Hong Kong Style Swiss chicken wings 瑞士汁雞翼 is a popular dish in Hong Kong but I missed to try out this dish during my visit to Hong Kong last time. Anyway, I tried out this dish the other day, it was succulent and delicious (enjoy it while hot, when turned cooled, it tasted hard ). This dish name called 瑞士汁雞翼 not because it came from Switzerland (瑞士 in Chinese). According to
here, In 1860, there’s a HK style Western restaurant called Tai Ping Koon Restaurant (太平館餐廳). The founder invented a sweet soy type of wings. A tourist tried it and adored it. He asked the waiter about the name of the dish. The waiter’s reply was “Sweet Wings…”. Due to confusion of Chinglish, the tourist mistaken it as “Swiss Wings”. Therefore, the funny name has since lasted until the modern days.