I have so long did not bake this yogurt sponge cake, see my old post
here. This is one of the cake that I learn to bake when I start interest on baking.
-I like cake with fresh fruit, this cake tasted very refreshing, full of fruity flavours..the sponge cake is not too sweet and not oily at all, furthermore this cake can be store in the freezer, you can serve this as a dessert too.
-The mango mousse was adapted from
Happy Home Baking, but made little changes on it because I run out of yogurt, so i replaced it with yogurt drink.
Yogurt sponge cup cake with Mango mousse
(printable recipe)
Yogurt sponge cup cake
4 egg yolks (medium)
10g Castor sugar
4 egg whites (medium)
60g Castor sugar
1tsp corn flour
120g Natural yogurt (or other flavours)
60g Cake flour/Superfine flour
10g Corn flour
40g Corn oil
1) Beat egg yolks and sugar till thick and pale in color, add in yogurt and mix well, set aside.
2) Beat egg white until foamy, gradually add in sugar and continue beat till fluffy. Add in corn flour and beat till soft peaks.
3) Stir a big spoonful of egg whites mixture into the egg yolk batter and gently stir with hand whisk to lighten the batter.
4) Then with a spatula, scoop gradually the remaining egg whites mixture and fold well with egg yolk batter.
5) Sift cake flour and corn flour, and gradually fold into batter.
6) Last add in corn oil and fold gently into batter.
7) Bake in pre-heat oven at 160c for 25mins if using paper cups(40mins if using baking pan).
Mango mousse filling300g fresh mango (use sweet, ripped fruits)
2 tablespoons caster sugar
140g yogurt drink or fresh milk
1 tbsp and 2tsp gelatin powder
60ml water
1. Measure water in a bowl, sprinkle gelatine into water, set aside for 10mins.
2. Melt in a bowl over a pot of simmering hot water, set aside to cool.
3. Blend mangoes, sugar and yogurt until smooth.
4. Add in gelatine solution to the mixture, mix well.
To assemble the cake- trims off some sponge cake from the cup, spoon mango mousse filling to cover the cup cake. Leave to chill in the fridge for several hours or till set. Keep the cake in the fridge before serving.
My note- To bake the cup cakes first and set aside till cool to room temperature, then only start to prepare mango mousse filling.
-it is normal when sponge cake shrink a bit after baked

-trim off some cake and cover with mango mousse filling. In order not to waste, you can just mix the excess cake and balance mango mousse together, and it become a yummy mango cake pudding !! try it out.