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Friday, May 27, 2011

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd meat rolls) 五香

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd rolls) 五香

Another humble homecook dish from my kitchen, Hokkian style of Ngoh Hiang 五香 which the ground pork seasoned with five spice powder and snugly wrapped in dried beancurd skins and deep fry it. This time I changed to chicken meat and it still taste good.

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd rolls) 五香

Ngoh Hiang 五香 is mean Chinese five spice powder, and this is the important seasoning in Ngoh Hiang, without adding this spice powder, then we should not call this as Ngoh Hiang.

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd rolls) 五香

This time I did not use the big beancurd skin that special for Ngoh Hiang use but I just use the normal beancurd skin as I find the special beancurd skin is very salty eventhough i have wipe off the salt from the skin.

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd rolls) 五香

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd rolls) 五香
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 5 rolls

350g chicken breast, dice to very small (do not chop)
1/2 onion, chopped
30g carrot, chopped
4 water chestnuts, chopped
Chinese parsley, chopped

3pcs beancurd skin , soften in water, wipe off the water, cut to half

1tbsp light soy sauce
1tsp salt
1tsp Chinese five -spice powder
White Pepper
2tbsp cornstarch/tapioca flour
1tbsp water

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl except beancurd skin, mix thoroughly till thick paste. Set aside to marinate for 1hour or more.
2. Spoon meat mixture onto each sheet and wrap tightly and seal the end with some flour that mix with water.
3. Deep fry in hot cooking oil over medium low flame till golden brown.
4. Serve hot.

Chicken Ngoh Hiang (deep fried beancurd rolls) 五香

Happy Cooking !!


My Little Space said...

Hmm..mm..yum yumm... Homemade fresh wu xiang! I love the smell of those freshly fried crust. Very addictive!lol. I bet your kids will love them. Have a lovely evening. Oh ya, school holiday already! Then can sleep late. haha....
Regards, Kristy

ann low said...

Sonia, your Ngoh Hiang looks so delicious! Thought of having some now :)

WendyinKK said...

I love this.
Very true, without the 5spice powder, it's just not it.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear! My favourite! I enjoy this every trip to Penang. Ya! the 5 spice powder is playing a main roll here. Btw, where u get ur 5spice powder? It just looks like the one my friend gave me which she said she bought it fr Penang.
** Sonia, i am Jane here. Cant comment in ur blog for few days ady. Wonder what happen? But i can drop comments to others. No choice here but to use anonymous to drop comment to u.

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite dish especially the smell of 5 spice powder. I like to make this a lot and freeze it. I too can't comment on your blog.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, is me again. I can't comment if I sign in :(

hanushi said...

This looks fantastic!!! I love Ngoh Hiang!!

Min said...

Yummy, I love this dish. Is it almost the same with 'bak kian' in Hokkien? My grandmother used to make this during festival last time.

yummylittlecooks said...

This is delicious! Your ngoh hiong looks so beautiful with the golden skin.

Pete said...

Quite some time didn't cook this......the last time was this year CNY

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves this, my relative will cook this during CNY...

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...

DEAR,Its very special !!
cos you used chicken to make 5香,
and its very healthy!
mostly people using the pork...
I like this recipe,
thanks for sharing ^^

Cuisine Paradise said...

For a chance Chicken Ngoh Hiang is not a bad idea too :) Thanks fr sharing this recipe :)

daphne said...

It looks fantastic! crispy and flavoursome on the inside. I love ngoh hiang and please to know chicken taste just as good-prob healthier actually.

Alice said...

now i can make my own ngohiang - thks for the recipe Sonia :)

Jeannie said...

My favourite too...especially my mom's version...she's very good at making this! Must learn from her.have a great weekend!

Cheah said...

Yum, yum! This is my favourite too. I like it done this way but my in-laws will cut it up, then dip in batter and deep fry. I find it too oily and double work!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Loved this, have not make it in a while. I should go buy some beancurd sheet. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yum, nice golden brown colour!

simply.food said...

Very well presented and made I will try aveggie version.

Food Glorious Food! said...

WOOOOOWwww! They look so irresistible! yummy with some chili sauce!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

testing! testing! i just changed the comment setting to window pop out, as to check whether it resolve my blog's comment !!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

ya, it works!!

Bakeling said...

I like this ngoh hiang too ! But I always don't know which 5 spices powder ( brand ) is the best ?

Angie's Recipes said...

omg..you even did 五香卷 yourself!! How cool!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Oh my goodness, Sonia... You don't understand how much I LOVE beancurd skin!! When we go to Dim Sum, I eat the entire order of beancurd dish by myself so we always need 2 orders of that. I love this dish so much but never thought of making one because I didn't have a recipe. This one is a deep fried version and I'd love to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

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