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Friday, September 23, 2011

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

The other day i bought a half pumpkin, and I use it to make this Pumpkin black sesame bread, pumpkin butter cake and steamed savourty pumpkin cake. I agreed pumpkin is a very versatile ingredient, we can use it for cooking or baking in many ways and methods.

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

I adapted this recipe from a baking book that i bought from the recent Shanghai trip..

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Eventhough this is a direct method of making bread, the texture still maintain soft after keep it overnight. I like the black sesame paste very much, similar like peanut butter taste.

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread200g High Protein flour
110g pumpkin puree (mashed after steamed or microwave high for 5mins, and sieve)
35g water
30g caster sugar
1/2tsp instant yeast
1/4tsp salt
20g butter, softened

70g Organic black sesame seed powder
25g icing sugar
30g egg white

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl except butter, mix till a rough dough.
2. Add in butter, knead till elastic and smooth. Leave to rise until double in size.
3. Mix black sesame seed powder, icing sugar and egg white till a thick paste.
4. Divide the dough to two portion and rest for 15mins. Roll up into rectangular and apply a thin layer of sesame paste. Roll it up like Swiss roll and place on the baking tray. Leave to proof another 15mins.
5. With a sharp knife, slash a few lines across the top of the dough.
6. Apply egg wash and bake at a preheated oven 180c for 20mins.

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread


Tina said...

yummy yummy...

Mel said...

This is a very healthy bread!

Anonymous said...

It looks so ncie and must be tasty with these ingredients:)

WendyinKK said...

Totally agree that breads with pumpkin are soft for days.
Love how golden your bread is.

bernice's kitchen said...


Prema said...

wow i love the sesame filling,luks delicious...

Unknown said...

Golden bread with black sesame combo is perfect and attracting. Yummm...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Yee Er said...

Me too, love black sesame but only fall in love with peanut butter lately after having a bun with peanut butter cream....

Ur pumpkin bread is very pretty....and as u always said homemade bread is always the best.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Love this combo too! Yes, the nutty aroma from black sesame is very nice plus this is very healthy! 

Three-Cookies said...

They look so nice, beautiful color and flavour combination

Sherleen.T said...

i like black sesame a lot, your bread has very nice colors and soft...:)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves pumpkin... keke...

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow, very creative and healthy bread... great job

lena said...

very nice contrast of colors !

hanushi said...

The colours are so nicely contrasted... And with healthy ingredients!!! 

Jane Chew said...

ya, agreed with hanushi. Love the colour. I also love sesame paste. Did one sesame swiss roll yesterday. Agreed that it taste just like peanut butter.

My Little Space said...

Sonia, if someone ask me what I can't live without? I'll have to say bread! haha....
Have a great weeke nd, dear.

ICook4Fun said...

Love the vibrant color of the bread and the nice touch of sesame paste in the middle. I look just like swiss roll. I too just bake something with pumpkin.

Reanaclaire said...

Anything pumpkin, I like!!
Sweet or saltish also can!

ann low said...

Love the bright golden yellow and fragrant sesame inside the bread. Very pretty :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

I love the yellow hue in the pumpkin bread! I need to try pumpkin bread too, I am waiting for pumpkin to go on sales so that I can stock up. :)

Shu Han said...

That's 2 of my favourite flavours!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I don't know what to say Sonia! You continue to impress me with all kinds of food you make despite you are mom just like me! I only wish you are my neighbor or you are my mom! lol. I so enjoy coming here and learn all kinds of food (in many categories). I absolutely love this bread!

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

Thanks for sharing. The bread looks so tempting. I like the golden color of the pumpkin bread.

Jeannie said...

Such a lovely loaf, I like the contrasting colors. I think I still have some pumpkin left over in the fridge:) thanks for sharing!

cookingvarieties said...

hi sonia, i wish i knew you a few months ago,when i called upon bloggers to post recipes on winter squashes..such as pumpkins.
the pumpkin bread looks very tasty and yummy, would love to try this out

Lite Home Bake said...

Very nice blend of colors! Makes the bread look so appetizing. I am tempted to try making a pumpkin bread, seen so many recipes and good comments about it but still contemplating because we never like the taste of pumpkin as a dish, wonder how it taste like in breads, like sweet potato bread?

Unknown said...

that really looks awesome - I LOVE black sesame, its taste and flavor altho Indian (at least in the south) use it sparingly or only in certain recipes! Lovely bread :)

Li Shuan said...

Your bread looks great. I have never try black sesame paste before, must try one in the near future!

Mary said...

This is a lovely bread. I've never seen sesame paste used before. I would love to try this!

Diane said...

This looks magical and your photos are superb. Now I am feeling hungry!! Take care Diane

meinekueche said...

great color combination, can't wait to make it

Anonymous said...

Last time I bought half pumpkin, it took me forever to finish all.. phew.... But I like the natural color whenever using pumpkin ^_^

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, you are so hardworking! Made 3 types of bread! Like all of them. I like pumpkin very much but my 16mths old daughter doesnt like mushy food, it is a good idea for me to try to make some pumpkin bread/buns & let her try.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi Sonia, it's me again. My "baby brain" syndrome is getting worse now because I dont know why & how I get this idea that you are from Singapore till I read the posts in Anncoo & you mentioned something that you can ask your hubby to bring something to Anncoo. Hahaha.Silly me!

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia this pumpkin bread look amazing??? delicious? geourgeous all these things dear, love the colour I think look perfect and delicious, gloria

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Lovely golden bread with a pretty swirl!

Cheah said...

Wow, such contrasting colours. Simply awesome!

Zoe said...

Love the combination! The pumpkin bread itself is very nice and fluffy... the sesame paste is an extra bonus! All look wonderful together.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,your pumpkin bread impress me alot. Im making this now according to your recipe...but I put 10g more water and it seems like not gonna rise. ==" by any chance to save it??

Lori said...

This takes pumpkin to a whole new level for me! I get so tired of my quick bread and muffins, but never have any other ideas. This is so great!

lihuan said...

Hi Sonia

i m learning how to hand-knead bread... tried a few times but failed :-(... your recipe looks so tempting. Can give me some tips on the kneading techniques? My dough usually very sticky and difficult to achieve 三光. Thanks

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