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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck 香烤脆皮鸭

I am so happy now i can even prepare a crispy skin roasted duck at home, next time i also can use the same recipe to roasted a chicken too. My husband said this roasted duck tasted exactly like those roasted duck selling in the shop..

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck

This was how i sun dry the duck, but i need to keep an eagle eyes on the duck because too many flies like this duck..Maybe next time i can try to dry in the fridge overnight (Latest update-Please refer to the comment from My Little Space, she said dry in the fridge will not work as to get crispy skin)..

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck

The dried and hard skin is formed after 5hours of sun dry

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck

I even use the wings, neck and legs (because not much meat to eat) to cook this Asam Chai Ber  (braised sour roasted meat with mustard) ,one stone kills two birds!
 Ya, i also cook oil rice (油饭) to enjoy with this yummy roasted duck.

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck

Crispy Skin Roasted Duck
(recipe source : adapted from Vivian Pang Kitchen who adapted from My Little Space and My Kitchen Snippets. I made some changes on the seasonings)

1 whole duck (2kg)
Crispy Skin Roasted Duck 3 cups water
2 tbsp maltose
1 tbsp vinegar

3 tbsp fermented soybean paste
1/2 tsp Chinese 5 Spices powder
1 and 1/2tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2tsp sugar

4 shallots, blend into paste
4 cloves garlic, blend into paste

1. Combine water, maltose & vinegar in a wok/a large pot and bring it to boil.
2. Pad the duck dry. Bath the duck with the boiling mixture for several times.
3. First sun dry the duck for 2 hours. Bath the duck for 2nd time, sun dry again for another 3hours or till a dried skin is formed.
4. Combine all the seasonings and garlic & shallot paste and mix well. Spread the seasoning around the inner part of the duck. Do not rub mixture over the outer skin.
5. Bake in pre-heated oven at 190C for about 45-60mins (adjust accordingly as every oven is difference) or until the skin is brown and crispy. Half way through, overturn the duck for even browning.
6. Chop into bite-size and serve with steamed white rice or fragrant oil rice or noodles. (Save the gravy, skim off the oil, you can use this gravy to dip with roasted duck meat and also can add some gravy to the Asam Chai Ber)


minneville said...

This looks so good!!! I'm just thinking about duck and you have roasted duck. Don't know if I can get maltose here in the US but I'll definitely try your recipe.

My Little Space said...

Whoa,your roasted duck looks truly mouthwatering. Btw, don't you ever try to dry your duck in the fridge. It's not working at all. It makes it even worst. Trust me. haha.... All you need is wrap the duck neck with a small plastic sheet & stuck the duck bottom with papers or anything is possible. Other than that the flies won't be attracted. Other method is bake under 100'C on & off to dry the skin after each bath but still not as nice as the one under the sun.
Enjoy your day!

Simple Person said...

i heard that you need to blow air in the duck skin to make it crispy..

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

wow! this is really good! i want to be your neighbour so that can go to your house for lunch everyday... :D

ann low said...

Chef Sonia! You're sooo clever!! I must bookmark this recipe too.
BTW did you overturn the duck during baking?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kristy, Thanks so much for your kind advice.

Ann, yes, i did overturn the duck, let me amend the recipe now. Happy Trying.

Mel said...

Wah, what a beautiful golden crispy duck you have roasted! At the look at it already knew it must be perfectly roasted. I can use the same ingredients to roast chicken.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow, u always impress me with nice dishes, now is our turn to move down to ur place la, hahahaha!

Kimmy said...

I loved roasted duck. The thought of keeping away flies and cleaning the oven puts me off to do it.Just wondering whether can half the duck before sun dry, after all it has to be chopped before serving.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I'm so impressed ! You're really GOOD ! It looks perfectly roasted just like the ones they're selling here ! Here , let me try some of that first ! lol Will steal your recipe sometime and will use chicken instead , hopefully it'll be as good as yours ! ;D

Kimmy said...

I loved roasted duck with thin crispy skin. Yours look so good, better than the ones I bought from the shop. But the thought of protecting it from the flies, dust and cleaning of the oven puts me off doing it. Just wondering whether I can halve the duck before sun drying after all it has to be chopped before serving.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kimmy, I will not advise you to halve the duck. If you halve it, the meat will turn quite dry after roasted and the skin might not turn crispy.

Kimmy said...

I thought so. Thanks for the advice. Must bookmark this.

Li Shuan said...

aiyo! This is really really good oh! I must try this soon. I am speechless...just too good to describe.

Sem said...

I saw a similar roast duck recipe in Flavour magazine by Catherine,look interesting ,just dont have the gut to try as I've never cook duck in my life, until I see your recipe .Do you need to tent the duck with aluminium foil for the early part in case it is burnt?

irene myme said...

ohh my, this is superb! Thumbs up , Sonia!! ^o^

Jane Chew said...

Sui o! I did ur 烧肉today. But u tempted me with this. Haha... I also want to try out next time. Thanks for sharing ur recipe.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sem, no, don't need to tent the duck with aluminium foil or anything. Ya hor, i remembered saw in Flavours before, which issue huh?

