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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake 芋頭酥

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

Mooncake again? yes, i think this week you have to bare with me, I need to finish post the mooncake before this festival end on this Sunday. When i saw Terri recommended this good swirl taro mooncake, immediately i start to look for good taro like Pinang taro to make this mooncake but unfortunately i couldn't find in few wet markets. I ended bought taro from Thailand, actually the taste is not bad and it has the fluffly (sang in Hokkein) texture.

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

I adapted the dough recipe from Carol which i saw in Jane's blog earlier. Eggplant also adapted the same recipe and her one look very nice too. Carol's recipe is quite simple to handle.

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

The rolling process..
Picnik collage

Picnik collage

I did not adapted the yam filling from Carol, instead i made my own filling which is similar to Teochew style of yam paste.

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake
*makes 12 pcs

Water dough
Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake200g all purpose flour
15g icing sugar
70g shortening
90g cold water

- Sift flour and icing sugar.
- Rub in shortening.
- Slowly add cold water and combine to form a soft dough
- Cover and rest for 45mins

Oil dough
160g all purpose flour
80g shortening
1/2tsp yam paste
A drop of purple coloring

- Combine all ingredients together to form a soft dough.
- Cover and rest for 30mins

Yam filling
500g yam
100g sugar
4tbsp flour (add more if dough too wet)
2tbsp shallot oil (deep fried 5 shallots with oil, discard fried shallots)
a pinch of salt
- Cut yam into small pieces and steam over high heat for 30mins or till cooked.
- Mash it with a fork while still hot.
- Mix in shallot oil, sugar, salt and flour to form a soft dough.
- Cover and chill before used.

Egg yolks, optional ( brush with rice wine and steamed for 10mins)

To make flaky swirl yam mooncake

1. Divide water dough 60g and oil dough 40g into 6 portions accordingly and shape into ball.
2. Weight yam filling into 30g each for 12 portions.
3. Flatten water dough and wrap oil dough inside. Repeat till finished.
4. Roll out into long shape and roll up like swiss roll. Rest for 10mins.
5. Roll from the shorter side into long shape and roll up like swiss roll from shorter side. Rest for another 20mins.
6. Cut the dough into 2 portions and repeat the rest of the dough until get 12 portions together.
7. Flatten the dough start from the swirl side and roll out into a round shape.
8. Flip over and wrap in yam filling, egg yolks (optional) and seal it tightly, seal edge facing downwards.
9. Place on baking tray and bake in preheated oven 170C for 25 mins.
10. Cool well before cutting.

Ready pack to be given out to my sisters. My sister prefer this yam mooncake as she said the yam filling is not that sweet if compare to lotus paste. She is true, because I can control the sweetness since i made yam filling from scratch.

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

I added some with egg yolk..nice one..

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) hosted by Happy Home Baking


Anonymous said...

I am so happy with your variation of teh moon cake.I am going to try to amke it to surprise my friend.:))

bernice's kitchen said...

give me 5~ i'm planning to do this too^^

Cheah said...

These look lovely. Can spare me some? I'd like to have them with my tea, right now!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Being a Teochew I also prefer Teochew style yam filling. Ur recipe looks simple to follow, I hope I can make this mooncake as well but probably I won't make it before the festival. :(

I saw a few recipes that use flour in the filling but all required the flour to be cooked (briefly fry in wok till yellowish), I am wondering if u used raw flour or cooked flour, doesn't it matter?

sean said...



Bakeling said...

I like the step-by-step instructions and those beautiful photos too !

Belly Good Cooking said...

Love the step by step tutorials too. :))

cikmanggis said...

omg!!!!kegemaran Cm ni.Suka sangat apa apa yang ada taro terutama sekali mooncake:)pasti nak cuba juga.

Simplyfood said...

Very unusual recipe ,cakes look really pretty.

Radhika said...

This is superb. Love the step wise clicks for a person like me who is new to this.

foodntravella said...

Such a nice master piece done by a fine hand. This is my favorite moon cake amongst all.

choi yen said...

can I order this >.< Love the yam!

Mel said...

I simply loves yam and more so it is done as flaky types! How I wish I could have a piece of it. Looks very delicious and goes well with a cup of green tea.

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I want the one with egg yolk! ^0^

Cocoeriley said...

Wow, looks very tasty.

pigpigscorner said...

I think I prefer this type of mooncake to the traditional ones, love the pastry!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

cannot resist anymore... haha!

will try out this sunday, being my last batch of mooncake for 2011...yeah!

Anonymous said...

Wah Sonia you really rajin, made so many types of mooncake this year ^_^

ann low said...

