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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake is my all time favourite cake beside butter cake. After i tried the Quay Po Cook's carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, i totally fall in love with this cake, a perfect carrot cake recipe. Earlier i did not serve carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, after i tried with cream cheese, I know i will not miss to prepare cream cheese frosting whenever i bake a carrot cake next time, they are the best combo! Last weekend, i brought this cake to a "gang dinner" at a Korean BBQ restaurant and all my girl friends were very impressed with this cake.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

I use my new slim and long baking pan to bake this carrot cake. All this while i did not add nutmeg powder but after i tried this recipe, I realized that adding nutmeg powder really make this carrot cake taste even aroma..So don't miss to add nutmeg powder if you wish to bake one.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

I did not apply the cream cheese frosting before i bring to the dinner as i afraid it will mess up the packing. I only apply cream cheese frosting before serving.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

I have changed the recipe from cups to gram as i prefer use gram to measure.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting
Recipe source: carrot cake adapted from Quay Po Cooks, with changes to the cream cheese frosting. Makes a 2"x2"x9" pan or a normal size of loaf pan.

Carrot cake
Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting150g finely shredded carrots
130g all purpose flour
1/2tsp baking powder
1/2tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
80g caster sugar
80g brown sugar
1/4tsp nutmeg powder
1/4tsp cinnamon powder
100g corn oil
1/2tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs, lightly stir
40g walnut, chopped (next time, i will add more)
40g raisins ( i use mixed dried fruits)

1. Sift flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder and baking soda in a mixing bowl.
2. Add in caster sugar, salt and brown sugar, stir well.
3. Add in carrots, corn oil, vanilla extract and egg, beat for few minutes till mixture well combined.
4. Add in walnut and dried fruits, mix well.
5. Pour in a greased and line baking pan, bake at pre-heated oven 180c for 40mins.
6. Cool on a wire rack and apply cream cheese frosting.

Cream Cheese frosting

150g cream cheese, at room temperature
40g butter, at room temperature
70g icing sugar, sifted
1tbsp lemon juices
Finely grated lemon zest from 1 lemon

1. Beat cream cheese and butter till light and creamy.
2. Add in icing sugar and mix well on low speed.
3. Add in lemon juices and lemon zest, combine well.
4. Store in fridge for later use.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting


Anonymous said...

I love carrot cake.You surely made a luxurious version of it.Great:)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Today i'm not late, 2nd...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Pls reserve a piece for my tea break, keke...

Indian Khana said...

Looks fab ....with lovely pics

Lori said...

What a great way to serve it in loaf form, especially for a get together. It looks delicious!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

looks great, how nice if can just share a slice ...haha!

WendyinKK said...

weighing definitely is more accurate than measuring with cups :) b d

ann low said...

I love carrot cake too and this looks like a must try recipe :))

Bo said...

Looks delicious...very good idea to ice it after you reach the dinner.

Mel said...

Oh, you have baked carrot cake this time! My sister absolutely loves carrot cakes! I usually put in a tsp or two of mixed spice, absolutely delicious!

Kitchen Corner said...

Very nice carrot cake! It's simply the best! Beside, where to get this cute baking mold??

Honey Bee Sweets said...

After so many years of baking, carrot cake is one of them cakes that I still haven't picked up the courage to bake! Even though I know how delicious it is.  looking at your loaf just urge me to give this a try, thks Sonia! 

My Little Space said...

Sonia, I miss carrot cake so much and am going to make one soon. Your's look really inviting.
Hoep you're enjoying the day.

Radhika said...

Bookmarked. Love the carrots and the list does not have eggs yipee. thanks for sharing Sonia dear.

Yummy Bakes said...

This cake looks very good. Sonia, thanks for sharing.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Since this is highly recommended by Sonia I must try this one day.

Tina said...

looks soft and delicious...

Belly Good Cooking said...

Looks delicious and moist. Must try! :))

Anonymous said...

I love the way you wrap the carrot cake in baking paper and tie with a red ribbon! Very nice. And I can see shreds of carrot in the cake ... sure it's very yummy, even w/o the frosting.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Grace (Kitchen corner), i bought it "taobao" online from this link- http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8897532361&

busygran said...

I love carrot cake, but I'll be the only one eating in the family. How I wish I could get a slice of yours and not have to bake it! :)

苏联妈妈 said...


Elin said...

