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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chocolate Milk Buns 巧克力牛奶面包

After I did the Chicken and Potatoes Curry Milk Buns, I have fall in love with this bread recipe. I continue to make two batch of breads using this recipe, one is plain milk buns or Kopitiam milk buns ( I was impressed with the softness of this bread again !!) and this chocolate milk buns as my kids prefer to have chocolate flavours.

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Chocolate Milk Buns 巧克力牛奶面包
(recipe source: modified from earlier recipe)
*makes 12 buns

Overnight sponge dough
215g high protein flour
bread copy 125g full cream milk (cold)
2g instant yeast (1/2tsp)

1.         Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients to a rough dough by hands , the dough is dry and rough and don't need to knead till pass window pane. Cover tightly with cling film and immediately store in the fridge for overnight (at least 12hours).

To prepare chocolate dough
1 quantity of above overnight sponge dough
90g high protein flour
30g egg (1/2 large egg)
4g instant yeast (1tsp)
3g fine salt (1/2tsp)
50g sugar
45g butter (room temperature)
3tbsp milk (cold)
10g cocoa powder

70g chocolate chips


1.Tear the overnight sponge dough into pieces and add all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, knead till smooth dough.
2. Add in the butter and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Add in chocolate chips and fold it to combine with the dough. Cover with cling film and set aside to proof till double in size.
3.Punch down the dough to expel air, equal divide the dough and shape into round balls, and place into the baking pan. Let is proof for another 30-45mins.
4.Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 20-25mins (egg wash is not required).

This recipe is quite straight forward, i bet every mom can make this buns at home. Lets come make our own buns ! Our family health is our happiness !! 

bread2 copy


Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia,

TQ for sharing the recipe. Was wondering, was the overnite sponge very dry and shaggy, given that there is so much flour and so little liquid? It wouldn't even form a dough right? TQ

Lori said...

Wow, these sound delicious! You can never go wrong with chocolate. What a great treat.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, yes, the overnite sponge is very dry but still able to form a rough dough. Don't worry about the look, this overnight is to make the bread soft and moist.

Joceline Lor said...


PH said...

Wah, Sonia now I so semangat want to bake buns ler....Must go find the high protein flour first :)

Baby Sumo said...

I like your words "Our family health is our happiness !!" :) Will bookmark this recipe, thanks.

Jozelyn Ng said...

Sounds easy to make the bun when I read your procedures...it has been a very long time I leave my bread maker in the store room...may be I should try this!

Unknown said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Me also loves chocolate...

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia,
Tried the milk buns recipe. Very satisfied.Soft and moist. This is the best recipe I've come across. Definitely a keeper! Thank you for sharing.
From: jas

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

For the overnight sponge dough, how long do I need to knead using stand mixer? Need to knead until window pane stage? After kneading, do I immediately store into fridge, or need to wait for it to proof first?
Thank you.

SuetHoon#雪雯 said...

Dear Sonia, thanks for your sharing.^_^

Karen said...

Agreed with your words sonia, nowaday i also love to make bread for my family, more healthy :)

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Just realise that you have been making many bread lately! Don't know why my laptop is responding very slow when visiting friends' blog. "Charm lah," after resting for so long, even the laptop is getting lazy liao.

Unknown said...

Sonia, thanks for your recipe. xi.... will try to make the sponge dough tonight.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

Sonia, 这个面包真的很赞! 那天你向我推荐后, 我已经做了两次了, 还没有时间上贴子。 这个巧可力的也在我的list里!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous (may I know your name please?), please check the recipe, I have included the details.

Unknown said...

Agreed that homemade bread is healthy. Great idea of making chocolate version to please the kids :)

Sem said...

After seeing your lovely curry buns, I have finally made these kopitiam buns. I have to agree it is the best recipe so far I have made, soft and fluffy.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, your chocolate bun look very soft and fluffy. Homemade bread is still the best especially during baking the aroma is so fragrant. I seldom buy from bakery, prefer to make my own. :))

Have a nice day.

Veronica said...

I totally agree that this overnight sponge dough does make the texture of the bread softer. Your chocolate buns look so beautiful, bet your kids were very happy. Tanks for sharing.

mui mui said...

Hi Ah Chi,
Agreed with your words.
Since i know how to make buns and bread i always make my own.

Since you highly recommend this recipe i must try it :)

Between I have received your parcel today. Thank you so much for the lovely gifts. I love it very much.


0620 said...

We all love homemade healthy buns ^^
I am going to make toast again, hehe!!

茵茵 said...

I love homemade bread! Can I have one, please? The milk bottle is so cute!

Esther Lau said...

I like this straight forward recipe too ;) The chocolate chips make these buns perfect!!!!

lclim said...

Hi Sonia
Can i make this recipe to wholemeal bread. Will it still be fluffy n moist.

CQUEK said...

Love the flavor combination!

