To assemble a Nasi Lemak Pizza- Replace coconut rice with pizza dough, top with sweet sambal, hard-boiled egg, cucumber, deep fried anchovies (ikan bilis) and Mozzarella cheese.

Basic Pizza Dough (adapted from Annie's eats, check out more tips and tricks from her blog, and I still looking to buy a pizza stone in order to make good pizza and bread)
Ingredients½ cup warm water
2 and 1/4tsp yeast
1 and 1/4cup water (room temp.), about 275ml
2tbsp olive oil
4 cups bread flour, about 650g
1 and 1/2tsp salt
1tbsp sugar (not in original recipe)
1. Mix yeast with warm water and leave aside till frothy, about 5mins.
2. Add all ingredients and yeast mixture into a mixing bowl, slowly add in water and knead till smooth.
3. Leave to prove till double in bulk (normally about 1 hour).
4. Roll out, pull gently into small round sheet (you can adjust thickness and size to your preference).
5. Top the pizza as desired.
6. Bake at pre-heated oven at 200c for 12-15mins.
Do you want a piece?
Soniaaaaaaaaaaa!!! This is over the expectation ya! Never knew U are this crazy of Nasi Lemak, until U made a pizza out of it! Really adore ur innovation! I'm sure U are the first to come up with Pizza Nasi Lemak! Hehehe...;)
I'm looking for a pizza stone too...lemme know if U found one in Klang.
The pizza is super duper yummy! Would love to try this soon! :D
Never thought that Nasi Lemak can be made into pizza, hehe...
Wow pizza luks very tempting,very inviting also...
this is so fusion and you are such nasi lemak lover! lolx
Extremely brilliant idea, Sonia!
wow..Nasi Lemak lover.. now I know why u have chosen this name..looks so good. very innovative Pizza dear... Hope u come up with more innovative items like this.. great work dear.
Wow, this is a brilliant ideas !
只此一家,别无分行 !
A very innovative pizza! Love the topping!
What a great idea! My kids love pizza and nasi lemak, they will be thrilled if I were to make this for them! Next time, you can make nasi lemak cookies :)
Great job, Sonia! The pizza will my hungry stomach :)
haha.. it looks really special, would glad to have a piece of that :D
You are super innovative!!! I like it!!!
Goodness Sonia! You are truly Nasi Lemak fan, applause! Your pizza is very unique, maybe you should trademark it and sell this idea, heehee. Good one!
Oh my goodness Sonia! What have you done again? Food revolution!!!Ingenious indeed!
This looks really special and good!Very innovative of you!
This is so cool!!! LOL!! I once had Nasi Lemak Sushi long long time ago.
What a great idea! Pizza Hut should come out with dis! Local flavour~
Hey Sonia! At the first glance I really thought is a Nasi're very creative!
Great idea.....I would love this pizza too!
LOL! Nasi Lemak Pizza!!?? Only you the Nasi Lemak Lover could think of that!! Man, you REALLY love nasi lemak! Salute to you, Sonia!
OMG..this is like the cutest thing! Must definitely give it a try! :)
Sonia, you're very creative! Yes, I do want a piece, please .........
hahaha...I can understand now why you call yourself "nasi lemak lover", so creative of you! :-)
Wow, really looks delicious. I can imagine it is yummy too, spicy and sweet pizza.
delicious and tempting pizza.
It might be a crazy idea for the mat salleh but for us Asian it is a wonderful idea. You are so creative to come up with this. I think this must be the very first Nasi lemak pizza in the world ha ha
Now that just looks plain delicious!
You're really creative. Did you top it with sambal?
wow amazing! your just create new favorite PIZZA!!!
You must be the 1st one to create this nasi lemak pizza, very creative! ;)
Can I have a small piece. It must be very delicious.Thanks for sharing.
wow.. u r so creative.. i love to read ur blog.. :)
Innovative and delicious Pizza Sonia. The flavors and texture is making me drool
Wah Sonia, you are so innovative!
Oh my goodness! That is clever! You are a genius.
Wahhhh amazing!!!
U are truely a nasi lemak lover. haha.
This is a masterpiece.
哈哈,应该申请专利,不然Pizza HXX 可能很快就抄去了。
Sonia, u are so creative. Bookmarked it since my daughter and myself love nasi lemak and pizza too, thanks for sharing.
Did I read wrongly? Wow! You are so creative and innovative! May be this could be the next famous pizza in town!
what a ingenious idea huh~~
I can imagine how tasty this is with the sambal!
Awesome, awesome, Sonia. You should patent this for sure. I can only imagine how good this taste .. you have all the condiments in a nasi lemak.
A very creative and tasty idea!
What an interesting twist on a classic recipe. I'd love a slice of this. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
I definitely want a piece of that! wow! good idea to substitute rice with dough.
Hi Sonia,
I have an award for you, please feel free to pick it up from my blog.
Wai...fancy you to come up with such a pizza! But I think this would suit the tastebuds of Malaysian very well!! Quick!! You can make $$$$ out of this idea!!
hey wow surely i want that piece rgt away....too good and tempting can u ask that ques....made such tempting one and asking that...lovely pizza dear....
This is simply hilarious and brilliant!! Well done!!! Signature dish!!
wow love this cool addition of the egg
不封你为nasi lemak queen都不可以! 哈哈哈
Dear all, Thank you so much for your kind words. Ya, this is my signature dish, I think i need to quickly get the copyright of this, hahaha... Do try out if you like both Nasi Lemak and Pizza. Happy Cooking!
Wow! Totally original. I have never come across a nasi lemak pizza before!!
thats so innovative.. really delicious looking pizza liked the toppings. sure taste so good
I have never heard of such pizza, of course I want a piece!
Very original recipe. I haven't seen nasi lemak pizza before, I can'y wait to try it for my family. I hope it turns out as good as yours!!
Hi everyone,
Like everyone here I'm also a pizza lover. I have some pizza stones in store. If anyone is interested you can contact me at
I tried curry pizza, double layer pizza, 3 flavor in each slice pizza and various other common pizza. Curry pizza is the best because of cheese and curry mixed well
Cucumber on a pizza? No, No and NO! Don't ever do that again.
lol no thank u lol
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