Sonia...that is a lovely carrot cake ..yea it must have cream cheese frosting or it will not be nice and of course those spices..nutmeg and cinnamon powder is essential for this carrot cake :) I like the long bread pan...do you know they have the heart shaped mold too for bread from toapoes.com but I can't understand mandarin so could just ogle at them first :)

Diane said...

I love carrot cake but I love the icing even more :-)) This looks great. Diane

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I love carrot cake, love the way you wrap the cake too!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Love carrot cake! Love the icing! And I adore the way you packaged it.

Three-Cookies said...

Looks awesome, nicely decorated/packaged:)

Prema said...

wow delicious cake dear,love the cute presentation and the clicks...

ICook4Fun said...

I like the look of the carrot cake. The size of the cake reminds me the banana cake sold at the pasar malam and they will cut it into half when they sell it. Like Elin I like this mould.

Janine said...

Loved how you packaged the carrot cake :D and thanks for converting to grams cos I also prefer g to cups!

Anonymous said...

I love carrot cake, but have never tried it with cream cheese topping (lazy lah) :P

Yee Er said...

Just thought of carrot cake today and I see yours. Always love carrot cake with nuts...
Love the way u pack ur cake, simple but yet pretty.

Jeannie said...

lovely carrot cake, i love your long cake pan...must bake one soon, long time din bake carrot cake already.

Hankerie said...

Haha, Sonia. I was thinking to bake carrot cake too but no time to bake yet. Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks good! I loved carrot cake too but minus the cream cheese frosting to cut down on the fat and calories. ;)

divya said...

wow delicious and yummy cake,luks fab...

cookingvarieties said...

hi sonia, this is a fantastic with cheese..tempting to try. anyway I have an award for you. please collect at my site. Do let me know if you cant download, gimme your email address, I will send to you by email .Thanks

Mary said...

This post made me grin today. I guess we were both thinking along the same lines this week. Have a great day, Sonia!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Your carrot cake is so cute Sonia! I love how you wrap around the cake and put ribbon. ;-) Delicious dessert!

Jane Chew said...

this is one of my favourite. But non of my family members know how to enjoy it :(

Jane Chew said...

Sonia, I have one award for u. Pls check out fr my recent post. TQ

daphne said...

love the little touch of ribbon as well! I'm such a fan of carrot cake- more veges is good for us right? kekeke

lena said...

i quite like carrot cakes too and i like to eat them cold!

aipi said...

This is hubs fav ~ can eat everyday if given..lol..!

chow and chatter said...

first class cake :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia you carrot cake looks beautiful and nice. Is your cake very sweet without the frosting?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

BabeIpoh, the sweetness just alright for me but this is also subject to individual tastebud.

Sem said...

I tried your recipe yesterday, i have to agree with you, it is the best carrot cake in town and my son just couldnt stop eating it once i let him tried (who is not a carrot cake fan)and my whole family love it very much,voila, it is gone within one day.I have slightly twist the recipe , by only using half the sugar volume and added some pineapples.
I will definitely make again, and will double the volume ,and sprinkle more walnuts ,definitely!
Thanks for kind sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, is there a substitute for corn oil? I'm wondering if adding vegetable oil will be fine ? Please let me know

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, yes you can use other type of vegetable oil, like Canola oil

Unknown said...

I'm definitely going to be trying this. I bet it tastes good

Anonymous said...

Did u bake in the lower or middle rack? I tried baking on the middle rack but the centre is wet while the rest if ok. Then I tried lower rack but base burnt ��

CC said...

Finally the cake is prefect! I place in the lower rack for first 20mins till the top is nicely brown and rise then I moved to the middle rack. thanks for the recipe, my family loves the cake!

Yvonne said...

Hi Sonia, i shredded the carrot and there is a lot of juice. Do u drain the juice away when u make the cake?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yvonne, yes drain away the juices.

Yvonne said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for the tip! Actually I semi drain and I forget the eggs and only realize once the cake is baking.. I thought in horror that my cake has failed. But when the cake came out, it still taste good! The texture is soft and a little crumbly. Its just a tad sweet because i left out the eggs.

I notice if the eggs are ommited, the cake can be a vegetarian cake too.

I would try again with the eggs for my parents birthday. I always love your work! Thanks for sharing a great recipes.

Unknown said...

Can I reduce sugar in the recipe?

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