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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Matcha (Green tea) ice cream 抹茶雪糕

I have never thought of getting an ice cream maker until i saw many bloggers sharing their lovely ice cream recipes. Also I feel this is the right timing to own one, since my kids are still young, and they love ice cream very much (when kids have grown up, no demand then how to make right?). After I failed to get a lovely pink ice cream maker (Cxxxx brand) , I have no choice just bought an ordinary Kxxx brand ice cream maker..The first recipe i tried out was this Matcha ice cream which is my family's favourite ice cream.

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Also i want to try this matcha powder that i bought from Kyoto, 100% made with green tea.


Let see what we need to make the yummy Matcha ice cream..


Cook the mixture..

Take out the ice cream bowl which has freezed for 24hours..(This is cheaper unit if compare to those unit come together with compressor )


Churn for 20-25mins

Matcha ice cream is ready, freeze for several hours before enjoy..


We always like to serve matcha ice cream with red bean paste (this is home cooked red bean paste, what i did was reserved some of the cooked red bean from red bean soup, add more sugar and cook till thick paste, simple and easy )

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I could not find "half-and-half " as mentioned in Just One Cookbook, so i made some changes. Also do not reduce the amount of matcha powder. This is because the first batch i made was tasted like teh tarik ice cream after i reduced the matcha powder, hehehe..I also like this recipe because it is eggless..

Green Tea (Matcha) ice cream 抹茶雪糕
(recipe source: adapted from Just One Cookbook with minor changes)

1 cup whipping cream
1 cup milk ( I use low fat milk)
3tbsp natural green tea powder (matcha powder)
½ cup sugar
A pinch of salt

1. Freeze ice cream bowl for 24 hours.
2. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan, cook till sugar dissolved.
3. When the mixture is cooled down, refrigerate the mixture until completely chilled.
4. Churn for 20-25 minutes in ice cream maker, according to manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer into a container and freeze for at least 3 hours before serving.

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If you don't own an ice cream maker, you can check out in Amelia's dessert blog here.


3 hungry tummies said...

Love it! I made some green tea icy pole with red bean and condensed milk over the weekend too :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Nice for a hot weather nowadays...

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Irresistible ice cream dear! It's very hot here and your ice cream is perfect for the throat :)

Thanks for trying my chicken masala dear. Actually I pointed out the question to all readers who like to blame the recipe and the recipe owner if they meet failures. I see readers just ambushed some blogs...their comments are so annoying. I haven't met any in my blog yet...if yes, will not think twice to delete the comment. Hehe...

Yee Ling said...

I wish I can have one ice cream maker too!

Diane said...

I would love an ice cream maker but there is already so much in my kitchen...... This sounds delicious. Diane

Unknown said...


想请问一下,你的ice-cream maker在哪里买的?

Joceline Lor said...

现在又被你家的抹茶雪糕引诱到了。beh tahan。

Mel said...

Aaah....ice cream just the right snack for our weather right now! And matcha....the cooling remedy to our body. Slurps! One scoop for me please!

Yannie said...

My goodness, it looks so green and good. I love Green Tea ice cream.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

abt a year ago, i also plan to get a ice cream maker but turn down the decision, i worry i only 三分钟热度,hahaha!

now looking at your yummy homemade ice cream, my mind shake again, hehehe

Sem said...

Yum,green tea ice-cream is my favourite.I only used my Kenwood ice cream maker once, and now the bowl has turned "rusty", the paint has came off from the edge of the bowl,not sure why.

Bakericious said...

I love matcha ice cream with red bean paste, heavenly match!

PH said...

Yum....now I want to immediately go and buy ice-cream maker.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Angie, my husband carry back from Singapore, hehehe..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sem, oh, so bad? i just keep the bowl in the freezer so when i thinking to make ice cream, i can just take out and make immediately, dont need to wait to freeze..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Eileen, you should get one as your kids are still young, i bet they will enjoy it so much..and the price is not that super expensive..

茵茵 said...

Yummy! Especially with the companion of red bean which is my favourite! Wonder will it turn out as delicious if I don't use an ice -cream maker...

Mandy said...


Edith said...

Sonia, I love the hue of this green tea ice cream. Time to reward myself with my favourite flavour.

Ana Regalado said...

That first attempt looks perfect ! :D I'm sure that the boys really love this ice cream ! I bet you're thinking what flavor to make next ! lol

WendyinKK said...

I thought I will make ice cream often after getting my maker, but no lor, hahaha.
It doesn't fit my freezer well, I have to remove one shelf each time I want to make ice cream, and that makes it very leceh.
It's true, make now while the kids will eat

Artsylicious said...

i love mocha ice-cream! with sweet red bean it must be super yummy!

