I couldn't believe I finally managed to make this, super sweet macarons !! Actuall this time was my 2nd time making macarons (Don't mention the 1st time, failed one) and the final result was so good. This is because I adapted to a good recipe from 温馨小屋.
Recipe adapted from 温馨小屋 , Thank you very much to Felvinc for your kind sharing !!
Chocolate macarons
Almond flour 25g
Cocoa powder 5g
Icing sugar 38g
Egg white 23g
Icing sugar 23g
1. If you have a food processor, mix in almond four, cocoa powder and icing sugar, and give few "Pulse" to mix it well. Then sift the mixture.
2. If you don't have a food processor, just sift the flour mixture.
3. Beat egg white to a foam , then gradually add in sugar until you get a glossy meringue(like cream).
4. Fold in flour mixture and combine well.
5. Fill in the batter in a piping bag and pipe small rounds on a parchment paper.
6. Set aside to rest for 15mins.
How to bake :-
I have a microwave cum conventional oven, thus I followed to Felvinc's method :-
1. Place macarons on a wooden board, bake at pre-heat oven at 130c for 3mins, this process is to harden the shell only.
2. Remove wooden board, transfer macarons to another baking pan, bake at pre-heat oven at 130c for 12-15mins.
3. Spray some water on the paper, to easily remove the macarons (do it when macarons still warm)
4. Store in air tight container to prevent macarons turned soggy.
If you have other type of oven, maybe you can follow another Felvinc's way, see here or you adjust according to your type of oven...
Happy Baking !!
Balik Kampung - Selamat Hari Raya
9 hours ago
wow well done, congrats! ;) now let's make the tower!
haven't found the courage to make this yet! you did a great job!
wow! u made macarons! heard it's really tough to make. great job Sonia :)
At last you made it ! How many did you bake ( this size ) with the ingredient here ?
wuu~~hope can have a bite!
Attrated by these in FelvinBlog once, but now ur turn!Mmmmmm..
YOU DID IT! Congrats! They look beautiful!
is it tough??? i have no confident in this. ><
between, is it sweet???
Had not tried making macaroons yet. Yours~ look beautiful!
Well done Sonia, can feel your happiness here.. ^_^.. They look great..
要谢就请我吃一餐!哈哈哈!我要去那间Baby seafood restaurant.....hehehe ...开玩笑的啦!
U got perfect feets sonia..looks yummm
this is really looked perfect, sonia...great job!!!
Awesome..with perfect feet :-) Great clicks too, Sonia
Well done!! these are such a pain to make right. But you feel so good when you get a successful batch =)
wow sono splendidi!! chissà che buoni!
This is not easy to make ya... Your looks great...
this is in my waiting list too
Congrats with your macarons success!! They look perfect :)
congrats, it look great!
Dear all, Thanks for stopping by and leave your lovely comment. I suggest you to give a try, it look difficult but in actual fact, it is not !! The important thing is you need to know your Oven !! adjust the right temp, and am sure you can make this too..
Bakeling, can make about 25pcs (50cent coin size). When I did, I double up the ingredients.
Ah Wei, this is super sweet, I'm not appreciate this but my kids love it !!
Felvinc, sure, no problem to belanja you at Baby seafood restaurant since the price there is cheap, hahaha..
好漂亮的macarons ! Your photography skill has improved so much... good job !
wah! cantik sekali! I want this. Post to me :)
A full-timed housefly, Thanks for your compliments.
Jane, friend, glad to hear from you, already back home? looking forward your new post !!
I've been procrastinating making these for a few reasons. 1. super sweet 2. lots of failure. Wish I could find some courage real soon to try this. Your macs look great!
Looks great and not many ingredients used. But I guess it is not that easy to make. May take some time to master it.
You made IT!!! I love macarons! So cool that you and Felvin have mastered the technique. Only if I could get my wife to try.
Love the photos! Last photo is my favorite!
Wow perfect!! Congrats on your success!
These look so good, well done!
Sonia, everytime I need reassurance that the baking world is still whole and wonderful, I come here. You are such a positive influence and a wonderful human being! I love how talented you are in the kitchen and you are always my pick-me-up when I get bummed in my own kitchen. Thank you my dear cooking friend! =)
Congrats on your successful attempt! I have read that many bloggers had to try several times to get it right, and I don't even have the courage to try it ;p
Blessed homemaker, Pete,LCOM, taste traveller, Thanks for stopping by and leave with lovely words.
Colin,quickly ask Faye to do for you. Ya, I like the last shot too.
Happy Homebaker, never try never know! try it out!! I bet you will success in one day.
What a nice success!! Your macarons have 'feet'. I read that successful macarons must have it. Congrats!
OMG!! You already had success at just the second attempt!!?? It took me 4 tries!! Now, there's no luck of me succeeding ... Haven't tried macs for ages ... Sigh ...
Cute and lovely macaroons....
May I know where do you get the almond powder?
Hi Sonia, really happy & appreciated to find yr blog. I got i question, what is the recipe if i wanna make plain macaron by following Chocolate Macaron's method. Thanks
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