If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My recipes are being featured in Y3K magazine

I couldn't believe one day my recipes are being featured in a magazine !! After blogging for several years and sharing hundred of recipes, this is first time ever my recipes are being featured in a magazine. My recipes are being featured in the Y3K recipes magazine issue 72 (May-June 2013).

Y3K issue 72

I am sharing six easy home cooked recipes in this issue, some already on the blog but some are new:-

1. Homemade fluffy pancake - an old recipe on my blog
2. Deep-fried stuffed tofu puff with cabbage - a new recipe that I learnt from Bali trip
3. Japanese Miso Clams - my family love Japanese foods, this is a new dish that they love so much
4. Udang Masak Merah- modified from my earlier Ayam Masak Merah recipe
5. Hokkien Stir-fried white rice sticks - a yummy simple Hokkien style of stir-fried noodles
6. Chicken Cottage Pie- a well received pie recipe among my family and friends

If you would like to learn these recipes, please get a copy of Y3K issue 72 from the nearby bookstores.
I will share these new recipes a bit later.

Thank you Y3K publisher for this feature !


sabrina 莎莎 said...

Its so nice!!! well done!!! ^^

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Will look out for the magazine...

Baking Diary said...

Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off:D I am keeping my eyes on those prawns!

Gee® said...


Unknown said...

Congrats Sonia. All your recipes besides the published ones, all are great!

Great Job Sonia!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


孤Owl的王子- Nick Goh said...

congratulation!!good job :P

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Congratulations Sonia!! Looking forward to see more yummy recipes from you!

Mel said...

Congratulations to you Sonia. Wish I could go and grab a copy of this issue now and hopefully when I get back home there's copy available for me. Must support you.

LEY said...

congratulation Sonia!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Congratulations again! You are my idol & I see you as my sifu. For such an experienced cook, you deserve it! 6 recipes are serious good! Ask all your relatives to buy the magazine, hahaha!

珊珊 said...

好棒哦!!!我也要去买这本杂志来看看。。support Sonia !! 哈哈哈!!

Ling yuen chin said...

YeaY! Good job!

Little blue said...

I go book stall and buy, great job!!

Annie's Journal said...

How exciting Sonia!! Congratulations!!

Sem said...

I will go and get copy of Y3k today to show my support.

My Little Space said...

A BIG congratulations to you, Sonia dear. ((hugs)) Your hubby must be so surprise. hehe....

DG said...

Sonia, congratulations on being published! Wish you much success :)

irene myme said...


Rumbling Tummy said...


ykristen said...

Congrats Sonia, was wondering when you would be featured.

Esther Lau said...

Congratulation Sonia!!!!! I' m very proud of you and you're my best Sifu ever! I will definitely grab a copy of Y3K to support you :)

Rose world said...

Wow! That is great, Sonia! Well done! Will definitely buy a copy since got English version.


ice pandora said...

Congratulations! Totally deserved c:
Your recipe are amazing and the
pictures are excellent made!


Tracy Low said...


Cat Chee said...


Li Shuan said...

Congratulations! Your cooking / baking is anytime better than a lot of so called chef, you deserved it!

Well done well done

Anonymous said...

Wahhh... Sonia... Congrats !

I'll see whether I can get a copy of the magazine here.

Well done = )

Christine T

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

congrats again sonia, i felt proud of u,
well done

ann low said...

Congratulations to you Sonia! You're truly a great cook that makes everybody proud of you. Bravo!!!

Karen said...

Congrats Sonia.. :).. everybody felt proud of you

Joceline Lor said...

wa! well done...... geong xi ! geong xi!

shaz said...

Congrats! I'm sure one day a publisher will ask u to publish your very own book. We'll be looking forward to it. Congrats again! :)

huikhee and yoonlai said...

Congratulation to you, Sonia!

Ana Regalado said...

AWESOME ! You surely deserved that feature :D We're so proud of you !

Qi Qi in the house said...


Momylicious said...

congrat kak sonia...

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Min said...

Congrats Sonia, good job, proud of you!

Veronica's Kitchen said...

Sonia, congrats. will get this issue soon. This is really awesome. Good job. gongxi gongxi.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Many congratulations Sonia, you totally deserve it! Your recipes and photos are always beautiful and easy to follow, so happy for you!!

Unknown said...

Congratulation Sonia, proud of you. What u cook and bake is always perfect.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Thank you for always sharing generously.


Winnieliu said...

ZCongratulation...look out for the book...

Jozelyn Ng said...

congratulations and well done, Sonia!

小雨伞 said...

Congratulations Sonia!!

Elaine said...



Congratulations Sonia....
i will buy i keep nicely!!!@

Baby Sumo said...

Congrats Sonia! So happy for you :D Well-deserved.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Congratulations :)

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, Congratulations, my SIL subscribes this magazine. More people can enjoy the lovely recipes your are sharing.

Preety said...


0620 said...


Small Kucing said...


Janine said...

congrats sonia! can't wait to check out the cottage pie recipe :D

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, I'm so proud of you!!! very good job!!!

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Congratulations Sonia!

K.Nor said...

congrats! :)

Yummy Bakes said...

Congrats, Sonia.

Michelle Chow LF said...

Congratulations Sonia. Well Done !!

Autograph pls ^.^

Chef and Sommelier said...

Well done, A-Chi! I wish I could have an autographed copy of the magazine! :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! Well done. Sure will get a copy to support you. You are so generous to share your cooking tips & experience with your readers, I have tried some of your recipes, turn out the result is 100% satisfaction. So I have the confidence when i use your recipe. To be frank, i have been followed one blogger's few recipes, almost all are failure... You are my great 'sifu'...fr Angeline Woon

Katherine said...

Congratulations. Must go buy a copy.

Sharon @Feats of Feasts said...

Good on you Sonia! Congrats on getting recognised!

PH said...

Wah, famous already leh! Congrats! I want to buy the magazine this weekend :)

busygran said...

Congratulations Sonia! Your recipes deserve to be published and publicised!

Lite Home Bake said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations !

mui mui said...

Ah Chi, Congrats!!
You are Awesome!!
I will go grab a book tomorrow. Must support my Ah Chi ma!! :D

Christine said...

Wow!! a celebrity now...Congrat!

Anonymous said...



Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Congrats Sonia! Will grab one to support you!

Gloria Baker said...

Congrats Sonia always Ithink your recipes are georgeous and delicious!

Quiet Baker said...

Congrats!!! That's truly awesome!

茄子 said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats. .

Anonymous said...

Congrats...fr goh

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

I bought this book this morning at the market and did not know that your recipes were published in it until I read your blog.....what a coincidence!!! Congratulations to you. You deserve it. Ladies out there, do buy it to support Sonia. Hooray.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Congrats Sonia!! That is awesome!!! Wish we can get those magazines..

Bakericious said...

Congrats! Sona, I must faster go grab a copy :D

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I am proud of ur achievement Sonia!

So we got to see ur photo in the magazine ? Haha

Anonymous said...

我有买 y3k的, 我有翻倒!!!wow, 你很厉害!!!!!!

Vivienne said...

Congratulations! I like your homemade chili paste so much. Learn alot from your cooking blog. Many thanks for sharing with us.

Hankerie said...

Congrats!! Well done.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sonia!. Deserving!. Must get a copy this weekend

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