Min said...

Wow, you have an ice-cream maker! I don't have one yet..I love matcha ice cream very much, and you are right, it served best with red bean. Wait till I buy a ice cream maker than I can try this yummy ice cream!

Little blue said...

Where you get the ice maker? I can see your ice cream is really smooth~I like green tea ice cream is H brand.

Jane Chew said...

This remind me that last year my husband was so keen to make ice cream for us and he end up bought one ice cream maker but after one try he decided to return the ic maker to Myer. Hehe... What a shame. Looking at yours I must encourage him again :)

Indian Khana said...

Wow that looks fab ....I wish I can grab a that

daphne said...

i made exactly the same thing last week! My post is coming up soon too. it looks fab and i loved the taste of green tea in this.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Im sorry to hear that you were not succerssful to find the Cxxx ice cream maker Sonia. But you still manage to churn out such delicious looking matcha ice cream...yum! I'll be posting an ice cream post soon...when my lap top is fixed. ;P

Li Shuan said...

Oh nice one. I was thinking of buying an ice cream maker b4 but didn't end up getting one. I have too many idle products can't justify buying another one..hehe...

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

The little blue kitchen , I got mine from Singapore. You can get it in the major departmental stores n KL I guess.

ICook4Fun said...

Love the vibrant green color of the ice-cream. I too like making my own sorbet and ice-cream since there are so many seasonal fruits here. I think getting an ice-cream maker is a good investment as you can making as many ice-cream as you want with it :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Homemade is the best, so much healthier than store-bought! Love the matcha flavor.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Oh nampak sangat sedap!
Bought an ice-cream maker last year but still in unopened box.

Top Cuisine avec Lavi said...

I love green tea. I drink every day. So this ice cream definitely going to like.

Gloria Baker said...

This ice cream look really amazing and beauty Sonia I wannna make though I hope find matcha powder here; love the color:)

My Little Space said...

Wow new toy! I bet you enjoy using it so far. haha.... Btw, how much can it produce the ice-cream each time? I mean how many scoop?
Hope you're enjoying your day, dear.

cherry potato said...


珊珊 said...


看你,有了ice cream maker ...做起来好像很容易呢。。。。。好棒!!

Cakewhiz said...

The color of your ice cream is beautiful! And this would be such an awesome dessert during the hot summer days :)

Anonymous said...

hi sonia..may i know what's the model of your K brand icecream maker? tks


Casey said...

这个抹茶雪糕好吃,做法又不是很难,贪吃就要去败一架ice-cream maker了,呵呵!

Small Kucing said...

Mmmm looks so easy to make with the ice cream maker

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, this matcha ice cream looks very fine & soft, so cheap ice-cream maker also works? Like you, if I'm eating green tea ice-cream, I must eat it with red bean paste! The cheap ice-cream maker is selling for aud$20 here but I'm skeptical about it becoz they are too cheap, hahaha!Now that I know, may be I should also give it a try as ice-cream is something that we don't normally eat!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Matcha ice cream and red bean paste perfect combination. Urs look really good. My freezer is too small to even store the bowl, no ice cream make for me till I get a new fridge (waiting for my current one to breakdown :p).

Debs @ The Spanish Wok said...

I have green tea which I bought specifically to make ice cream, just not got around to it yet.

Thanks for the reminder.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Yippie! You made it!

What you did was correct. 2 cups of Half and Half means 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of cream. :-) I guess Half and Half is an American product.

Also... Japanese matcha is so beautiful. Your color is just right. Good quality matcha is always beautiful green, not dull green. I love your pictures and make me want to eat!!

I also believe 3 Tbsp. matcha is a must. I never bought or pick green tea ice cream outside ever since I make my own!

Thank you for the kind mention Sonia!!

choi yen said...

wah, I love green tea ice-cream!

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

Love the bright green colour of the ice cream. I have to go look for matcha powder tomorrow! :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sue, the model is IM280.

Kristy, I don't know ler.,

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kristy, just check, it can make 1.5lt ice cream

lena said...

love the very green natural colour of your ice cream! i also have this model ice cream maker, i hvnt made any yet..my freezer is always full!

sabrina 莎莎 said...


Veronica said...

The colour of your green tea ice-cream is simply sensational and the texture is smooth. Unfortunately I don't own an ice-cream churner so I've never made any manually.

Kitchen Corner said...

I like,the green color of your ice cream. My Matcha ice cream always looks quite pale in color.
Beside, may I know how you did a logo for every of your pictures? it's quite good to do it this way. I have few pictures was stollen by others people.

Kitchen Corner said...