Baby Sumo said...

Sonia, your roast duck looks so delicious. I think you can put a lot of restaurants to shame. I love that you serve it with the asam chai ber which can be found in those roast duck shops also. :)

Yannie said...

Roasted Duck is always delicious to eat with noodles, rice and porridge. I like it so much.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Haha, i also bookmarked this roasted duck. It's impossible to dry under the sun in S'pore. Just wonder can use table fan to dry it or not @^@

PH said...

Sonia, this is fantastic. You are really talented, lah. I want to try this but drying the duck is a problem.

小雨伞 said...


Sonia, 我要吃啦 (T^T)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This is so tempting!!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This is so tempting!!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This is so tempting!!!

yvonne said...

I'm not a fan of duck, but if you're using chicken to make it again, please tempt me, ok~

Chai ber is my favourite dish. With just a plate of it, I can eat 2 bowls of rice and ask for another one :p

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

That looks sensational! Just like those hanging in the roast duck stall! And you chopped the duck so nicely too!

Sally said...


Small Kucing said...

Lovely color. a lot of work leg. good for you

Debs @ The Spanish Wok said...

I recently done a peking duck but not sun dried, will try that next time thanks. Will wrap in muslin though to keep the flies off LOL.

gertrude said...

What a wonderful looking duck. Crispy and evenly brown. I too wanted to try it out with duck. I dried the bird inside the house with the fan on and the skin still turns out crispy. Maybe you can try out this method of drying :)

Little blue said...

Look like restaurant, I already mark down this roast duck. Thank you!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, you are a genius, like this can release a cookbook now, why are you waiting for, I'll buy your book!

The 2nd picture of the duck looks sooooo delicious, & your hubby is sooo right, it looked just as good as the restaurant dish! Wait till summer I'll try this. Now the sun isn't hot enough to make this. Thanks for the great recipe. I may try the chicken version as my hubby doesn't like duck. He is weird!

Noob Cook said...

wah I'm so impressed. looks like peking duck!

daphne said...

I am indeed speechless. What can you not cook!?!??!

Sherleen.T said...

you make me speechless, Sonia...what a great dish you have done...
btw, is the oven very oily after roasted the duck?

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great, like store-bought. But a lot of work leh.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, what else can you can't cook or bake? You are awesome and so is your roast duck. Looking at the work involved, Aunty Lucy better go buy one from Four Seasons even tho it may not taste as good as yours.

蚊子 said...

Oh~~The duck skin look crispy and duck meat look juicy!! sonia, you are such a awesome cooker!!i think you can open a restaurant already! :D

Diane said...

Mmmmm I have just finished dinner and this has made me hungry again. It looks fab. Diane

Julie said...


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Sem said...

Hi,Sonia,If I'm not mistaken, it is the Jan-Feb 2009 issue (one of the CNY issue),now I realised , it is a Pipa chicken recipe. if you cant find it , let me know.
Like what Getrude said , Catherine is also using fan to blow at the chicken to air dry it.But normaly restaurant hang all their ducks outside to sun dry.

Unknown said...


Baking Diary said...

Wow dried for 5 hours in the sun! so you have to babysit your duck for so long huh, hehe! worth it if turned out tasting so good! My boys will thank me if I ever cook this duck:D Well I don't think they deserve it at the moment so I'll kiv it:D

elaine chan said...

Wow-what more can I say - all the comments are so full of praise! Keep on giving us new surprises!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Very interesting that you dry duck outside in the sun for 5 hours! So it doesn't go bad? You know, we try to refrigerate produce like meat all the time but it doesn't go bad? I believe you that your husband said its same (or better than) as store! Great job Sonia! I know your cooking variety is increasing tremendously!

choi yen said...

I hate it when the skin is not crispy for roasted duck >.<

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sherleen, not that oily actually..give it a try.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sem, i got it, i want to try this recipe, because this time i can try with chicken. Thanks for the info.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dumpling Love said...

That looks amazing, Sonia!! YUM! Would love to try it one day, maybe with chicken first since it's more readily available here.

busygran said...

Look at the skin, all glistening and inviting! You should start a food business!

Jes's Deli Corner said...

Like Aunty Lucy's comment..Every time when see your chai ber here I will think of cook it again..saliva drooling leh

Cheah said...

Hats off to you, Sonia. Wah, drying in the sun, I'm afraid that stray cats will have a feast with my bird. The last time I made sweet dried meat I had to be on constant alert for birds and cats.

FiSh said...

wah 5 hours of drying it. the sun must be scorching hot right?

@ ohfishiee.blogspot.com

lena said...

i was impressed when i saw kristy doing it for the first time. YOurs came out wonderful and looks really gooood! i must try one day! Happy weekend to you!

Unknown said...

Sonia it is so delicious. I also heard of resting the duck in the fridge won't create a crispy skin. Lots of techniques to make this dish right?

ping said...

