Usually kids like mini thing, so I prepared into mini size, also easy for them to eat.

Homemade mini Chapati (Indian flatbread)*makes 15pcs
(printable recipe)
1cup whole wheat flour or Atta flour
1cup all purpose flour
170ml lukewarm water
1/2tsp salt
1tbsp vegetable oil
1. Knead all above ingredients to a soft ball for about 5mins, set aside for 30mins.
2. Equally divided into 15 small balls (40g each). Use a rolling pin to roll into thin circular bread.
3. Pan fry (without oil) over low flame in a non-stick frying pan till both sides cooked (you can see small bubbles on both sides).
4. Serve with curry.
**serve this mini Chapati with Mamak chicken curry, simply delicious..
Happy Cooking !!
yeah!!!!i love this very very much¬¬thx 4 sharing¬¬
lovely and healthy chappathi and thanks so much for sharing.
i think vill very nice if eat vif curry chicken ^^
Ne kadar iştah açıcı görünüyor. Ellerinize sağlık.
Chapatis are easy to make. I make them whenever I cook keema. Nice to make mini ones. They are soo cute!
o... very nice. Love it!
Sonia, this is just so tempting! I love chappati very much. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're enjoying the evening.
Cheers, Kristy
Chapathi cameout so perfect Sonia...yummmm
Good with some fish curry!
Yummy...did you cook curry too?
Thank you Sonia:)saya akan cuba resepi baru ni. Kami makan chapati for dinner tadi.
Sonia I have a thing for Indian food and bread so this sounds like something I must try.
I love making them in small sizes too! Yours look so good and how nice it's a healthy version!
These look wonderful and look like something I could try. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
Wow the mini chapathis looks very yummy and its very inviting.I love to have with chole.
Thanks so much for sharing, Sonia. Will attempt this soon!
Yummy yummy, so good with curry yah! You're very good, this also know how to make!
Wow... this is indeed very easy to make, must add in my to-do-list... ^_^
hi sonia i am having problem in getting all purpose flour been searching at Tesco & Giant but couldn't find the flour. may i know where do u get in KL?or which flour can replace the all purpose flour?
Wow, didn't know that it's so easy! thanks for sharing!
Wow, thanks for sharing this... chapati is expensive here in Taipei!
I love indian flatbread, especially naan! I haven't made these in forever. Yours look perfect.
Your mini chapattis look delicious.Very well made.
Your flatbread looks great! I see this all the time on blogs but have never tried it. I will have to now..great recipe:) Thanks for sharing.
This is something I can have everyday.
same question with Anncoo, u got cook curry to go with it?
These are so very perfect! I love little mini size!
sonia,u made it perfectly really delicious.. u can add different veggies also with it.. that way u can make variety chapathis..
Sonia, these mini flatbread look perfectly made! I would love to have some dips or curry to go with them.
I learnt to make mine from an Indian mother here 2 years ago and was surprised to see how easy it was too. She also taught me to just put it quickly on top of the flames at the end so that it would balloon up! Fun...
Interesting recipe. I just uploaded a new post on my healthy version of flatbread.
Hope you'll like. Thanks for sharing!
When I made this for a friend, my friend was so surprised that this is so easy peasy, and he swore never to buy another piece. Hahahaha!!!
look really good and simply to make!! thanks for sharing:) must try your recipe one day!
I am amazed how simple this is...I always order chappati whenever I eat at indian restaurants and request them not to add ghee for health reason. This is a great recipe to try. Thanks for sharing.
Looks good and I think chappati is so much more healthier than pratas. I love having this with dhal and curries.
Thanks for sharing this recipe, this is definitely something I can make. :)
Sounds really easy...
Chapati are very easy to make, and so delicous. I like the taste of the whole wheat flour in this.
These chapatis looks really well made. I like the minis too!
Can't wait to try out these chappatis with some chicken curry.. Yummy!
Wah u even made ur own chapati! And Ur chapati is very nicely done.
Dear all, Thank you so much of stopping by and leave with your lovely words. Do try out this simple recipe, my advise try to consume immediately while still warm, it turned very chewy and hard once cooled.
Melanie, maybe I have confused you with the all purpose flour. this flour is so easily to get everywhere, in malay is call tepung gandum, brand like blue key, cap sauh & etc.
Pranis, thanks for informing to add veggie, i will try out in my next attempt.
Looks beautiful. I wanna make curry and chapati now. So many recipes to try out :)
I need to try these- yours look perfect! thanks!
I will love this too!
1st photo - fantastic!
Chapati looks great. Healthy substitute for rice .
Oh yummy. Thanks for the tasty post
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