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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Helena told me to drop by this little Hopetoun tea rooms if i have time during my visit to Melbourne Australia on last week. Actually I have plenty of time and in fact I went to this tea room 3 times...Due to long queue, i managed to take away a piece of cheese cake on my 3rd visit...

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Since i was not in the rush, i took picture of almost all cakes displayed on the shelf, have a look of all these tempting cakes...from these pictures, you can also have some ideas on how to decorate your homemade cakes next time..

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

I bought a piece of Raspberry Pistachio cheesecake (AUD 9.80, RM 31 each, very expensive!!) as Helena also told me to try this Hibiscus in syrup, actually locally we called this flower as Roselle 洛神花.

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Frankly, this cheese cake is nothing to shout out, an ordinary cheesecake with a thin layer of raspberry jelly on top and some roasted pistachio on the side. The only special thing in this cheesecake is the syrup Roselle flower, sweet and slightly crunchy, i think this is quite easy to make it at home too..i found a recipe here.

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

We were enjoyed this piece of cheesecake at this beautiful garden and the weather just simply beautiful, cool and refreshing (beginning of Autumn)!



tanja said...

Wow, I can't take my eyes from these beautiful pictures! The cakes are beautifully presented, everything looks so tempting and colourful! Thank you so much for sharing Sonia, I have enjoyed this post A LOT :)

ann low said...

Me too! Can't stop admiring those beautiful cakes. If I can I will grab all the cakes all homes... ;DD

Sherleen.T said...

not only the cakes are nicely decorated, i found the cake stands are so gorgeous too...
Melbourne has a lot of gardens, big or small...oh, i miss Melbourne :)

CaThY said...

simply awesome cakes! I love them~ :)

ogyep yummy mellow said...

Marvellous.. How I wish I was there..

Torviewtoronto said...

lovely desserts and post

Jane Chew said...

sonia, u really got lots of times. haha... Did u ask b4 u take photo? all the cakes are beautiful presented. Thanks for sharing.

Ana Regalado said...

We want to be there , too !!!! wahhhhh !!! hahaha All those scrumptious cakes makes me drool ;D Awesome photos , Sonia ! Maybe you could throw some slices over here ? hee hee

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Wow! the cakes are simply awesome!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Wow! the cakes are simply awesome!

Pete said...

Wow, awesome food presentation!....good to eat too...lol!

Li Shuan said...

Hello friend, welcome back!!

Its true, this place always has a long Q! Last time, we have to go back twice in order to get a seat (we picked the off peak hour). hmm..what a disappointment you can only have the take away after your 3rd attempt? Did you buy the Hibiscus in syrup at last?

I am looking fwd to see more of your travelling post soon.

Cheah said...

Yes, to pay Rm31 for a piece of cake is very expensive. Hope you have a wonderful holiday in Melbourne.

Alan (travellingfoodies) said...

oh gosh!!!!! what a selection!!!! I think I shall have to make a deliberate attempt not to visit this place when I'm in Melbourne. Would probably end up ordering everything on the menu!

Lovely love photos, Sonia! keep the field reports coming!

daphne said...

what a selection! pity about the cake not being as good as it looks! But I hv to take note of that place when I next visit Mel!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Delicious looking dessert!! Look at the queue, no kidding!

Small Kucing said...

omgh...such temptation

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Wow..thanks for sharing those lovely cakes. Look super yummy :)

Sem said...

how i missed Melbourne, did u visit Victoria Market? There is a dry and wet market and i remember i used to wait for the fruit seller pack up and have all fruits on cheap sales ,so i get to buy a carton of grapes for less than AUD5 only....oh, i missed the Vietnamese food there too, surprisingly...

Mel said...

Beautiful photos of the cakes!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

What a place! I won't be leaving unless having a couple of cakes per visit. =) Welcome back!

Peggy Lim said...

Wow! The cakes look so tempting, how I wish I was there:(
Nice picture taken...

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, want to ask you something, is it true that in Melbourne, you are not allow to take picture of the food in the restaurant but you can only do it from outside? I saw a Sydney talk show mentioned abt this last year but I'm not sure this new regulation has implied or not?

I want to see Donna Hay's cake stand, quick quick bake "us" a cake & show us the stand, hahaha!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

I don't mind to work for that shop for free!! Nice shots :)

lena said...

makes me want to eat all the cakes now!!

Anonymous said...

So many delicious and beautiful desserts!

Ave_leo said...

i saw maccaroons!!!! xD

chow and chatter said...

love Melbourne such a great city

Jeannie said...

What a feast for the eyes, now stomach growling with hunger! Lovely photos!

My Little Space said...

Hmmmm..mm..I am actually quite interested in that lemon custard slices. So tempting! Slurppp...
Thanks for sharing such delicious photos of your trip.

Passionate About Baking said...

Oh wow! The cakes are all so beautifully decorated! Thanks for sharing these pictures. Sure served as a reference. I've not seen this when I was in Melbourne some 15 years ago. :p All these cakes boutiques must have sprung up in the recent years, just like in Singapore too!

Mary said...

I adore tea rooms and I visit them every chance I have. The cakes are just beautiful! It sounds like you had a great trip.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

All the cakes look so tempting! I hoppe you had a lovely time in Melbourne. My last visit there was many, many years back :)

Nori said...

Hallo Sonia,
I just found your blog through azie kitchen,its very interesting and informatif esp about food n travel.Keep writing.

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