Sonia, you're amazing! This looks even better than the commercial, so-called si-fu from hongkong made ones.
You're a si-fu for sure! I'm sure it tastes just as amazing. I'm getting hungry now ....

Unknown said...

Very tempting! Looks great! Seems like restaurant style meals. Thanks for the highlight :)

Anonymous said...

They look delightful! Absolutely perfect.

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

I've air dried indoor in the winter when there was no flies around, must be better if you can sun dried the duck outdoor, I must try to work out how to avoid the flies and give this a go, judging by the pictures of beautiful and delicious looking duck of yours, it will be worth it :)

Anonymous said...

So yummy. Just the perfect weather to make this dish. Surely to KIV this recipe for Father's Day Dinner Menu. Hopefully we will still have this super hot weather.

tinyskillet said...

Sonia, your duck looks perfect...so mouthwatering. I don't know if I could ever do thais. Maybe I should just come over for dinner! :)

Lite Home Bake said...

Wow! I am so impressed! Your family is so blessed to have you, the effort you put into making good meals for them is just amazing! The duck looks so good, so does the assam chai, and topped with oil rice, must have been a heavenly meal!

Angie's Recipes said...

This looks like from the star restaurants! Well done!

3 hungry tummies said...

Looks wonderful Sonia! :)
I recently roasted my first duck Chinese style too but I dry my duck using a fan hehe

Shannon @ JustAsDelish said...

Wow! I'm hungry looking at the photos! But considering the amount of work involved, and I've never buy duck before.. I think I'll just buy from the restaurant until I get my guts to try recipe!

Lori said...

This looks amazing! We love duck prepared like this. I need to try it at home now!

Unknown said...

WOW Sonia! Can I order roasted duck from you? Saves me the hassle from making it on my own. LOL.. you know what, my mom dries the chicken outside too.. there's just something about it that makes the skin ultra crunchiness and light that we are after. I am feeling so hungry right now.. Gosh.. have a good week!

mycookinghut said...

Looks absolutely mouth watering!

Elisabeth said...

Hi Sonia-so sorry, but I have virtually disappeared (at least in my mind) since my last guest posting for Ping, and have not checked your latest on your blog!

I AM IN AWE!!! A crip roasted duck, that only a handful of people can make! You are my foodie STAR!
I have never in my life seen how to dry out the duck in the "sun"...a true rarity find, and I must say a secret now shared!
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing method, and recipe, for the most truly gorgeous crispy duck and most delicious...I know. Now, can I come to visit so I can share some with you?

HomeKreation said...

Looks perfect! I may not be so dedicated to the preparation, so time consuming & can salute you for that!

Anonymous said...

Whoaa!! You actually roasted your own duck!! That looks sooooo amazing!! I'm very impressed! Great job Sonia! :D And the oil rice sounds yummy too!!

小小秘密和你share 。。。 said...

can I use Chicken i/o duck?

Sissi said...

Wow! This is really impressive! I have always been sure only very good restaurants can do this.

Anonymous said...

wow, thx for sharing this recipe. i can even make this in uk.

rostina76 said...

hi sonia....even though i'm typical malay but seriously i love chinese foods a lot. this roasted duck, it's same with 'peking duck' ? me tried for the 1st time 'peking duck' when we were @china (2006). at 1st afraid to try (fyi i really fussy with the food, hehe even malay food not all i can accept) but i love peking duck so much because of their crispy skin....sedap!!! I just have my recent treat (peking duck) during my bday last april here in brunei (luckily there are many halal chinese food here). From ur recipe, now i know why it taste good. really long preparation huh ;)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi Rostina, Thanks for stopping by. This roast duck is difference from peking duck, eventhough this roast duck has crispy skin, but it s not as crispy as like peking duck..This roast duck similar like Hong Kong roast duck, you should give it try, i bet you will love it!

Veronica said...

Wow, very impressive! Your roast duck looks so delicious it made me drool. Clever girl!

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, I intend to cook this on chap goh mei i.e next Fridday. May I ask if I can use chicken instead of duck and is there any change in seasoning and/or steps? Do I bake it or do I roast it by placing it on the turnspeed? Thanks and appreciate your help!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Teo ai li, yes, you can replaced with chicken, but you have to adjust the amount of seasoning depend the size of the chicken, you can just bake it.

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, noted and thanks for your reply. I will use chicken of size 2kg also. Thanks!

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, I baked the chicken last night. We have to turn it on its side to bake to get it evenly brown. The skin stayed crispy for a short while only. The meat is very tender. Is it how it should be? If not, then what could I have done wrong? Would like to try it again but really want it to stay crispy throughout dinner. Please help! Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

teo ai li, you did nothing wrong, this roasted duck or chicken are like this, unless you make Beijing duck that you can have crispy skin last longer.

Unknown said...

hi sonia can you tell me how big is your oven how many liter
?i want to buy an oven can be roasted duck thank you!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Teh , my oven gross capacity is 65litre, Teka brand

MrPig said...

I'm going to try this next week in preparation for CNY. But the part on drying out in the sun seems challenging . Has anyone tried using a hairdryer to blow dry it? Would it work?

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