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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Savoury steamed glutinous rice_Encore!!

Today I again cook this one dish meal because my hubby is away for business trip from home, he doesn't appreciate much of this kind of rice, but me and kids just love it.

IMG_8801 1

I took these pictures at the same spot which I took the old pictures with old camera last time, but this time look better with new camera right? hehehe..


Savoury steamed glutinous rice
(printable recipe)

500g glutinous rice (wash and soak at least 4 hours or more)
200g belly pork, cut cubed
15 shallots, peeled & sliced thinly
40g dried prawns, wash & soaked
15 dried oyster, wash & soaked & cut into cubed, (optional)
10 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked and cut into cubed
200ml water

1 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tsp salt, or to taste
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp sugar

Toasted/fried peanuts
Spring onions, chopped

1. Heat the oil in a wok and fry the shallot over medium-low heat, fry till crispy and golden brown. Dish out and set aside to cool.
2. Use the remaining shallot oil in the wok. Over medium heat, stir-fry the meat, dried prawns and mushroom until aromatic.
3. Add in the drained glutinous rice, and add in the seasoning. Stirring and mix well for 1 -2 mins.
4. Transfer the rice into a steaming tray, sprinkle water on top of the rice.
5. Steam for 60mins ( stir rice for every 30mins, sprinkle some water when necessary).
6. Serve rice topped with shallot crisps, peanuts and spring onion.

-i think I will slowly replace those old pictures (very blur and blur) from old posts with new pictures later and re-post it...


Happy Cooking!!


Anonymous said...

i am the first this time!!! hahaHA! The lighting looks great! what camera are you using now??? awesome pictures!

Cool Lassi(e) said...

Yes, great pictures. What camera are you using? Love the steamed rice. Simple, easy and fabulous!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mia, yes, you are 1st, please have yourself with some rice, hehehe..my camera is Canon G11

Cool Lassi, Thanks, my camera is Canon G11.

Precious Pea said...

Yumm...am a big big fan of glutinous rice!!

PranisKitchen said...

really the new camera is superb..nice picture yarr.which camera u have..
the rice dish looks so delicious.lovely color.the glutinous rice which one u have used...i haven't tried that..
thanks for sharing this

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Precious Pea, sama sama..

Pranis, I just use normal glutinous rice..

3 hungry tummies said...

This is one dish that I have been missing :) Looks good!

ReeseKitchen said...

Love this! I also will cook this quite often..hee hee! My hubby is quite the opp...he loves this, and me is the one who don't allow him to take so much...haha!

Jane Chew said...

Sonia, I want this. This is Michelle's favourite. Anything do with glutinous rice she will love it.

divya said...

love the steamed rice, simple and easy..fabulous.

ICook4Fun said...

I love eating this one pot meal. Just make a soup and 'kautim' :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

3 hungry tummies, then quickly cook this.

Reese, why you dont allow him to eat huh?

Jane, I also ok everything with glutinous rice.

divya, Thanks.

Gert, ya, simple and delicious.

ann low said...

Nice one dish meal, always my favorite :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

This is also one of my favorite easy one dish meal. ;) Sometimes I will add yam or sweet potatoes too. ;)

Imo Teo said...


Padhu Sankar said...

Beautiful pics!!

tinyskillet said...

Yum, a perfect one dish meal. I like to fix them for the same reason, my husband gets home late. My daughter loves steamed rice. Great meal and photos!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely one dish meal. Your photos are wonderful. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

MaryMoh said...

Mmmm....delicious. I miss this. My mom cooked very delicious glutinous rice...but...without recipe! I better learn from you. Thanks for sharing.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anncoo, you also like this huh.

Bee Bee, my kids doesn't like yam, too bad..

imoteo,Thanks for stopping by.

Padhu, Thanks.

Lyndsey, try it out.

Mary, Thanks dear.

MaryMoh, you are welcome!

Lazaro Cooks said...
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Lazaro Cooks said...

Great flavor combinations, pork belly, prawns, shiitakes, shallots. Wonderful rice dish. Cheers!

Colin Woon said...

The food looks delicious and the photos came out great, what else can I ask for? Oh yeah, can I have a plate please?

Seriously, nice photos!

Cheah said...

I love glutinous rice but it's not too good for my cholesterol, so have to take in moderation. Yours look so yummy!

Bakeling said...

Sonia , when feeling hungry in midnite and looking at your glutinous rice , lagi hungry !

玉燕 said...

It's my favorite dish!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

It's one of my favourite...

苏联妈妈 said...

this look quite similar with the hokkien full moon rice ...we called it “一饭”

Elin Chia said...

Sonia...I love this one dish meal too but have to eat in moderation :p

chow and chatter said...

oh love this sticky rice as well

Jessica {The Novice Chef} said...

This looks awesome!! YUM!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lazaro cooks, ya, they are Great flavor combinations!

Colin,Thanks dear, quickly ask your wife to cook for you.

Cheah, me too have to reduce a bit, hehehe..

bakeling, you can cook this one dish meal too.

Sharon, you also like this huh..

sulian,yes, they are the same.

Elin, i also need to control a bit...

Rebecca and Jessica, Thanks for stopping by.

tigerfish said...

The reason I seldom use glutinous rice is I have to soak many hours in advance. What if I have soaked them and decided not to cook them? :O

Tangled Noodle said...

Glutinous rice is my absolute favorite but I've never really learned to make it properly. This is just the kind of recipe that I can start with!

Bakericious said...

this looks so delicious, my hubby like to eat but due to his sensitive stomach, ve to be restrict from it.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand one part! 200 ml of water is to use in the wok for steaming or to mix together with the rice for steaming? ( does it require any water to cook the glutinous rice, like cooking rice )??

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