WOW Sonia! Mooncakes fever! You still want to bake somemore? salute to you!!
My family also love flaky mooncake. I made some yesterday.

kitchen flavours said...

Wah, another beautiful mooncake from you! Love yam mooncake! You have been tagged in a game, come visit me for more details! :)

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Lovely lovely lovely!!! Sorry dear for have not visited you lately...so busy sampai takde time nak blog...hehehe!

daphne said...

oh my goodness! the egg yolk. This leave me drooling for sure!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Nice swirl! Great look!

ICook4Fun said...

Love how the spiral turns out on your mooncakes. They are beautiful. I prefer this style of mooncakes then the traditional ones. I like the flakiness of the skin. Good idea in making your own filling as you can control the amount of sugar. I tried using the store bought tau sar and they were super sweet.

Jo said...

Sonia, I am so glad you posted up this recipe and it is a baked version. I love this type of mooncakes but have stayed away from making it as it is usually fried. Boy am I going to gain weight after all this eating.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Angel, i add raw flour and i dont really taste the flour as only few tbsp added.

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia These look amazing! gloria

lena said...

i shall keep your yam filling recipe for my future reference!! thanks again!

Pushpa said...

Looks delicious,thanks for sharing.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...

Looks like you have many variations for the mooncakes. Flaky yam moon cake is interesting. Love it absolutely.


Jes's Deli Corner said...

I just can say WOW..Can i have one? :OP

My Little Space said...

It cost about RM15 for 6 small ones at the shop. Yours look perfect....must charge higher price. lol! hehe...
I'm going to start mine tomorrow.

Indian Khana said...

Gosh you make a drool with each o your moon cake posts ...this is so fab

Amelia said...

Lovely spiral, this is the best mooncake cos not so sweet.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Haha, it's okay I'm really enjoying your mooncake series. Good thing you share this because I have never seen this kind before and I actually prefer these flaky ones! Love the use of yam!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Hey Sonia, I made these too! But I've not posted them up yet. Yours look very nice, especially for first attempt.  I too agree that the yam mooncakes taste the best since its not too sweet. 

tigerfish said...

This is like Teochew mooncake! My Dad would love this.

aipi said...

Wow amazing work ~ you are truly talented and these looks o scrumptious!

My Asian Kitchen said...

wow!! you so terrer,make so many type of mooncake...this look like shanghai mooncake..wish I can make mooncake but too bad all my ingredients is still in Msia:(

Happy Flour said...

Oh! This is my favorite. Can I have one for my breakfast? ;p

Precious Pea said...

Wow!!! Looks really really good leh!!! I love yam and so sad, yam here cost a bomb!

Karlim said...

Nice mooncake! wish you Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Indonesia Eats said...

This is totally a mooncake fever! Just from another blogger with mooncake post as well. :)

Love yours as well!

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

I really like this swirl and flaky pastry. Drooling....

Nate @ House of Annie said...

Perfect! My favorite type of mooncake.

Winston said...

awesome!! this is an amazing mooncake glad to see it turned out amazing when you tried it!! happy mooncake festival! =)

Anonymous said...

yummy yummy ... thinking of making some soon :)
But just wonder what type of flour (all-purpose flour or plain flour) did you use to add to the yam filling.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia,

If I were to make the yam filling 1-2 days ahead before I do the water and oil doughs, will that be fine?


:) Juan Juan

小食代 said...

好想做给爸爸吃teochew style的,请问有什麽可以替代無水奶油呢?


Paiseh because not really can express my thought well.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

小食代, I have improved the skin which using ghee instead, check out this post-

Juan Juan, yes, just store the filling in the fridge.

Anonymous, I add plain flour

小食代 said...

I made these with teochew style filling a few days ago, it taste good even though the yam filling is not sweet enough, the ghee did gave a buttery flavor to the mooncake.
yea, i adapted ur recipe in my blog.
your recipes gave a wonderful outcomes!!
gotta try out the durian pancake too.

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

I really like this swirl and flaky pastry...

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask is it necessary to fry the yam filling? Will the filling burst out during baking?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I just made the yam fillings with the cheesy shanghai mooncake dough it tasted yummy. Had some fillings left and is wondering how long can I keep it in the fridge. Can you advise?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Joan, no dont need to fry the yam filling. No it will not burst.

Helen, maybe 1 week, i am not sure...

Anonymous said...

Sonia, thanks for the quick reply. Anyway I am going to bake again after dinner cause the first batch is almost gone. Hahaha.
Thank you once again for always sharing your yummy recipes. Advance 中秋节 !!!


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