I like,the green color of your ice cream. My Matcha ice cream always looks quite pale in color.
Beside, may I know how you did a logo for every of your pictures? it's quite good to do it this way. I have few pictures was stollen by others people.

tinyskillet said...

This looks amazing! I love matcha ice cream I really need to get my ice cream maker out and make this! I love the great color you have made yours.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kitchen Corner, the logo watermark was done with a help from an advertising company, i have no idea on how they do this. So sorry i can't advise you.

mui mui said...

Hi Sonia, I agree with you, when there is demand must fulfill the demand while you can..hehe kids grow up really fast.
Your green tea ice-cream looks awesome. It is so smooth and creamy. I have been thinking of getting a ice-cream maker for a long time but no action...:p So every time i make my ice-cream manually after reading your post I think i should get one. Guess what? I went to check out the 'K' brand ice-cream maker here, it cost rm389. Is this more or less the price you get?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mui Mui, I got mine from SG which cost SGD 108 .

Baking Diary said...

Lovely green! Really tempting to buy the ice-cream maker which is currently on offer in one of the online deals.. very cheap but no demand for ice-creams at home, lol!

Lori said...

So glad you got an ice cream maker! We love ours. I must make this. I haven't made green tea ice cream yet so it is on the list. How delicious with the red bean too!

shan said...


Angie's Recipes said...

Love matcha flavour. This look fantastic.

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

I've never really wanted to make my own ice-cream until now, yours look so homemade and delicious!! You made me change my mind :)

Noob Cook said...

I have to totally learn to make my own ice cream one day!

Joelyn said...

My favourite ice cream, its quite pricey in Jap restaurant. Hmmm don't have an ice cream maker but will aim for one in the near future.

Martin said...

我也曾做過冰淇淋, 不過是完全純手工, 做起來超費時又累, 還是用冰淇淋製造機較方便又快速!! 我也好想買喔:)

Anonymous said...

Omygosh! This looks absolutely divine! I looove matcha and especially that sweet azuki red bean paste at the side! You are soo great thanks for posting!:D

Unknown said...

Best Matcha :- Buy Best Matcha Tea- If you are health conscious then find here Matcha

tea including White Matcha, Black Matcha, Royal Matcha, Flavored Matcha & Sugar Destroyer Matcha. Know more about Matcha green tea &

Powdered green tea for health benefits withredleaftea.com an online supplier of Matcha tea.
Powdered green tea
Matcha green tea
Buy Matcha
White Matcha
Best Matcha :- Buy Best Matcha Tea- If you are health conscious then find here Matcha tea including

White Matcha, Black Matcha, Royal Matcha, Flavored Matcha & Sugar Destroyer Matcha. Know more about Matcha green tea & Powdered green tea

for health benefits withredleaftea.com an online supplier of Matcha tea.
Powdered green tea
Matcha green tea
Buy Matcha
White Matcha

Jenea said...

Mmm.. looks yummy!
Plus green tea is good for health,
which I wana share this too, read alot about it here. :)
<a href="http://greenteadoeswonders.blogspot.com/>greenteadoeswonders.blogspot.com/</a>

Jenea said...

Posting again for easier navigation :)

Matcha Green Tea said...

wow! yummy.. thank you for sharing your recipe

check pr said...

it looks like wasabe. lol... thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Thank you for sharing :-)
I am a matcha green tea lover!Cannot live without it now since I was introduced to it last year by a friend. There is a great book I discovered recently called "Matcha Green Tea Health Secrets" by J.Nicholson it is packed with amazing revelations about matcha green tea and it has some wonderful matcha recipes too.Definitely worth getting! Amelia Lilly

Anonymous said...

Hi, nay I know where can I buy this brand of whipping cream and how much does it cost? Very interested to try making this ice cream.. thanks!

Khai said...

May I know why need to put the bowl inside the freezer?

绮绮的幸福国度 said...

Because of this delicious ice cream and your post here, I went to bought the ice cream maker. Since I still have green tea powder brought from jeju, tomorrow I going to try this!

Greenteabay.com said...

Very yummy green tea ice cream. Thank you for the infotmstion. Sure come back for more new post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Is the texture smooth after keeping in freezer ?

Andre C said...

Just One Cookbook has really great Japanese recipes indeed! Apart from the one recommended by her, what brand of green tea powder do you suggest using? It is hard to find good quality ones in Hong Kong :(

Alie said...

Matcha Tea is a made from top quality leaves with flavors blend tea.
i have been using this and i love it that is really great Japanese recipes
Thank you for information !!

Unknown said...

Hi fellas,
Thank you so much for this wonderful article really!
If someone want to read more about those Matcha green tea I think this is the right place for you!

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