latern too, very traditional. Jelly always is kid's favorite, I always cook something which they like.
Sonia, those mooncakes looks lovely, you done a great job on your first attempted.. ^_^
hi Sonia, the jelly mooncakes look fabulous! how i wish i can do that.. last year, my sis helped me in making snow skin mooncake for the first time, yes, they turned out alright, i posted it somewhere last year.. :) but this year, i was just too busy and lazy.. too much happenings during that particular time...
Oooh, looks like you and the kids had so much fun! I think all the mooncakes you made are pretty and the meal looks wonderful too. Perfect finger foods for the little ones.
Happy Autumn festival! The mookcakes look fantastic - Yum! And the lanterns look so festive - looks like you had a great time.
Your jelly mooncakes are so so pretty! Don't worry about the snow skin, am sure you will master the skills in your next try. I'm not a fan of eating mooncake so never thought of trying to make it. I really miss little mooncake parties like this and esp my childhood days playing lantern & going to dark corners in my old kampung. Nowadays, due to crime rate, kids are not allowed out, can only play within the house compound.
This mooncake festival will just pass by with us not eating even one!! Nobody seems interested in eating any. Enjoy the lanterns tho.
These look ok to me, am sure will be perfect on your second attempt.
Oh, I loved all the fried finger food! Very pretty lah your agar2 mooncakes. We didn't celebrate at all, no carry lantern too. :(
Your jelly moon cake looks delicious! So colorful too!
"Playing lantern" - brings back a lot of childhood memory.
aiya .. this gathering so nice!actually we plan to go out but here heavy rain...
wow! your jelly mooncake look so cute and colorful!! hiyoo....I misss playing lantern ..
Rachel, actually it is quite easy to do jelly mooncake.
Reanaclaire, hope you are able to do it again nxt year.
Palidor, those finger foods are kids favorite.
Taste Traveller, no my kids were have fun..
Petite, ya huh, when I was young, we take the lantern and walk the whole kampung, hahaha...
Keats of the sunshine girl, me too, but jelly mooncake is good, since everyone like to eat jelly.
Anncoo,my 2nd attempted will be happened only next year.
Nancy, hahaha, is true, nowadays quite hard to getting out money from my pocket, everything also home made...
LCOM, nowadays not so much of fun during Mooncake festival
Colin,I bet you also carry the laterns and walk the whole kampung during your childhood time, right, hahaha..
smarthouseiwfe, Thanks.
yiyimummy, too bad..
Beachlover, kids really having fun play lantern.
thanks for the jelly mooncake recipes! My mum brought some mooncake jelly moulds from KL but I have yet to use them ;o
hihi.. ur jelly mould look like very nice .. may i know where can get it??
那个绿茶的jelly mooncake颜色很美哦!
Petrina, then quickly try it.
Anonymous, you can get it from the Bakery ingredients shop.
Felvinc, that new camera not for me, for my husband office use. I'm looking for one for myself too..
I prefer playing the lattern to eating mooncake, even after all these years :) Jelly mooncake? That's a good idea, because i love agar agar.
good to know tt the tradition lives on. when i was little, my mom had the neighbors' kids over for a big feast n we showed off our home-made lanterns. when my kids were little, we walked around the taman with store-bought lanterns n then feasted on mooncakes n tea. by the time my kids have kids, the tradition will prolly be gone. sad.
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