Spices ingredients can easily get it from pasar (wet market)

Homemade Assam Fish Paste
(printable recipe)
Spices Ingredients500g Onions
A small bundle of Daun Kesum (Laksa leaves)
1” galangal /blue ginger (or replace with normal ginger)
8 stalks serai / Lemongrass
5 small chillies
1 bunga kantan/Torch Ginger Flower
200ml water
3tbsp cooking oil
5tbsp chilli paste ( I use homemade chilli paste)
100g tamarind paste ( mix with 100ml water, discard seeds)
4tbsp sugar
1tsp salt
1. In a blender/food processor, grind spices ingredients till a fine paste.
2. Heat oil in a wok, stir fry chilli paste, add blended ingredients, tamarind water and water.
3. Stir fry till fragrant and almost dry, take about 15mins.
4. Season with sugar and salt.
5. Store in freezer once the paste is completely cooled.
Recently, I just use the fish head from the 5kg big fish to cook this Assam fish head curry using this homemade Assam fish paste, simply fresh and good.
Happy Cooking !!
I don't do and store like you cos my hubby doesn't like assam stuff.
So, I just make it fresh everytime.
It's nice to have people in the same house with same tastebuds.
I like sour but he hates it.
I like this , will learn how to do it , thanks .
Terima kasih sonia,I nak cuba lah:)pastinya tiada pengawet.
Mmm...it is always good to have ready made paste at home. I have all these ingredients at home except ginger torch flower, will get it soon. Thanks Sonia!
Can't find most of ingredients for the paste..it looks exotic and delicious!
Tq for sharing the recipe....Looks Yummy.
WOW! Thank you so much for sharing this good asam paste! I must get some ingredients to do it soon. Cheers!
mmmm the paste looks absolutely delicious. so cnvenient :))
WOW, homemade assam paste looks super yummy Sonia. What an easy recipe...thanks for sharing ya! :D
Ohh...delicious!! I cant find bunga kantan here, but I will try it in the near future. ;) Thanks for sharing!!
I bet it is delicious...I don't think I can get most of those ingerdients.
Nice one Sonia, I love assam and spicy food. Thanks for sharing..:)
Your assam fish looks fantastic. I made some assam pedas tonight too, the paste is a lot simpler than this of course.
Handy stuff to have in the fridge....make cooking easy!
Sonia, the fish head looks so yummy! So coincidence that my colleagues ate curry fish head for lunch and I was drooling and when back home my mil cooked assam fish for dinner yeah!
Mmmm, I love making my own paste too!
But unfortunately I have no space in my little freezer here in Modena, so I've given up for now...
aiyo! why u so ...... rajin? Better stay dekat u hor? hehe....
Nothing like homemade spices. Like your assam fish paste. Btw, do you use the whole bunga kantan to make the paste?
Mouthwatering fish pickle...
Your asam paste looks yummy!
Is it similar to TomYam paste??
Wow....beautiful assam fish paste! I think I can't get all the ingredients here. I have to make some adjustments if I am to make this. Homemade is just the best. Love your fish dish. Looks very delicious. Thanks very much for sharing.
Wah...assam fish paste! Can I use this paste to make assam laksa? Wish I have learn how to make this when I was still in Malaysia!
wow what a cool paste would love some of this at home!
this makes me drool, I wanted to cook curry fish head, but couldn't find any torch ginger flower here, I know it will not taste right without it...so, I only cook this when I back to Malaysia...hmmm...Will try to find a way to bring some torcg ginger flower to US..haha
thats really nice home made paste.. sounds interesting
asam...sure it taste good !
Just by looking at the paste, it has made me drooling...
What a fantastic idea to make your own fish paste! That is amazing!
Must try this soon, so that i can save $$. Thanks Sonia!
I don't know much about fish paste but I can certainly applaud you skill with a camera. Your photos are gorgeous. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary
When making Asam Fish at home we always use home-made chili paste plus asam paste only, I must bookmark your recipe.
I don't cook curry often, so mostly I buy the fresh curry paste from the stall in market. Not all stalls sell good quality of curry paste, but the one near my house is a good one. :)
Sonia, you're so rajin! Your paste looks so tempting, can smell it from here!
Looks really good, cooking assam fish is much healthier than cooking curry fish.
This looks delicious, Sonia. But I don't think I can find most of the ingredients! I'm just going to drool from afar!
I bet the paste is better than anything you can buy! And makes everything extra special!
Very nice! I will try this for sure!
Sonia....thanks for sharing this wonderful paste. I shall make them and store them in a jar. Haha it will be my magic portion :p Thanks thanks...love ya for this :)
This is one paste that I have yet to come across....sure like to try it out. Thanks for sharing!
Dear all, thanks for stopping by.
I love this type of sambal!! I'm sure going to try your recipe soon,maybe when I'm back from my vacation..Thanks for sharing!!
Good stuff! My wife will probably love this very much!
Great photos Sonia! I like the photo composition and lighting, especially the 1st and 3rd photo.
Hi, i saw your recipes and i'm drooling now, i love assam food! i want to ask, how to does the assam paste last if i just refrigerated it? would it be annoying to deal with frozen paste?
Hi there...I've been thinking of doing the Assam Laksa paste. Reading through your recipe, it's a great idea. One thing I need to ask though & hopefully you could answer to my question. The Bunga Kantan & Kesum leaves you blended it together with the other spices as well??...I know the lengkuas & lemongrass can be easily blended finely but Bunga Kantan & Kesum leaves?? Waiting for your soonest reply. TQ
Ailisa, This Assam paste is meant for Assam fish but not Assam Laksa, take note. Yes, blend bunga Kantan & Kesum leaves together, chop them finely then it will easy to blend together with other ingredients.
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