Min said...

Yeah, I agree with you! Lets make healthy bread at home, although it may need some time. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Sis! How could I miss out your chicken and potatoes curry milk bun? Look absolutely beautiful with the pandan leaves!

My kids would love this chocolate version!

divya said...

Looks superb and nice clicks

Little Corner of Mine said...

Love these milk buns! I have been saying adding milk makes the bun soft.

Elaine said...

Good morning Ms Sonia
Thanks for sharing. A BIG yes to making our own bread- much healthy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I made the curry version last week. It really turned out very nice and soft. Friends commented the same too.
Plan to make another batch this weekend.
Thanks for always sharing nice recipes with us.

Liliana Tan

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day! These look terrific Sonia, true!
They are now on my list to do!
Cheers! Joanne
Looking for some love on FB too http://www.facebook.com/whatsonthelist

Little blue said...

can i have one soft bun??!! long time didn't making buns....

Angie's Recipes said...

They look so soft and great!

jehanne@thecookingdoctor said...


Lite Home Bake said...

I must agree that this is indeed a very good bread dough recipe. I tried out after reading your curry chicken buns. It was delicious, thanks for the sharing!

Ambreen (Simply Sweet n Savory) said...

Fantastic buns, simply delicious!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I can't wait to start baking bread this fall (when kids are in school). You have many recipes that I want to give a try, Sonia! :)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , those chocolate buns look perfectly-baked ! No wonder your kids loves them - so soft and fluffy and best eaten with cold milk or milky coffee :D

Alice said...

my kids will love this, I must try
thks for sharing, Sonia :)

lena said...

now you made me want to go and make some buns..have not been making these kind of sweet buns for some time..

Anonymous said...

hi, i am joanne, love your chocolate buns recipe, may i know can i still follow your recipe for this but without the overnite sponge method? thanks for your advice :)

Mandy Khoo said...

Hi just make the chocolate mill bun using ur recipe but all the chocolate chips melt n blend with the dough. After baked cant see the chips at all.. can advice how to keep d chips even after baked?? Tq

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, just to check with you...i am confused. I read fr somewhere that yeast needs warm water to start them working. Will cold milk in this recipe work? Thanks!


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mandy,maybe your oven temp is a bit high, try to reduce and see how.

Alicia, yes, it still work without soak yeast in warm water. Actually this recipe using cold milk or water is for the bread has slower fermentation and develop nice bread aroma..Once you have done with the final dough, put near to warm place to let is rise, the yeast will active again and generate nice bread. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Thx Sonia! U r my saviour! 😊


Chong sun sun said...

Hi Sonia, my overnite dough was quite dry and it is not double in size even i put overnite in my fridge. Is this normal? Thanks a lot.

Sun sun

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sun Sun, yes, this should be the way, we need slow fermentation in the fridge for moist texture of bread .

Anonymous said...

Hi sonia

Anonymous said...

If I'm using bread maker, do I need store in fridge for overnight?
Tq, Lynn;-)

Kyle and Mommy said...

Hi, I have never baked bread and would like to try this recipe. May I ask 1) what is meant by knead past window pane?

Kyle and Mommy said...

2) how long does it take to proof until the dough double it's size?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, I tried baked this but all my choc chips melted before it was baked and the bun turned hard after the next day. Not sure what went wrong? Any idea?
Thanks / Janice

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Janice, you can try to first keep the choc chips in the freezer to harden so it is easy to incorporate with the dough, and try to keep choc chips hidden inside the dough to avoid it get melts. Keep these buns in an air-tight container to prevent it turned hard.

Nic said...

Hi Sonia. I just bought a kitchen aid to bake bread. I started baking the famous killer toast but failed. Eveytime I want to blame my kitchen aid for not able to knead my dough to smooth and elastic or window pane. Tonight, I tried your recipe and my kitchen aid was able to knead a very nice and smooth and even window pane dough. So I finally have confident in this stand mixer. It didn't disappoint me. And I believe your recipe is very easy to read and follow. I want to thank you as finally my bread turned out soft. The softness which I was looking for so long. But I have one problem. I baked my bread using the 3D hot air heating option. I am.not sure whether is this heating caused my crisp of my bread became hard. The inner bread layer is still soft. Anything wrong with my heating? Should I use top and bottom heating options? Tha ks for your help.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nic, I am not sure what you meant by 3D hot air , anyway when baking bread, just use top and bottom heat but no fan forced .

Nic said...

Hi Sonia. I think it is fan forced. Does cover with damp towel while proofing for 2nd time helps prevent the top of the dough from drying? I will be baking some more bread using your recipe tonight. ☺

HM said...

Hi Sonia, I just started to follow through your sourdough starter process and I am just wondering if I was to make this chocolate milk buns using the sourdough starter, how much starter dough should I be using to replace the overnight sponge dough in this recipe ya? Thanks in advance!

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